con77 ago

I hope it becomes a weekly occurrence

mediaisfooked ago

I have it..and I agree with what I read...which is probably 10%. That is what I read is 10%. Don't know how to copy magnet so you can get via torrent file,

WatchListMe ago

I hope so! I know a couple guys who talked about doing something similar but they both have kids so not a credible threat. Pipe dreams, but someday who knows.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I was hoping for a chain reaction.

8_billion_weiners ago

ITT: People who are just as bad as extremist Muslims but pretend to have the high ground.

NiggerVirus ago

For 500 Alex

Sburban_Shitposter ago

this post glows more than chernobyl

Merlynn ago

Why shoot muslims when jews are problem? Why kill randos when you know who needs a bullet?

goatboy ago

It seems like hanging imams would be more effective.

NiggerVirus ago

You've thought about this before!

goatboy ago

No. I just pulled that out of my ass. It seems like an easier way to go.

NiggerVirus ago

Not a bad plan

goatboy ago

The lesson of the bees.

ex-redd ago

high probability

NiggerVirus ago

My only suggestion is keep kids out of it at all cost. Kids are not targets, they still have hope.

InediblePear ago

Muslim kids are future rapists and terrorists they need to be put down before they reproduce.

NiggerVirus ago

There's Sound logic in that I just couldn't hurt a child or condone it.

InediblePear ago

A bullet to the head is more humane then the things other Muslims will do to them

ex-redd ago

what? Who is bringing kids into anything?

oh, to "potential copy cats" I guess?--there is no worse bone to toss a propagandist as a dead kid, any way you look at it.

NiggerVirus ago

The only reason I mentioned that is because the news said " young people were killed" and I don't know what that means yet but if its kids I don't condone it.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Be the change you want to be in the world!

NiggerVirus ago

I do this through redpilling myself and family

TriG_G ago

Take action my brother

NiggerVirus ago

Not going to happen .

TriG_G ago

Why not you want change right?

NiggerVirus ago

I participated in a lot of violent acts when I was in the service. I'm done with that unless we see civil war. In that case I will reactivate myself.

TriG_G ago

Do the world a favor and put a bullet in your head

NiggerVirus ago

Why would you say that to me? I'm not your enemy man. Know your enemy.

MassTooter ago

I'd rather see dead politicians. Why attack these people when we can vote them out once we get rid of the traitors? Attacks on them will lead to more attacks on us and more dead white people. I hope attacks will be on the politicians that did this to us instead and then we'll simply put the Muslims on a bus or plane. Problem solved with minimal dead white people.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

spot on but let's do all the "attacking" at the Ballot Box. The Right needs to get more politically organised.

Warnos44 ago

Read the manifesto. He did it to cause more issues and stress to push people to change. No one comfortable is going to make a change.

RealBiggly ago

Do we have a link for the manifesto, as I presumed it's already been censored as fuck?

CrazyAssCrackas2019 ago

It's really not even the politicians we see on TV anymore - It's actually the ((small group of people)) behind most powerful American politicians that are responsible.

MassTooter ago

Well then, you know what to do. ;) haha

CrazyAssCrackas2019 ago

Yes, hardcore promote expelling kikes from The USA online and hope that isn't enough to get me killed :)

Thelegend27tons ago

Yes, Just like we will see another school shooting, another fatherless shooter, and another nigger shooter

thebearfromstartrack ago

Who cares? Go home and you won't see a SINGLE one by us.

Shekelsteinblatt ago

Not likely. The importation #'s isn't high enough. The political clout of Jew + Muslim isn't high enough to warrant the hate-speech laws to enable the Sub-Saharan migration yet.

We will likely see many mass-shootings to garner support for gun legislation from the left and demoralized right, but it won't outright target Muslims; likely a few school shootings and the like. This one was just a deflection from the news of Israel bombing Gaza. Notice how he used a bunch of /pol/ memes and data but failed to name the Jew? Mighty Cohencidence...

The demographics are being changed in the USA and the D.C. elite ruling class needs the proles disarmed, so this type of thing will be used to justify, in a social-engineering perspective; the disarming of the populace, because (((they))) know that the browns can't behave nor be trusted with arms. The Republic is de-facto gone.

