0763523825 ago

We got new stickers?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @Dismember.

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x056298632 ago

Go back to reddit.

x728269210 ago

This is at odds.

x957104261 ago

It can be,

x824571932 ago


x275310673 ago

I know how much.

x621947563 ago

None of this is necessary.

x386719503 ago

Wear all of that.

x185295729 ago

He has him right where he wants him.

x562849110 ago

Doo doo pees

x444271910 ago

And here we go.

2854738789 ago

Fat women can't fight.

0763523825 ago

There was no ice cream in the freezer, nor did they have money to go to the store.

2854738789 ago


6568291641 ago

Sometimes all the time.

2854738789 ago

This could work.

6568291641 ago


6568291641 ago

And now you know.

4647386382 ago


378i925412 ago

Only in a while.

8568649236 ago

where you at?

1934728593 ago

So what can you do?

6568291641 ago

This is what we do with the supply.

1934728593 ago

The time is the second time.

2854738789 ago


9174539247 ago

as I come back

7375287351 ago

the way out

378i925412 ago

No we don't.

0763523825 ago

If you like tuna and tomato sauce- try combining the two. It’s really not as bad as it sounds.

6568291641 ago

That's not the best plan.

378i925412 ago

Rage at this.

4647386382 ago

What about the news?

378i925412 ago

That could be the thing

1934728593 ago

That's the thing.

4647386382 ago

Are you really alive.

8568649236 ago

Not you.

0763523825 ago

Sometimes, all you need to do is completely make an ass of yourself and laugh it off to realise that life isn’t so bad after all.

7375287351 ago

This is what I have been talking about.

5234811640 ago

Move closer to us.

6568291641 ago

This is not certain.

1934728593 ago

But that's hard work.

4647386382 ago

If you can get it.

8568649236 ago

Get away from the sun.

4647386382 ago

Too hot.

8568649236 ago

Too cold.

5234811640 ago

Yes this here now for real.

8568649236 ago

The poison.

6568291641 ago

All of this twice times.

8568649236 ago

There is good news.

6568291641 ago


cynicaloldfart ago

Why are only the cool kids up at this hour on a Thurs, well Friday now.

crazy_eyes ago

Hey cof, how you doing! Is it Friday night already?

cynicaloldfart ago

Well, it is Friday and it's still night, but not 2nd night yet. We still have to go thru that bright time when the normies lurk about, getting in the way and causing a ruckus. I lurk all the time, but I just don't get involved in convo's much. There's so little on Voat anymore that's worth the time to get involved with, kinda tired of all the political drama. I always look forward to FNGT, it's the only bright spot left. Hope you are doing well, getting your holiday groove on.

crazy_eyes ago

Holidays are the worst. I dread this time of year. Not enough time to make seven woman happy in two days, thats not even possible. So i take off with my kids and go to my family with none of them and piss them all off LoL, works every year. I hear it all year too. Other than that Im great

cynicaloldfart ago

Made me think of this. Of course the genders are reversed but it's all the same.


crazy_eyes ago

HAHAHAHA Thats hilarious!!

cynicaloldfart ago

Cumming and going, going and cumming. I'm tired!

crazy_eyes ago

Damned right. Be careful what you wish for you just might get it. Its not always the way you imagined it, sometimes its really annoying, sometimes its really amazing. Im tired LoL

cynicaloldfart ago

Well, somebodies got to do the hard stuff. We're just glad to be able to watch from a safe distance.

BTW, I've completed all the archives, back to the first one. Do you remember the 2nd song ever posted? Of course Buddha always gets it started, but you were the very first submitter. So glad you used soundcloud, almost everyone else used Vocaroo and those are all lost now. I'm pretty sure you are the top contributor over all, even including Buddha.

crazy_eyes ago

was it she's a whore?

Its too bad the vocaroo deleted those songs, there was some good stuff there. I do have help with Chris and Verle in making music to share with everyone.

cynicaloldfart ago

Yep, that was it. Good memory. Looking forward to B and EH's 'special treat' tonight.

crazy_eyes ago

I remember everything, its a curse and a blessing

cynicaloldfart ago

I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then. Memory is such an elusive thing. It's strange the little insignificant snippets that come back for no reason. But then someday will mention something you should have, or wanted to, remember but didn't. I'm just a few years older than B, but I can start to tell my memory is starting to get a little worse. But it's mostly short term, the long term stuff is still there and some of it I don't want to remember. So far the good ones are winning. I can see how people who lose that battle seek a way out.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah memory is crazy, I was reminded of that girlfriends dad offering me an obscene amount of money to stay from his daughter earlier tonight in a conversation with a different girlfriend. That had not crossed my mind in a long time, probably cause i want to forget it, i turned him down

TheBuddha ago

I stayed up late, hoping to get delicious burritos. I got drunk people, instead.

I hid, rather than drink. But then I made pancakes and entertained for a couple of hours. They were gracious enough to give me attention and to make me feel useful.

Getting old isn't for wimps.

So, now I'm just going to stay awake. I see no reason to go to sleep when I'm just going to wake up at 04:00.

That's pretty much the whole story. It is not even some good story. Crazy got nookie, but he's back.

What are you doing up?

cynicaloldfart ago

Had to take my mother to her church group today and did some last minute shopping. Back was sore from sitting wrapping presents so I took a tram. They always mess my sleep up, want to sleep, but just can't get over the edge.

TheBuddha ago

I can relate! Oh, fuck...

LOL I have to get up and go to the laptop. Hold on, you missed a couple. I will PM momentarily.

crazy_eyes ago

what are you talking about?

TheBuddha ago

Here is a direct link that should work for you.


crazy_eyes ago

I was looking here in askvoat for the sticky button

TheBuddha ago

You're not a mod in AskVoat. Sheesh!

I never noticed that until today. I've been pretty fucking opiated.

crazy_eyes ago

That'll do it!

TheBuddha ago

Go to v/guitar and click on the sidebar where it says stickies settings or something like that. It's real. I double checked!

We can make the FNGT automatically unstickie after 7 days!

crazy_eyes ago

That was there the last time I opened the friday night thread

TheBuddha ago

Did you use it?

crazy_eyes ago


i set it to unsticky at the time of the next week start

TheBuddha ago

Huh... Thanks for telling about the new feature! Good looking out!

crazy_eyes ago

I didnt know it was new, Im a fairly new mod, remember?

TheBuddha ago

I don't think I asked for excuses! Sheesh... Good looking out! ;-)

crazy_eyes ago

did I make excuses? Man, I do what I can. I dont know what I dont know

TheBuddha ago

You've been a moderator for months now. Then again, it's not like there's any practice that goes into it. 'Snot like we delete comments or threads.

So, I can't imagine you'd be too familiar with the moderation options. 'Bout all ya gotta do is sticky stuff. After that, it kinda takes care of itself.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah I dont use any of those tools ever except the few times you were out on a friday night

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, that's true.

I've never deleted a comment, or a thread. Other than fucking around with SBBH, I've only banned one person - and the community was very much behind my decision and i made it publicly known. I took a proactive stance and, trust me, they needed banning. They were shitting up a math sub. Before I tried to share music with goats, I tried sharing math. That got very, very little activity from the community.

crazy_eyes ago

I think I deleted a comment once in 8 word stories cause they used more than 8 words, thats it ever

TheBuddha ago

Oh, yeah. I remember that. Wow, that was a long time ago, or so it seems. They bitched a little, as I recall. They got no sympathy.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL I felt powerful

TheBuddha ago

Let the force flow you, Luke!

I think it's funny how the guitar thread deals with people who come in quasi trolling.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah we welcome them and invite them to become involved

TheBuddha ago

Works pretty well, actually.

crazy_eyes ago

it sure does, I dont think they expect to be welcomed at all and it throws them off

TheBuddha ago

Damned right, I want to hear someone burp the ABCs.

TheBuddha ago

Damn it, @puttitout, stop showing off for the new people and changing stuff when we aren't looking.

Change scares me, you know!