Newtonsnephew ago

Depends who wins.

watts2db ago

gas is so 1940s bio and social engineering is where its at today we will need to begin playing them in tgeir own game

harmlessgryphon ago

Who knows, because reading is a toxic privilege of white males.

TrollingForBasss ago

  1. It depends on who wins.
  2. It will not be the truth.
  3. What you see is not the truth. You & I have no idea what the truth is.

prairie ago

history books
100 years from now

You're very, very optimistic.

CaptainChurch ago

Alien nation A.I. preemptively writing history

Doglegwarrior ago

The media assualt will seem extreme, but when the ponzi scheme level push to make the economy look like its boomi g leading to a massive crash the history will be written to put all the blame on trump.

Mjazz ago

People will be sitting in tents roasting rabbits telling legends about how they destroyed the race of white devils.

worthlesshope ago

100 years isn't far away. About 100 years ago women got the right to vote, 60 years before that slaves were freed. In all probability everyone on voat will be seen as evil, and the left will be seen as righteous.

The media, hollywood, and websites do things absolutely stupidly the most retarded way ever. But the way they do things has been shown to get the most "acceptance" since it targets the widest range of people. Moderates hardly give a shit, then you have left wing which wants more inclusion, and then you have whatever ethnicity things are targeted towards believe they should vote for more inclusion. Even if what they want is more exclusion.

So anything that supports more "inclusion" and "diversity" no matter how crazy it sounds will probably seen as as good and will continue on as good in history.

XSS1337 ago

Niggers , kikes and goat fuckers cannot co exist within modern society.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

The Kaliyuga.

talmoridor-x ago

It'll be completely made up. They'll claim the state is perfect and has existed since the beginning of time.

RemoteViewer1 ago

it'll state from 1860 thru 2018 Kid Fucking Luciferian Faggots Ruled Earth

kalgon ago

Pwahaha they won't

No seriously, you really expect us to still be around in 100 years?



At the pace at which events are unfolding and at which we're depleting resources, considering what we do of technological progress... And considering that the world population is projected to be 40% african circa 2100, UN conservative estimates... It's not going to happen, we won't make it, there won't be any history book

40% african, where do you think this will lead us to?

Nowhere but hell, it's either a great culling happens, controlled demolition style, or it will happen naturally, both ways it implies 3/4 of the world population to go basically, what do you think the world will look like after that?

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. See albatrosv15’s post below.
  2. No one on Earth will be smart enough to read, so there won’t be any books written about current events.

cuello_rojo ago

Nobody reads books now except old people like me, so there will be no books to explain current events 100 years from now.

Who wants to spend their time and effort writing a book that nobody is going to read?

Fuck, I quit writing books a few years ago for just this reason. Nobody in the future is going to be dumb enough to do it.

People will watch YouTubes or holograms of what happened in the past. They'll have to be spiced up with plenty of sex and dumbed down so people can understand them. The production level will be on a par with the fictional movie "Ass" or on the level of the fictional television show "Ow My Balls", both portrayed in the real movie "Idiocracy."

Only professors will be interested in such fare though, because 100 years from now people will think you're gay if you are interested in stupid shit like history

proud_degenerate ago

They won't. There will be no more books.

albatrosv15 ago

Let me quote some crazy man over here, @tallest_skil

Nothing happens if nothing happens. The genocide continues unabated. Private gun ownership disappears sometime in the early 2030s. The new law is rarely, if ever, enforced in the case of blacks and hispanics. It’s not like anyone was going to use them, anyway. Without the threat of guns, the first amendment is repealed. Hate speech becomes a crime punishable by death. Hate speech is anything a white person says about any other race.

In 2045, the states of the former Mexican Cession “vote” to leave the US to rejoin Mexico and the transsexual nigger bitch president lets them go and gives them Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana as “reparations.” Any remaining white people who complain are put in jail or executed, their children handed over to CPS to be raped and brainwashed. As adults, they will be media personalities who are on TV 24/7, calling for whites to give up all personal possessions to nonwhites. Any white people left in the new Mexican states are outright exterminated, their children raped to death by mulattos and mestizos.