Expect many mass shootings to garner support for the abolishment of the 2nd. Demographics are destiny.

Warnos44 ago

I personally heard the Jew being named loud and clear.

SushiMasa ago

They bomb Gaza every day though

NiggerVirus ago

You my friend are an enlightened man

Kingssman ago

As long as the mosque shooter doesn't happen in america as that will only fuel more restrictive 2a rights

Warnos44 ago

That's what is needed though.

cantaloupe6 ago

The Muller report is coming out, it's got nothing. A lot of corruption is being exposed - like the child trafficking identified by 8chan - so one or more FFs were very likely.

Crisco_McFlow ago

Why just mosques? Don't forget about the synagogues, goyim.

CrazyAssCrackas2019 ago

Neither will ACTUALLY fix the problem.

The solution for getting rid of synagogues and mosques in White countries is through D.C.

Crisco_McFlow ago

Don't get rid of the scum that would otherwise destroy our way of life, values, and communities? Rely on a government that supports this scum?

Eat shit, rabbi.

CrazyAssCrackas2019 ago

I want nothing more than for our lands to be cleansed of non-European filth.

I just don't see lone wolf attacks against synas/mosques as being more important to promote than "expel Jews"

From what I've read from my fellow crackas like you, the key is kikes.

If we were able to unite as much as possible and expel Jews from The USA and then other majority White countries, we could pretty much do whatever we wanted.

The only thing stopping White Power from becoming the norm again in The USA is Jews.


Or did I miss some redpills?

I am pro-rid muzzies and niggers etc from our lands.

I just think it's actually fucking possible if we expelled kiked first haha

Crisco_McFlow ago

You need to unify with your brethren in your community. Unity is strength and your community is all you actually have. Nothing will be accomplished through "the system". That time has passed and the time for preparation is almost over. It's time for blood, soon the tide will change and the streets will run red with the blood of both friends and enemies. A lone martyr is nothing, but if a community follows the path of said martyr you'll have a revolution.

CrazyAssCrackas2019 ago

Neither will ACTUALLY gix the problem.

The real solution to synagogues and mosques in White countries is through D.C.

BuffaloTheDude ago

I don't like Islam but I can't get behind wanting people to die because of their ideology like several of you goats have.

NiggerVirus ago

I think many on voat play up their hate a little for fun.

WhitePaladin ago

Member for 8 days, lol

NiggerVirus ago

Should I magically make it 3 years?

Bottled_Tears ago

Idk how I feel about how the internet is so positive about all of this. I wish there was a different approach but legally they're destroying this world.

NiggerVirus ago

Sometimes reality is a very hard pill to swallow

SIayfire122 ago

Either we see several more, or we see none. With human nature, no one wants to be the first guys. You already have the "leader" to kick it all off. If we have a second mosque shooting in the near future, then we'll have our first follower. After that, more and more people will likely join in. Alternatively, just like the synagogue shooting back in October, it'll be forgotten by the right and lead to nothing.

The key difference between this guy and the synagogue shooter is this guy did it right. He had a manifesto to tell people exactly what the believed in, instead of "angry racist white dude kills people he hates." He also had the live stream which makes it more personable. He also had a much higher kill count. In my opinion, this guy has a good chance of having copy-cats, but if there's one copycat, there will be more.

Here's a quote from his manifesto:

No group ordered my attack, I make the decision myself. Though I did contact the reborn Knights Templar for a blessing in support of the attack, which was given.


I am not a direct member of any organization or group, though I have donated to many nationalist groups and have interacted with many more.

Thus, you have groups he interacted with and likely share common beliefs, and you have a group that directly knew about and agreed with his attack. This means that there are likely multiple groups that have a personal connection with him and are willing to make a follow up to his attack.

TL;DR, This guy has a high chance of having followup attacks by other people, whether copycats or groups he interacted with. But if there are no other attacks before this shooting is forgotten, then virtually nothing would have changed.

Warnos44 ago

I think there will be a domino effect.

He had the blessing.

There will be more.

NiggerVirus ago

Thanks for the well thought out response. Do you know where I can find his manifesto?

SIayfire122 ago copy <<< Download it now because they'll probably remove it copy <<< This one has a better chance of staying up, but still download the above version.

