Putt, I think it's about time you reveal your "secret investor" to us (AskVoat)
submitted 5.9 years ago by fhaqyu
I didn't forget about your secret investor that you are suppose to reveal.
so let's have at it. Who is your mysterious donor that (((saved))) voat?
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goatsandbros 5.9 years ago
Shortly after the announcement, BitChute implemented a "share to Voat" button. That's the biggest clue for me.
BB-3 5.9 years ago
Bitchute had a fundraiser going to replace their Disqus comments section until indiegogo dropped them. It would be cool if a Voat comments section was embedded there.
prairie 5.9 years ago
Sounds plausible.
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goatsandbros ago
Shortly after the announcement, BitChute implemented a "share to Voat" button. That's the biggest clue for me.
BB-3 ago
Bitchute had a fundraiser going to replace their Disqus comments section until indiegogo dropped them. It would be cool if a Voat comments section was embedded there.
prairie ago
Sounds plausible.