SearchVoat ago

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'Well now, see here I'm a fine ''Murican, and I believe 'Murica is a place for people of all skin colors.' was posted in v/QRV by @2736380 and refers to this submission.

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SearchVoat ago

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

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Pluviou5 ago

Great megathread.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ah, you ain't seen nothing yet! Check this out:

Cid ago

Oh wow!

Atomized_Individual ago

I'm a Confederate Patriot though

derram ago :

What the Founders Really Thought About Race - YouTube

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we are a nation for all people

mrfetus ago

Not if we can help it.

Deportation or death await you and yours. Traitors first.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

INB4 Google changes the definition of "Nation" :

There is no such thing as a Nation of all people.


sigh you know i meant all races and religions but thanks for the unnecessary teachings i guess