Magnetic Torrent Link

Text version

Also, just in case you haven't seen it or don't have it saved, here copies of his video!/v/gabriel-ds/o0m4io5c

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ArcturianDeathTrap ago

Checked with two different browsers, the copy isnt showing anything beyond page 3

SIayfire122 ago

Weird. It seems like all the copies are like that. Whatever though. It seems like the version is staying up.

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King_Leopold_II ago

Do you want me to stop the notifications when I link your comment?

SIayfire122 ago

Naw. I like seeing how it spreads.

King_Leopold_II ago

K. The voat anitspam thing is getting annoying though lol.

SIayfire122 ago

You don't have to if it's getting annoying. It's just not annoying me.

King_Leopold_II ago

It's fine I'm not going to stop. Was just commenting on how when you use the same copypasta it says you've said the same thing recently, try not to use same material blah blah blah.

SIayfire122 ago

Here. Put random characters after the "?" in the url

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Doglegwarrior ago

In all seriousness the gaurds that have any sense of nationalizm or pride need to sneak girls in and let this legend impregnate them need more legends like this. And then future lessons would know they would get to pass their seed on not get 40 virgins in heave actualy get real girls in the real world. Maybe kidnap some virgin muslim girls let him bang them.

Royal_Sequence ago

If they are virgin Muslim girls they aren't going to be old enough to impregnate.

NiggerVirus ago

Ha ha I like your thinking

Doglegwarrior ago

I dont want to say how i really feel about this question ok ;)

Gorillion ago

I'm wondering if much like school shootings this will inspire others to act in kind in the near future.

7 day account.

Yeah, go fuck yourself, jew.

NiggerVirus ago

So am I magically supposed to have an older account?

anamericantale ago

no. but it's almost like you were 'planned' so no ones listening to you.

good luck with your ccp.

NiggerVirus ago

What do you mean by planned?

anamericantale ago

this is nigger tier retarded.

you started your account days ago.

a happening happened a few days later.

you have no credibility now, and will be downvoted to oblivion (I hope).

NiggerVirus ago

Honestly I don't understand what you are saying. You must be one of them Q people.

anamericantale ago

confirmed paid shill doesn't understand ccp or account creation dates.

NiggerVirus ago

I understand it, do you not want me to post certain things or something? I don't understand what your point is, that's what I don't understand.

anamericantale ago

no, this place is for free speech. post whatever you want. It won't be deleted, and u/spez isn't here to rewrite your comments.

NeoGoat ago

member for 7 days @crensch

roznak ago

Not impressed.

The shooter is a loser, he took the easiest target, in the easiest country with no risk to his health and no risk to even get e prison sentences. Probably 100 hours of community service.

Someone has to slam this shooter in his face for such a lame attempt.

jthun2 ago

Yeah, murdering people while praying is not inspiring. Take on a Paki street gang or rape gang and you'd have a HELL of a lot more sympathy from the average person.

NiggerVirus ago

I don't know anything about him so I have yet to form an opinion on the man. The act I have mixed feelings about.

roznak ago

If the shooter would not have been a coward then he would have picked a target that really did have extremists. Of course he may not have survived it.

All he did was show that he is as cowardice as any ISIS terrorists are. He shot random people not knowing if they were innocent or guilty. Not impressed, not even outraged. All I think is what a moron this shooter is.

NiggerVirus ago

Maybe his thinking was fire with fire.

roznak ago

That is the exact same reasoning of ISIS terrorists. He is just like them.

NiggerVirus ago

So we agree

roznak ago

He is definitely not a hero

SonOfRobin ago

No. White people tend to try to out do each other.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

It's possible. I don't agree with the tactic. Killing random people isn't going to solve anything. It will make no difference in policy.

In fact, in the soon to be caliphate states of the #EU, whites are going to be targets for the muzzies and the government, with Ramadan right around the corner.

The migrants will keep coming until the EU is broken up, and the cabal that runs it is shut down. Until then, things are only going to get worse.

Heer_me_roar ago

Killing random people isn't going to solve anything.

I saw a documentary on the old IRA, and they had a couple of old timers who had fought in the troubles. They made it very clear that they only hit military and political targets to win the optics war.

