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SquarebobSpongebutt ago

Gotta get people worked up to vote somehow. When you have no useful ideas lies and outrage will work fine.

VoutGuy ago

I don't see it as working at all.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

You don't know enough liberals. Especially female ones. All I am hearing from them is how they have to vote to protect women from the evil men who want to take away their right to their own bodies. Complaining about how Trump and the Supreme Court will now allow them to be raped and force them to carry the babies to term. They know nothing about logic or how any of this works at all.

Deplorable_J_Covfefe ago

When gash acts up this way, I see the wisdom in denying them the vote. All emotion and no reason. Repeal Amendment 19!

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

And the men who say the same kind of shit? Should we take the vote away from all men because of them?