AmaleksHairyAss ago

Update? How are things?

baneofretail ago

How're things holding up?

Commie_Meta ago

Donate plasma (it's part of your blood). They pay you for it and supposedly it is not too bad for your health.

DeliciousOnions ago

Others here have already offered good advice, and I suggest you take it - especially Warnos44 and baneofretail - but I wanted to add a few things.

one other breadwinner is up and running fine still, but they'll be overtaxed most likely and will need some help for a bit.

Being overtaxed at work means that they won't have the energy or stamina to do much around the house. Do what you can to keep things going - take out garbage, prepare meals, clean up, etc. This will be a much bigger help than you could possibly expect! Help them focus on breadwinning, and they'll be able to sustain things much longer.

While it's not a bad idea to try breadwinning yourself - mowing lawns, waiting tables, whatever's appropriate and available for child tier work in your area - you'll never be making as much per hour of work than your primary breadwinners. Instead, look for things more valuable than an hour of pay. Help breadwinner #1 recover, make sure he's not trying to get up and do work before he should.

In my area, most local churches have food pantries. If not, check out the hispanic/asian food stores for good deals on staple foods. You'd be amazed at how far $5 of rice and dry beans can go! Throw in some sausage and canned tomatoes, you've got something tasty and nourishing for very little.

Goys-R-Us ago

Be like a nig and axe for gibs.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I don't know how old you are or your abilities. Home repair and plumbing is something you should only help with until you're fairly confident. A bad repair can cost much more. I'm assuming you're too young to get a real job, and that means you'll have to go around and offer to do odd jobs for money (not by holding up a cardboard sign) such as yard work. Think about things people around you want, that you can provide at a profit. Think about what you're good at, so good you can charge to do it. And be willing to work and work hard.


cracked his back and some ribs, and can barely walk, and likely cannot go to work for a while.

Torso bone injuries will limit all movement greatly. First hand experience. Except him to be very limited for a minimum of 1 month, and more likely 2 months before his movement is close to normal. 3 months before he can get back to full speed.

As others have mentioned, yard work is good work for young adults. Especially if your family owns the equipment, and a means to transport it to work site's. A clean-up/helper at your pops workplace is nice idea. Are you in an urban, or rural area? And do you have transportation, either on your own, by other, or public transportation available?

theoldones ago



In my opinion, one of the best things you can do for him for the first couple of weeks, is to simply be his "arms, and legs" so to speak, to bring him food, and drink, toss trash, and fetch stuff. Even simple things, like reaching to grab a phone will be tough for him. Keeping his movement to a minimum for the first few weeks will help his recovery, and reduce the odds of prolonging the injuries.

Warnos44 ago

Find ways to completely eliminate eating out. Get your meats on clearance, crock pot cook and freeze to keep from spoiling, then add to recipes during the week. Do a lot of rice/potato/home made bread for filling side items. You can save an enormous amount of money by planning meals and never eating out. Drink water only, no more sugar drinks. Consider growing some greens for salads since they're so pricey. Also tomatoes, cucumbers. You can container grow these.

Turn the thermostat to super energy savings. Wear more clothes to stay warmer.

The best paying job for young people , hands down, is waiting tables in a moderately nice restaurant that sells alcohol. You'll need to be good, though, unless you're physically attractive. People will still leave good tips if you're hot.

Yard work for people is great, you get paid cash, no taxation. I know it's not grass cutting time but it's not far away, well depending on where you live. But my area cost $80 for a small front/back yard to be cut and weed eat.

Good luck!

MarauderShields ago

Underrated reply right here. Look for under the radar, cash in hand to fill gaps while following the other goats advice on shadowing to skill up.

25Lighters ago

i would pray first, because i believe in it Then i would : Ask for work Collect cans Take things to the pawn shop if they cant be used to make money or u dont mind going without, like jewelry or video games. Try to capitalize on your talents. I made 40 bucks one time cooking a meal for someone. I make really awesome food. Know someone who builds doghouses for extra money. Those are the first things that come to mind.