CrazyAssCrackas2019 ago

Are you saying the solution is more along the lines of powerful targets and not randoms

jthun2 ago

Quite right. Butchering defenceless people in a mosque is terrible from many perspectives.

Better targets: take out one of the Arab clans that runs crime in Germany. They number in the hundreds, so you will need 50+ men to do it. Annihilate an entire clan, torture the leaders to death and send their body parts to the other clans.

That would be a worthy target.

Another target: the Freemasons and other idiots who are setting up this whole mess. No Joe Sixpack type person will give a shit if a bunch of Freemasons are whacked.

Warnos44 ago

Did you read the manifesto?

Korinthian ago

Of course. More and more young men are coming to the realization that they live for nothing, and when presented with the opportunity to die for something, will eagerly pursue it.

Charlez6 ago

We've all seen what happens to women who have been utterly destroyed by modern social decline. Fat, childless, unmarried, bitter, unlovable, scoffing down antidepressants and celebrating the abortions of their irresponsible Tinder 'dates'. They hit 35, realise they've ruined their lives, and they break.

Well what about when the men break? We can only be placated by easy sex for so long. What about when the men hit the wall, whenever that is for us, and realise we fucked up and have nothing to lose, too?

I think the world is soon to find what happens when a generation of White men realise they have nothing to live for: They discover something to die for.

lexsird ago

men only hit the wall if they are old and broke

PaulNeriAustralia ago

we shouldn't be searching for scapegoats for our own failures or bad luck. The muslim issue is but an eruption in the tectonic struggle between the ideologies of Left and Right. The Muslims are merely pawns for the Progressives who use them, with their outrageous customs and values, to taunt and provoke Conservatives which is to say the real enemy is the enemy within. The way to win is to register to vote and to vote Right.

RedditSuxBalls ago

With all due respect but fuckwits having existential quarter life to middle age crisis’s doesn’t have anything to do with Islam. I suppose that you could name the Gay and blame Jews for the meaningless of the post-modernist consumer driven world what we live in that makes us giddy and cry but even that comes up as fucking lame. Since most Jews seem to be just as fucked if not more so due to the fact of, well, being born Jewish. From my experience, although that’s probably just what they want you to think.

Sorry but you got to be some sort of nutter to go around killing people when you could just buy a fucking motorcycle for fuck’s sake. Or at least fucking selfish if not psychotic. And the vast majority of people are not that, and white people especially if your argument is that white people are better than your average savage cunt, which I think it is.

Maybe it just takes one cunt to get the ball rolling, I dunno. But I just don’t think that that is the case.

Charlez6 ago

The midlife crisis thing has long been the domain of a fringe group of men. Divorcees and never-married men who are desperately clinging to their youth.

But what happens when this view becomes mainstream? When there is an entire generation of young men growing up having never found a decent wife, never had a stable family, maybe even having been pushed out of the workforce by underskilled niggers being paid under the table. In Rotherham alone, ignoring all other factors, we know there will be thousands of lower class White men deprived of good women because thousands of girls have been gang-raped and tortured by up to 70 invaders.

A motorcycle won't make that go away. Easy, casual sex is losing its appeal, so that won't be able to keep men docile for much longer.

The men without children become desperate to create a legacy, something decent and beautiful, but realise they have had this possibility stripped away from them. The men with children become desperately guilty over the shithole they have left for their children to inherit and impatient to correct it.

It all sounds a little dramatic now, but 20 years ago the extraordinary proportion of broken women would have seemed absurd too. We'll see.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

This reminds me of Maggie Thatcher closing the coal pits and throwing thousands of men onto the scrap heap. Every generation has its losers (not said unkindly) and the white semi-skilled male seems to be this generation's loser (Hillary's "deplorable"). So perhaps what we are seeing is simply social evolution (like Maggie's miners), which is no comfort to those caught in the turbulence of change, and with the advent of robots it won't just be men left high and dry and jobless. I don't know what the answer is save that in these difficult times Government should be careful not to provide the down and out, the demoralised, the resentful and fearful, with ready made scapegoats.

jthun2 ago

"Since most Jews seem to be just as fucked if not more so due to the fact of, well, being born Jewish."