By 2100, the North American Union is uniformly as racially mixed as Brazil of today. Talks begin to merge the European Union (which now includes the entire continent–having reclaimed the UK) and the North American Union. The African Union, having made it illegal to be white on the continent of Africa, begins talks to open the borders of the NAU and EU to its citizens.

September 29, 2239 AD. Year 6000 of the jewish calendar begins. The state of IsraelJPG encompasses the Middle East and now houses all but a handful of the jews on Earth, because the factories around the world need to be managed on-site since there isn’t anyone else left intelligent enough to do so. The Earth is otherwise a single communist nation, homogenous in genetics and culture, ruled over by the United Nations from Jerusalem. The practice of Christianity is illegal the world over. Fewer than 100,000 white people are left alive, scattered around the world in enclaves too small to draw notice but not large enough to protect their genetic diversity. Jews don’t bother hunting them down; they prefer to watch with amusement as the defects caused from inbreeding render ever more of the remaining whites infertile.

As night falls on the Global City of Jerusalem on September 29, 2239, a single trumpet sounds from the sky… This is the future of humanity. No one will ever do anything. Nothing is going to happen. Whites are already extinct. No one rose up in 1913; they’re not going to rise up now.

Tallest_Skil ago

YOU FOUND IT! I didn’t keep that text and have been looking for it for a while. Awesome, thanks. I’ll repeat it here and ‘save’ my post this time.

Nothing happens if nothing happens. The genocide continues unabated. Private gun ownership disappears sometime in the early 2030s. The new law is rarely, if ever, enforced in the case of blacks and hispanics. It’s not like anyone was going to use them, anyway. Without the threat of guns, the first amendment is repealed. Hate speech becomes a crime punishable by death. Hate speech is anything a white person says about any other race.

In 2045, the states of the former Mexican Cession “vote” to leave the US to rejoin Mexico and the transsexual nigger bitch president lets them go and gives them Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana as “reparations.” Any remaining white people who complain are put in jail or executed, their children handed over to CPS to be raped and brainwashed. As adults, they will be media personalities who are on TV 24/7, calling for whites to give up all personal possessions to nonwhites. Any white people left in the new Mexican states are outright exterminated, their children raped to death by mulattos and mestizos.

By 2100, the North American Union is uniformly as racially mixed as Brazil of today. Talks begin to merge the European Union (which now includes the entire continent–having reclaimed the UK) and the North American Union. The African Union, having made it illegal to be white on the continent of Africa, begins talks to open the borders of the NAU and EU to its citizens.

September 29, 2239 AD. Year 6000 of the jewish calendar begins. The state of IsraelJPG encompasses the Middle East and now houses all but a handful of the jews on Earth, because the factories around the world need to be managed on-site since there isn’t anyone else left intelligent enough to do so. The Earth is otherwise a single communist nation, homogenous in genetics and culture, ruled over by the United Nations from Jerusalem. The practice of Christianity is illegal the world over. Fewer than 100,000 white people are left alive, scattered around the world in enclaves too small to draw notice but not large enough to protect their genetic diversity. Jews don’t bother hunting them down; they prefer to watch with amusement as the defects caused from inbreeding render ever more of the remaining whites infertile.

As night falls on the Global City of Jerusalem on September 29, 2239, a single trumpet sounds from the sky… This is the future of humanity. No one will ever do anything. Nothing is going to happen. Whites are already extinct. No one rose up in 1913; they’re not going to rise up now.

albatrosv15 ago

Nah, i didn't find it, it was saved. You are welcome.

albatrosv15 ago

I don't believe in good endings anymore.

keksupreme ago

they will look back and realize everything was always jews and zionists fault.

and no they will not think that what is occuring now is insane...only recognize that jew power is disappearing.

ie what is ocurring is the return of sanity

TheKobold ago

Depends on if Jews still rule the world.

unclassified ago

It will explain how there were 60 million Jews killed, young Black males and a lot of females were forced to have a JOB to go to every day thus the USA prospered like never before.

