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SukkhaMadiqqa ago

A few states have recently tried limiting availability or number of Planned Parenthood centers. A challenge to such efforts could make it up through the courts.

middle_path ago

I get that, but the supreme Court (correct me if I'm wrong) can't just undo previous rulings.

MaxVieuxlieu ago

You're literally correct but they can definitely overturn things. The sticking point is that a case has to make its way up to the Supreme Court that can overturn the case. But people can openly defy a previous ruling if they think the Court will agree with them. The other thing is that existing cases can be re-framed to implicate Roe v. Wade more directly if they don't already.

For instance there are currently cases throughout the court system that are arguing for some kind of extension of the rights set forth in Roe v. Wade. So if that case makes it to the Supreme Court, they can say : "Not only do we decline to extend Roe v. Wade but we feel that the case was improperly decided and should be completely overturned." Doing so would be somewhat unprecedented depending on how tangential the relationship between the issues is. But they are within their power to do so.