No, the orthodox are just fine. They aren't succumbing to the crap that hollywood puts out. Their women have 7 kids each.

CrazyAssCrackas2019 ago


Phantom42 ago

Lol, this.

I'm 19 and waiting on a genuine new Reich to come about, so at least I might die for something than rot in a nursing home at the hands of Danisha.

TriG_G ago

Then kill yourself

DeadFox ago

I hope he kills you instead.

Shotinthedark ago

I support this statement

NiggerVirus ago

Interesting way to put it

matthew-- ago

No. Deep state agents are expensive. It takes a lot of time and money to create someone like this guy. And they also have to be willing to sit in prison for a long time.

Reddit-is-kill ago

I don't know. But it wouldn't hurt to start a go fund me to see if anyone is willing to fund such a venture.

Commie_Meta ago

Certainly. The Sunnis, Shiites, Wahabbis, Taliban, etc. are always attacking each other.

TriG_G ago

This guy knows

fusir ago

Wahabbis are Sunni. They are an extreme form of Sunni.

Phantom42 ago

All the same to me.

NiggerVirus ago

Good point

Goathole ago

I'm pretty sure that sand niggers can't keep themselves from raping so.....yeah. Someone going to go out gunning for some more.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I'd wager yes, probably somewhere between 13 to 15 days... I'll go ahead and lay money down on right around that time frame...

Shotinthedark ago

What's a glow in the dark nigger?

tokui ago

I hope you're joking. Is this your sleeper acct?

Shotinthedark ago

Yeah that it!

SIayfire122 ago

The guy was an absolute genius with a computer, but had severe mental handicaps. The dude thought God talked to him through computers and he literally wrote his own operating system from the ground up, called TempleOS.

anamericantale ago

'intelligence agencies'

i probably should have just put the quotes around intelligence, because they were bought a long, long time ago.

sad that we should see valor, honor, and freedom corrupted for meaningless pieces of paper.

the enemy within before the enemy without.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago


Shotinthedark ago

So just a a nigger then?

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Specially trained niggers that specifically target us. I've met two in person. Always want to plan some stupid shit. Like a competent white guy needs a team...

NiggerVirus ago

How much do you wager?

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

The future of the white race.

Warnos44 ago

I'm with you, EH. My husband doesn't believe it. I told him, this is the beginning of the end, and the beginning of the beginning.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Conserve seeds. If it comes down to it, we have a responsibility to ensure people get fed.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I hope so!


Let's pray.

tokui ago

It'll be a contest.

We're more civilized: we just put them down. The muzzies torture.

jthun2 ago

wait, why are we ruling out torture? I think the Pakis in the UK who raped all the children in Rotherham (etc) deserve brutal torture.

TriG_G ago

Do you have autism?

Tb0n3 ago

Your mindset is just as barbaric.

Seventh_Jim ago

No. Its more ruthless, but clean, efficient killing is definitively less barbaric. You're just a pussy.

Tb0n3 ago

No. I'm just not a monster.

Seventh_Jim ago

You fundamentally misunderstand the battlefield then.

I'm sure your grandchildren will appreciate your humanity while their throats are being sliced open not being the right kind of 57 varieties of islam.

Base311 ago

Your mindset is defeated. You either accept Islam invading your country or fight it. There is no compromise.

Tb0n3 ago

You don't have the IQ enough to conceptualize more than two options?

Base311 ago

le intelligent reddit iq tolerance

They don't give a fuck what type of grand compromise you come up with. To Islam you will convert by the sword or lose your head once their influence and population takes over an area.

CrazyAssCrackas2019 ago

What's the other option? Voting in the US seems so futile when kikes run everything of importance...

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago


AmaleksHairyAss ago

yes! I'm usually the last person to predict an attack, but these things always happen in clusters. The sociological conditions required for an incident like this to happen effect whole groups of people.

As for those who want it to happen, fuck you.

NiggerVirus ago

Fuck Muslims. They want me to die so I want them to die, that's how this world works. I wish it wasn't that way but it is that way none the less, realities a bitch.

Shotinthedark ago

I agree! Wish they were more like niggers and killed each other more.

