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facepaint ago

No. We have anti-jewish stuff all over voat, and you are worried that a few cute animals will make us look bad?

bb22 ago

Don’t you have some baby dicks to be sucking on or something, Rabbi?

Rotteuxx ago

Do you have anything intelligent to reply or just NPC babble ?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

So several accounts with nearly identical names all created within a day of one another and all posting to strictly one subverse to farm SCP isn't an issue?

Oh wait, you're a member of v/RidersoftheReich which is an offshoot of v/Soapboxbanhammer the kikes responsible for the spam in the first place. Obviously you're going to be biased about the situation. Your friends are the cause.

Rotteuxx ago

How do we know it not /v/realprotectvoat pulling a false flag again ?

toobaditworks ago

Because they admitted to it (but you already know that because you're most likey a part of it):

And the success link he posted:

Rotteuxx ago

Part of it... kek.

When I snapped at lisasciencequeen and was informed it was a sbbh alt as if I should not disturb that account is when I caught on to the game.

It's a few users we've seen on the front page often and they're having fun triggering the masses. It started as a counter to gore posts in /v/aww and then became a trolling mission to trigger people. I know partially who's behind it and I'm not surprised by the behavior, unfortunately people just keep feeding the trolls.

It's easily blocked unless you insist on only looking at default subs which is just about the worst way to browse Voat so I don't make a fuss about it, it's ridiculous for people to be freaking out when they can just ignore it until trolls get bored.

Although recently I did notice 'odd' upvoat totals in back to back posts by certain accounts created at the beginning of this new chapter in Voats Big Book of Manufactured Drama. Hence why I'm not 100% sure if this drama hasn't been hijacked by other actors to pursue other ends besides mere trolling.