SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Howdy all! Retired Army civilian and ex submariner' was posted in v/introductions by @Imtede and includes this reply from @Rotteuxx:

Turn it up to 6 gorillion degrees this time

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middle_path ago

I know you, but I forgot your name. I think we spoke on phuks for a bit.

AR47 ago

Adhdferret is who I am.

We did speak there, but with my new phone it doesn't like phuks.

middle_path ago

My phone doesn't like it either, and thank you for reminding me!

Welcome back, fucker.

Le_Squish ago

Like we didn't see that doggo post earlier.

AR47 ago

The one of Nanook? I posted that after I did this.

Le_Squish ago

I live in /all/new so that is probably why I saw it first.

AR47 ago

I ain't gonna judge a moderator of /traditionalwives.

Rotteuxx ago

Umh... 4 were given away actually, the last one is still in my possession.

'Sup lego & cake fags ! How have you been ?

AR47 ago

Lol I am just watching the newest shitshow on here unfold.

Been keeping my distance since we moved and got established. We got the fuck out of PA after the case was settled and paid off all the debt incurred.

Now I teach people how to make guns and use them. Don't really do much in Lego now. Matter of fact donated a large amount to my son's new school, and a few other elementary schools around. Getting accupuncture every other week for my back as well.

Rotteuxx ago

Awesome !

Glad to hear everything is good with you guys.

AR47 ago

Better than ok. The Jew has nothing over me now.

Paid off every penny of debt owed on my credit report. Each goddamn one, and that was after I negotiated the amount down to a percentage of more than they wanted. Since it was paid out as a workman's comp claim they couldn't touch it.

Everything we do we pay with cash or we go without. No more credit ever again.

Rotteuxx ago

Yes !

Besides my credit margin i use for my renos I'm in the same boat as you. No more credit card, no debts left & right... and way too much pocket change lying around.

AR47 ago

After paying a year of car insurance, medical insurance premium's for the year, and deposit for all utilities.....I had enough to pay 6 months on our new place. No way I will incur a 30yr note on a fucking house......

So I rent and it has it's benefits such as when shit breaks I am out zero money.

Rotteuxx ago

My take on it was to buy something dirt cheap & renovate the shit out of it over time... but I don't have a family to provide for yet so I gave more liberty to have shitty living conditions, lol

AR47 ago

Renovation got it very cheap too.

Inaminit ago

Oooh... You must be impawtant... Impotent... Err, whatever.

AR47 ago

Na I was persistent more than anything else.

Also got some maple candy that was different.......the gummy bears were the best.

Eualos ago

Can I have one?

Rotteuxx ago

It was a merch proposal but with the payment processors shitting on Voat it went on the back burner.

AR47 ago

Ask @Rotteuxx

He made keychains too.....see?