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

I hope so. Many more.

demonlord20 ago

Such a horrible thing to say

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Fuck off, fucking jew. Go to Somalia and get raped.

demonlord20 ago

How about no

Numnum_ ago

"people" lol

OmarComin ago

Real tough guy over here, cheering the murder of defenseless people praying.

Fuck you.

juicedidwtc ago

They chose to join a homicidal death cult. We are cheering that their cult got a taste of its own medicine

PaulNeriAustralia ago

but won't "tit" inevitably follow..."tat"?

DeadFox ago

No such thing as an innocent invader

everef ago

Whatever. No one actually gives a fuck about them unless a white guy kills them.

Intrixina ago

What's defenseless about a place of worship that has supported ISIS in the past, has a cache of weapons, and has believers which believe that "the infidel" must be destroyed?

lazyusername ago

Can you expand on that I have people I want to rub this in their face.

Intrixina ago

Look up the whole concept of islamist jihad.

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Come try, hero.

If you’re American, you don’t deserve to be.

ruck_feddit ago

People? Koranimals aren't fucking people.

SlikSiwik ago

Yikes didn't realize being a shitty person had any relation to skin color. Glad to see people like you exist.

HitlersMomWasAJew ago

Oh wait you're serious

ianadba ago

Koranimals don't have to be any particular color, shape or size. They just have to compulsively worship a pedophile murdering thief and memorize the entirety of his crazy rants in his native tongue.

SlikSiwik ago

Til people born into a religion that you dont like means they should die.

Im well aware of the shit thats in the Quran. But how does that all justify a massacure of 40 people? The video is disgusting.

auto_turret ago

The video and act was glorious and honorable. When you know you're doing the right thing, you have no fear.

ianadba ago

The shit in the Koran is regularly used to justify the brutal oppression and killing of minority religions in Muslim countries. Look at Nigeria, Coptic churches in Egypt, Christians and Hindi in Pakistan, or even the untouchable neighborhoods of Paris and London. Every time a Muslim commits mass murder, the apologists come out in force and excuse the behavior as not representative of the general populace. How much did YOU protest when tweens were blown to shit at a concert in England. Did you speak up? I didn't think so. This is a cultural war that will last for generations. Which side are you on?

SlikSiwik ago

Yes I did, its tragedy when those people died as it is now. Killing people in a place of worship is not some glorious act against the oppressor, its just a disgusting massacre of people who couldnt defend thenselves. These people specifically have nothibg to do with that bombing. Theyre just everyday people with their own problems, hopes and dreams. Then some random asshole walks in and takes it all away from them to push his fucking agenda. Like ignore the politics and watch the video. Its horrifying. What if it were your family?

lazyusername ago

It doesn't it has to do with ideology, faggot.

SlikSiwik ago

Not everyone within the ideology commits atrocities. They're just trying to live day to day like you and me. Killing innocent people born into a different religion is fucking stupid.

lazyusername ago

Not everyone, but an absurdly high percentage commit atrocities, or are privy to knowledge about people who do and what's going on in their community, yet they do nothing to stop it. Do yourself a favor and look up polls on how your every day islamic person views actions against infidels. If they're not pulling the trigger they know who is and are okay with it. Was a story about this mosque a few years back with 40+ being under investigation for ties to ISIS so I guarentee everybody in that mosque knew about it to some degree.

altident ago

Guns and explosives have been found at this mosque in the past.

SlikSiwik ago

So every person in that mosque deserved to die? They all were apart of it? How does that even justify that? Did the people in the streets deserve to die too? Because simply this retard with a gun decided to go on a killing spree in this town.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Lol this guy is legit retarded. Put that extra chromosome to good use and get a hobby, friend.

altident ago

Yeah you're probably right. Since every house of worship stores caches of weapons without anyone in the congregation knowing, it's highly likely that this was a completely innocent group of religion of peacers. Zero chance that the Imams in this mosque were preaching extremism and domination like we consistently see throughout the western world.

ruck_feddit ago

Let me go one step further and say the only tragedy here is his timing was off. There weren't any women and children there.

tokui ago

You're in the wrong neighborhood.

