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SukkhaMadiqqa ago

A few states have recently tried limiting availability or number of Planned Parenthood centers. A challenge to such efforts could make it up through the courts.

middle_path ago

I get that, but the supreme Court (correct me if I'm wrong) can't just undo previous rulings.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

They can. A lot of times it's due to times changing, different circumstances, etc. Here's a listing of overturned rulings.

Martenzo ago

They can overturn decision, yes, but they can't just spontaneously come together to start overturning things. They need to have a relevant case brought in front of them first. Until a case relevant to Roe v. Wade reaches the supreme court, they can't really do anything about it.

thelma ago

Sure they can. They can have a parking ticket case and then overturn Roe if they wanted to. Now, its not done. But nothing precludes them from doing so.