1mpatientPatient ago

Inability? More like unwillingness. It's part of their religion.

PathogenAlpha ago

The Vatican shouldn't be seen as a religious institution anymore. Until they reform their attitude towards child safety these horrific crimes will keep happening.

1mpatientPatient ago

I agree wholeheartedly.

RemoteViewer1 ago

time to start hanging the pedophile priests from F-35 after burners when they're going Mach 9

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yes. And the 11 downvoats must be those filthy jews who are on the molestation train as well.

memememema ago

99.9999999% of the time Once a kid is inside of the ring, There Is no going out except death.

I want a to ask you all a question. For what purpose would a group of people choose to tell my mother to forbid me things on one hand and then provide me the forbidden things at there homes? Why would they purposefully build enmity between my mother and me? unless they planned to off her and adopt me into there fold. Im looking for another answer...These people paid for a top tier education for me until i managed to poison my own reputation enough they went after other kids. Why do something like that except as a further manipulation tactic? Humans can be cruel but that calculated move of making my home barren of things i liked while they provide me the things i liked is not random cruelty, Its something else.

Ahilter ago

pay no attention to rabbi sucking mutilated baby penis. yes ban the church good goy

langoleer ago

Is it time to ban & exile the ((())) from the USA and Europe over their continued practice and encouragement of male sexual mutilation?

andrew_white_forever ago

Right now the chances of kids being sexually assaulted in after school programs if still far greater than priestly abuse--- something like 2% of priests were involved in abuse.

I like Catholicism more than protestantism, modernism, or the US government. Let's get rid of those instead.

Catholicism is Europe.

Doglegwarrior ago

Chils abuse you say!

Circumcision makes the vaticans child abuse looks like a walk i the park! The jew is cutting off an orgsn of male defensless children with the support of the medical inudstry the media industry and the goverment you stupid fucks!

Hilllovalova ago

the current structure of the Catholic Church is trash and needs to go. The same for a couple other religions I can think of. Many things can be true simultaneously.

QXQ ago

1 day old account suggests that the US ban Catholicism...

I wonder (((who))) is behind this post.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Yeah it should be banned. (((Catholic))) (((Church))) is as responsible for genital mutilation and circumcision as (((Jews))) and (((Muslims))) What's more important? Phantom illusive man with beard in the sky who's never fucked a women or a whore? Or the well being of baby boys, males, and the gene pool?

historicity ago

I think those with an agenda to destroy the church are without scruples and will sink to any level. I think parish priests should be allowed to marry and only ascetic monks should take vows of celibacy. I think ethnos should be central to how parishes are formed.

TrumpNPC027 ago

“I think those with an agenda to destroy the church are without scruples and will sink to any level.”


historicity ago

Haha. I know that clip! I will now rethink my worldview completely and conform to yours. I'm such a dolt.

TrumpNPC028 ago


Orange man and catholics are good.


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historicity ago

Wait a tick. I already decided ancient Rome, under pagan rule should re-emerge, and/or Islamic rule would be superior, as per your criticisms. Now you're saying I should fight for Roman Catholicism again? I'm so confused!

TrumpNPC028 ago

“Wait a tick. I already decided ancient Rome, under pagan rule should re-emerge,”

Which Rome?

All the people in both east and west Rome suffered under christ supremacy.

“ and/or Islamic rule would be superior, “

christians are so based


“as per your criticisms. Now you're saying I should fight for Roman Catholicism again? I'm so confused!”

You have never fought for anything that wasn’t pro circumcision.

Orange man good.

SearchVoatBot ago

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historicity ago

Just tell me what to think... atheist, pagan, and/or muslim. Quit beating around the bush.

TrumpNPC030 ago

“I think those with an agenda to destroy the church are without scruples and will sink to any level.“

You wouldn’t know how to even if someone forced you to think.

historicity ago

Well, this has been very constructive Kyle.

Diggernicks ago

Catholics all fail at life.

Hirion ago

You do realize that communists, leftists, marxists, and jews hate catholicism because unlike protestants, catholics called out jews on thier bs? This whole pedophilia in the church drama is blown out of proportions. There's more pedos in the show business, arabs, or virtually any other group. Catholic church is the only institution in the world that's actually trying to achieve sexual decency of its followers. Of course, you'll get a few black sheep here and there.

3dk ago

Vice is garbage, generally, but this article is useful.

Archive: http://archive.is/0XUNy

Rabbi Nuchem Rosenber - who is 63 with a long, graying beard recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a "child-rape assembly line" among sects of fundamentalist Jews.

PapShamir ago

What. The. Hell.

It just never stops getting worse. I even have a hard time believing this. It's so psychotic.

TrumpNPC025 ago

“This whole pedophilia in the church drama is blown out of proportions. ”

True. Muslims are the problem. Not christian pedophiles.

Orange man good.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Am I the only one who thinks that this is nothing more than a long going psyop from the Israeli lobby to try to demonize Christianity in any way possible to make it as illegitimate as possible?

You heebs are trying your hardest to rid America of Christianity and Catholicism as much as possible.

DeadBeatNigger ago

You're spot on. This thread has thirty seven comments, as of right now, your comment is in second place with three upvotes. The issue is that sandniggers and kikes have codified child mutilation and baby fucking, and want us to turn away and only see the Catholic church. Is it true that Catholics are doing this? Absolutely. Is it just a distraction by Jews and sand niggers? Definitely. We either address the two bigger child fucking groups that make catholocisms child fucking look tame in comparison, or we don't look at it at all.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Don't get me wrong, Muslims are statistically proven to explode more often than any other racial group. But none of this crap really picked up until the last 20 years once the rabbis started kicking the Hornet's Nest.

captainstrange ago

How many of them are former jews converted to catholicism?

How many of them are from a jewish family?

How many of them are militant jesuits?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

The jews like to stir up shit but in America they pretend to be Jesuit. They do this in order to hide their true intentions and pretend like they aren't the ones who are in control. The Jesuits are the ones we should be looking into when it comes to political control of our government. They're the ones who pretend to be Christian when in reality they're Jews. They're the ones who feign Christianity and push all the Jewish ideology down our throats. They're the ones who tell us to open our borders and love our neighbors.

Investigate Jesuit control of our government. They are truly Israeli government operatives within our own government.

TrumpNPC025 ago

“Am I the only one who thinks that this is nothing more than a long going psyop from the Israeli lobby to try to demonize Christianity in any way possible to make it as illegitimate as possible?”

Yes. You are.

Orange man good.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Oy vey rabbi you better watch out for anti-Semitism on the internet!

All you Jews have ever done in the history of Judaism is discredit Christianity and kill Jesus.

prove me wrong

TrumpNPC26 ago

Anyone who disagrees with me is a jew.

fellow christian orange man agrees with you


RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Bro you're playing right into my hand

TrumpNPC027 ago

“Bro you’re playing right into my hand”


Obelisk79 ago

No I don't think the Catholic Church should be banned. But at the same time, the abuse needs to be continuously and publicly exposed.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

It is time to realize that all organized religion is a front for child trafficking and pedophilia. The pope and the preists should be hanging from ropes.

HighEnergyLife ago

I'd like to see 'real catholics' (whoever the fuck they are) storm the vatican, hang the fag pope, and start a new crusade against the moslems.

Omnidempotent ago

We haven't had a pope since 1958. All since have been impostors and usurpers corrupting and undermining the church's traditions and teachings. Look into sedevacantism if you want to know more.

Hirion ago

So you want catholics to serve jewish interest? How about jews do the killing, so we can call them out on it whenever they bring holocaust stories?

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I'd like to but I don't for the same reason you didn't storm Hillary Clinton's house yet.

auto_turret ago

I think you're a fucking 19 hour old kike attempting to subvert the conversation going on here about your kikery.

TrumpNPC028 ago

Awww did someone hit you in the fee fees?


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auto_turret ago

HI there jew boy. I see you and your alt have downvoats to give.

Keep trying to deflect the conversation towards non issues, and I'll be here calling it out.

edistojim ago

They do deal with it, they cover it up.

goatboy ago

That has no meaning in a free society. Free Societies don't ban religions.

Rather counter their darkness with light- their most dark physical places.

TrumpNPC027 ago

“That has no meaning in a free society. Free Societies don't ban religions.”

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The issue in the Church is homosexuality.

In all of the PA abuse scandal, one individual was convicted of sex with a child, the rest were sodomites.

SithEmpire ago

That would be like the pot calling the kettle a nigger. It would work to smoke out the child-fuckers on all sides, so it won't happen because the pack of animals protects its own.