<<<<< Rebbit, Joobuch, Twat

ruck_feddit ago

I hope he sticks around. By summertime, he'll be researching oven rates and wooden doors.

ruck_feddit ago

I know, and in the current year!?!?! Being a koranimal isn't limited to skin color. Welcome to voat, niggerfaggot. Stick around, read, learn, and it won't be long before you feel great shame for posting that.

OmarComin ago

I dunno, I've been trolling here on and off for a while. You're all not as smart as you think you are. I'm not a racist now, despite seeing lots of dumb memes or whatever.

HitlersMomWasAJew ago

That's why your genes will end, and mine will not

SlikSiwik ago

Pretty much same boat, doubt I'll just magically turn into a racist because people on here are. But whatever, im just glad this site allows free speech unlike reddit.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

in a nutshell and that's why Voat will thrive and prosper while Reddit will wither - its vigour sapped by inbreeding.

mydadbeatupyourdad ago

You a reddit refugee or some shit? Member for only an hour and a half.

edgelord666 ago

@PuttItOut very fine people you have here on your great platform. Do you yourself hope that more muslims are murdered in the future? I'm just curious

AnongenesOfSinope ago

that shit you try on twitter and reddit doesn't work here retard. @edgelord666 you're a fag.

LarryBagelstein ago

Get off Voat you NPC faggot.

CameraCode ago

ruck_feddit ago

My name is edgelord666, and I am offended by your words.

edgelord666 ago

Not offended, merely congratulating Justin on his remarkable achievement and asking for his opinion on a topic. I didn't mean to "trigger" you this badly, I think you are overthinking things.

undertheshills ago

It is an impressive achievement we can talk about every angle good bad and Indifferent. Revenge, self preservation, false flag, crazy person, bad target. Read it all decide for yourself. Think out loud. Free speech is impressive so is putt.

edgelord666 ago

I believe that is what I stated

HitlersMomWasAJew ago



ruck_feddit ago

My name is edgelord666. Give me an hour to settle down from being triggered by peoples' behavior in the current year, and I'll appeal to authority in shaming your language.

tokui ago


Jay_Mac ago

Hello goy I'm here to feign interest but actually just subvert you.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

It depends on how much traction the jews get from this one. My bet is that the jews will find yet another way to break down society unless this all of a sudden gets big in some way.

NiggerVirus ago

I think this sends a real message. A strong warning and an example of what can happen if everyday people decide to fight back.

Shotinthedark ago

Or Pissed off loners decide to make a point.

dudelol ago

Id wager we see church fires sooner

thatguyiam ago

Oh, don't be sad, glowinthedark faggot. EVen if your 'inspiration' has no effect on others, there's always the next false flag.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


They wouldn't ant to conflate the narrative.

They'll hammer on this one for a month straight.

subscribetopewdiepie ago

Unless details of this case become inconvenient.

NiggerVirus ago

It's a very interesting and fluid world we live in. Everytime I feel like I know what will happen next I seem to be proven wrong.

Shotinthedark ago

That's life isn't it?

theoldones ago

use of force is the only thing of value to hold in this world.

lets hope we get some more

NiggerVirus ago

It's also the only thing that gets through to particular people.

Shotinthedark ago

I would like to see the same treatment of their women like which is done in Sweden,Germany, Italy and I guess everywhere a white girl is raped by a Muslim.

Charlez6 ago

Who in his right mind is going to rape a shitskin though? It doesn't really work the other way around.

Rawrination ago

If at all possible, do everything you can to live in peace with everyone. But don't forget to buy a "sword". Sell your clothes to buy one if you have to.

NiggerVirus ago

Every man should have a good folding pocket knife on him at all times at the very least

drhitler ago

everyman should know how to throw an axe or toma, shit is too easy way more consistent than knives

ruck_feddit ago

I don't disagree at all, but I'd hate to live somewhere that I'd ever need to worry about carrying something that did not contain powder and primers.

drhitler ago

welcome to my world

ruck_feddit ago

Like William Wallace and the rocks.

NiggerVirus ago

It's a good skill for sure.

Shotinthedark ago

I usually have 2 knives a gun, mace and a koubuton.

NiggerVirus ago

I often carry pistol, mace, stun gun and knife.

OmarComin ago

Oh whoa I found pictures of you guys online: