Gothamgirl ago

Nope I did, I spent a whole lot more money then he did. My children were never starving, and never want for anything. Shit I gave his kid an iPhone and I never even meet her.

zyklon_b ago

makes erryday betta

zyklon_b ago

yeah it was either let her little nigger kids starve or feed em

middle_path ago

I get a bit upset that I often can't afford the people I love a nice gift. Never had one of them fancy pants jobs that pay bonuses.

No one berates me for it, but I just wish I could do more for the people who make my life so wonderful.

Newmemba ago

not me, I threw out the TV years ago

slwsnowman40 ago

Yes, traffic sucks worse starting from the first Monday after Thanksgiving until everybody starts their travel plans. Today, traffic was close to holiday light as it was slightly less than Friday light. I just hate the additional traffic that comes with this time of year and I get sad (because no one seems to be able to drive) and it stresses me out.

GassyMcGasface ago

It use to be a fun, exciting, and safe holiday. Now with all the different varieties of nighers running around it has changed completely.

1moar ago

Not sad, mostly irritable; despite getting over my Scrooge like tendencies.

1mpatientPatient ago

Yes, worst time of year for many people

slevin_kelevra ago

nope, not at all

Redpilleveryone ago

Do you have any kids?

Also OP is a giant faggot who raped and murdered his infant self in 1890.

mean_dot ago

No, I'm a man.

zyklon_b ago

I cannot tell

SirNiggsalot ago

Love your handle ! SFC lol.

SirNiggsalot ago

More angry that Christmas is just about ((( consumerism))) and (((marketing ))).

knightwarrior41 ago

this too.the spirit of the holiday has been commercialized some time its about a faggot named santa and his furry friend and you buying the next toy or gadget for yourself and your family and friends

SirNiggsalot ago

Buying shit people don't with money you don't have using (((credit ))).

Pablolove ago

No don't celebrate it as its a Roman pagan festival. Just another day to me. Love the fact I'm free of all the stress unlike other folk.

middle_path ago

Do you celebrate any holidays?

Pablolove ago

No, they're all pagan

middle_path ago

I bet you're just a hoot at parties.

zyklon_b ago


knightwarrior41 ago

its true that its origins are pagan.the christian church fucked up this one by sincretizing the birth of jesus in we are NOT told the day in which he was born.a close approximation can be done via historic facts as roman and jewish census and the like.

Pablolove ago

Exactly, and the churches that are supposedly 'christian' know this yet they're quite happy to let their flocks participate in paganism which is essentially satanic. How could any of them therefore hope to have God's approval.(John 4v24)

Diggernicks ago

I do but then I have a couple shots and a couple lines and all is well again.

1Sorry_SOB ago


heygeorge ago

Yeah, nah, bro

It’s not an inability to sleep, just a lack of available time.

zyklon_b ago

I love giving gifts but some kinda psychological shit hurts my mind

VictorOrVictoria ago

Christmas is pagan

heygeorge ago

Sometimes, but not for long! It’s usually a product of too little sleep.

zyklon_b ago

not sleep product of too little$$$ plus anxiety from having to be around all these uppity people I am kin to

VictorOrVictoria ago

Youre surrounded by satanists in all likelybood

zyklon_b ago

nope im only around protestants

heygeorge ago

Yeah the money situation can be rough, but I am very thankfully in decent shape this year.

zyklon_b ago

im worse off than I can remember the trip to florida and paying for that whores kids food and covering her late bills fucked me bigtime but it will be ok

VictorOrVictoria ago

Dont bang whores. Especially with children... woah

zyklon_b ago


heygeorge ago

I’m surprised you let yourself get roped into that situation. But it does not matter; you will come out on top!