NosebergShekelman ago

Sell his pain killers haha make sure to sell it to some white goy!! shaloms

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Thinkin like a merchant.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

You mean you havent been making money shilling on voat? Sell your account.

theoldones ago

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

If you spent a fraction of the time doing useful things rather than amassing fake internet points you wouldn't need to ask strangers online how to be a man.

theoldones ago

you spend your days calling everyone a tranny, you'd know about being an online waste, wouldn't you.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Im a man who can provide for my family. What i do with my freetime is my own business. Youre asking for advice, so you got it.

kneo24 ago

You aren't a man. You're a tranny. You admit to it yourself.

LordOfTheRope ago

Sell him into slavery.

ScottRockview ago

Are you in school full time and are you at least the age of majority?

theoldones ago

young adult. my timetable is open.

ScottRockview ago

And the 2 breadwinners run a business I presume?

theoldones ago

nah, both employees to separate companies

ScottRockview ago

Ok, so overtaxed in this instance just means busy taking care of an injured guy and paying bills off of one income as opposed to having a business income funnel through one person and have a much higher income to pay taxes on.

theoldones ago


somehow i need make that second income happen while he's incapacitated and healing.

ScottRockview ago

Given your youngish age I doubt you'll find something to fully replace his income, unless you have a skill set that allows you to do so. Without knowing what you can or can't do, I would say that you might need 2 jobs: 1 full time (the best hourly paid job you can find with your existing skills) and to offset the presumed lower income, a part time job in sales where you can make good money from the commissions. I don't know how well you can sell, if you are good at it you can make a lot of money, most people aren't and will get discouraged, hence my suggestion of a full time job and part time sales. If you find you are good at sales, consider doing it full time.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Get a job

Themooninthesky ago

Five bucks to suck.

baneofretail ago

Depends who you are in this relationship. Are you a child of the breadwinner? A spouse?

First things first, they should file for disability. They paid taxes for it and deserve to take it when needed. This will only pay about 60% of your reported income, for a period of time. Hit up the food banks, churches, and apply for utility assistance to help cover the rest.

Commie_Meta ago

First things first, they should file for disability.

Federal disability inn the U.S. requires total, permanent disability for more than one year.

The employer may offer short term disability insurance.

In the U.S., workers' compensation is what applies. I think it pays 2/3 of income, up to some cap.

theoldones ago

child tier.

disability suggestion is covered. the food banks, etc, are an idea though

baneofretail ago

While crowd funding is the new hip thing to do, the old ways are the best ways. People want to help, but aren't always keen about actually opening their wallet to help. If there's a medical bill, most hospitals will consider forgiving a portion of the debt if you explain the circumstances.

Cut down on costs where you can, every penny counts. No big purchases, and limit small purchases to necessities.

If you're old enough to apply for a job, nows a good time to get some experience. You can't follow around your father who got hurt at work since disability will follow you around if you collect money. But it sounds like he does construction, and job sites always need cleaning. An eager, helper is almost always needed, so maybe apply where your dad works, they know the situation so they may start you at a higher pay than otherwise considered for your experience.

theoldones ago

i'll ask about doing something at his workplace.

baneofretail ago

Also offer to give up things that cost money each month. If you can go without cable, your phone, or buying lunch at school, it'll go a long way to showing that you're a man.

Talk to your dad about this stuff first, you still want him to be ok talking to his boss , and he'll appreciate you stepping up.

ValuableFix ago

Go watch youtube videos how to turn unused household items/garage sale finds/thrift store things online when not shadowing other breadwinner.

GassyMcGasface ago

Shadow remaining breadwinner. He may say clean this, dig that, fetch this just DO IT. There is a reason why this must be done. Once you learn the how and why the next breadwinner may be you. Don't talk back and make yourself a tool. A good tool is worth its weight in gold.