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Super_Cooper ago

I think what they are really scared about is the fact that the 2nd amendment rights are protected for the next 30 years.


They are protected by WE, the people. So long as we dont allow our future to cuck itself into handing shit over to tyrants, WE will exercise our 2A.

Super_Cooper ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Except Kavanaugh is on record saying that people don’t have the right to automatic weapons, directly violating the US constitution.

Escape_From_Reddit ago

Considering the Assault Weapons Ban was upheld as Constitutional numerous times, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

The Constitution has no 'automatic weapons' clause.

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Commit suicide immediately. You are a traitor to the United States.
  2. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
  3. The NFA is unconstitutional, by definition.
  4. Kavanaugh personally supports treason against the United States.
  5. You have no argument.

eronburr ago

I think what they are really scared about is the fact that the 2nd amendment rights are protected for the next 30 years.

They being politicians? Agreed. But the followers of that party are scared about roe v wade because Trump made it clear that it's against the values of conservatives and that he's stacking the SC with conservatives where this would be the likely outcome "over time". I think Trump and Pence said they're personally against it and the only way to see if they can replace it is to stack the court with conservatives and see how it turns out.

People are scared because they blindly follow orders and think judges do as well.

maxoverdrive ago

I agree. They're scared shitless that not only will "white supremacists" have weapons for the foreseeable future, but that the Supreme Court will allow them to have even more weapons, and more effective weapons at that.

Their entire game plan relied on Hillary becoming president and repealing the 2nd, to disarm us all, so that all the other amendments could be shat upon without retribution. But that isn't going to happen now, and not only is the 2nd not going to repealed, but all of us paranoid assholes have purchased a shit-ton of guns and even more ammo - we're all decked out for civil war 2.0, and our enemy is pretty much defenseless. Now, all they have to rely on is that the Army and the Marines will obey a Jew-dick-sucking president (I like Trump - a lot - but he still fellates Jews, no matter how you divert the narrative) and we all know that the vast majority of the Army - and especially the Marines - will never obey a president who fights for Zionist filth over his own people.....

Derpfroot ago

we all know that the vast majority of the Army - and especially the Marines - will never obey a president who fights for Zionist filth over his own people

/s, right?

Tallest_Skil ago

allow them to have even more

Except Kavanaugh explicitly says that people don’t have the right to automatic weapons, in direct violation of the constitution.

QXQ ago

We'll be able to cheaply print good 3D guns within the next 5-10 years anyway. We can already do it now, but they aren't that good.

Plavonica ago

repealing the 2nd

As if that wouldn't lead directly into a civil war.

thelma ago

Learn history. The founding fathers did not want to include the 2nd amendment ~ noting that it was a right and such a law would suggest that the gov't could regulate this right.

They were correct.

Rights are not able to be regulated.

ViperCarbz ago

Can't have that bump stock or 15 round mag in NJ currently. Yeah, sure, protected.

Super_Cooper ago

Magazine size doesn't affect rate of fire. You can be just as combat effective with three ten round magazines as you can with one 30 round mag. Bump stocks are essentially a gimmick and don't have much use outside of the range.

Personally I the national firearms act should be repealed or overturned. We should be able to keep and bear the same arms that a regular infantryman would carry.

thelma ago

Yes you can. What's to stop you?

No pussy answers allowed.

Escape_From_Reddit ago

A complete lack of any reason to need a bump stock?

thelma ago

I need one.

l_voated_today ago

Can't wait for national constitutional carry.

Pluviou5 ago

I'm surprised the founders did not specify such a right in the 2nd amendment. Unless citizen militias were supposed to be national constitutional carry.

Escape_From_Reddit ago

Because they never intended for individual gun ownership outside the context of a militia. People who quote the 2nd Amendment rarely quote the whole text, for a reason.

Tallest_Skil ago

They did specifiy it, you fucking idiot.



SparklingWiggle ago

The 9th circuit ruled Hawaii cannot deny the right to open carry. I think we are getting close.

Tallest_Skil ago

There’s no ‘close’; we already HAVE that right.

l_voated_today ago

"can not be infringed"

Doesn't get a lot clearer than that.

QXQ ago

They did.

States shouldn't have the ability to overpower federal law according to the Constitution. It just takes a lawsuit against CA making it to the Supreme Court with the right judges.

Plavonica ago

Ain't gonna happen. But a man can dream...

Jimbosprinkles ago

it's alright bro jesus is gonna come back and we're all gonna go to heaven LOL

watts2db ago

indeed this is what the real issue is

Tallest_Skil ago

No, white genocide is the only real issue. Kavanaugh supports it explicitly through rulings and his own hiring processes.

watts2db ago

interesting... but whats the alternative?

Tallest_Skil ago

Literally grabbing your literal guns and literally killing these people. Do it or you will always lose.