VoutGuy ago

Before we proceed, help yourself to the stiffest drink you can muster.

Have another.

Ok, so in 2015...

BumbleTummy ago

Depends on what side wins. And I mean that quite literally. It's a war, whether people want to admit it or not, and there's a LOT to be lost. And honestly, too much already has.

mrfetus ago

And it's leading up to gassing the kikes, race war now.

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

Hopefully the history books in the future will name the jews pulling the media strings driving the lefties hysterical.

goatsandbros ago


hangry ago

"Diese Amerikaner waren dumm zu glauben, dass das Reich nicht wieder auferstehen würde."

Scablifter ago

They will remember it as the time humanity was set free from the influence of a Babylonian death cult which was gradually killing us.

VoatieMcVoatFace ago

It will depend on who wins the next world war.

voltronsdicks ago

OP has yet to learn one of the greatest lessons in history: Might makes right.

viperguy ago

Sadly, socialism advances continually, destroying societies, when over 50% of the voters want "free Gibs".

Consider VENEZUELA this year ! Hah!

And the english language will devolve into Pidjin as brown invaders from all over invade the few areas of the world the 6% of Caucasians built societies up.

This is an example pidjin English , the language to be used to write history books 100 years from now when Whites are all gone :

slickleg64 ago

holy fucking shit this cant be real. i feel like my iq reduced below 70 trying to read pidjin

Mylon ago

Yeah! Down with socialism! Let's start by dismantling Social Security and Medicare and the 40 hour workweek and free education! Kids need to start flipping burgers at 5. /s

watts2db ago

Hey retard you can actually thank Henry Ford along with free market capitalism (not mercantilism) for the free market, and yes as others here will likely tell you as well where you can shove your taxpayer funded communist indoctrination, Medicare Part B is why tge price of all the shitty pharmaceuticals are astronomical oh and you mean the ponzi scheme known as social security that has robbed me my whole life and will be insolvent for me?

yeah you can fuck right off with your failed communistic bullshit

Mylon ago

Mandated insurance and retarded medicine patents/FDA are the reason medicine cost is through the roof. Not medicare.

watts2db ago

however your other points are valid as well btw

watts2db ago

because of provisions within madicare the govt that is raxpayers are not allowed to negotiate the price so the pharma companies can charge whatever they want and medicare pays it what do you think that artificially does to the price

Soyboy69 ago

Yeah, lets keep our stand mandated indoctrination paid for by the tax payer!

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

None of that is socialism.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Its so dumb watching the idiots on Voat whine about "muh socialism". America is socialist, and its the exact brand of socialism these morons fear; horrendous healthcare and gibs for niggers. Venezuela is a mess because of CIA meddling, just like every destabilized South American country since the end of WWII. Also, we should end social security so the boomers have to move in with their kids they fucked over, and get dead end jobs flipping burgers for 8 bucks an hour, while receiving the same terrible "health insurance" we get.

viperguy ago

venezuela ia a mess because it is a prime example of a full socialist paradise.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Every European country is socialist. They only started sucking after Muslims were introduced en masse. I know because I lived there for two years, and none of what fat fuck boomers told me was true. America is also socialist, but its the brand of socialism that boomer retards bitch about; working class pays all the taxes, while the bottom feeders reap the rewards. Some great examples of this are ERs and illegals, niggers and HUD, all non-whites and WIC. The people against socialism in the US like to say shit like, "you wait in long lines to see a doctor, then pay a Premium to get your meds." Oh, you mean like the US!

watts2db ago

yes if you read the posts not just the OP we know the US is socialist, it has been since 1913 thats what many of us want others to wake up to and as a nation do something about

Biggerpotato ago

The first three are not like the last.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

The entire last 70 years of history were written by the jews. Everything we learned in school and taught as fact was biased in favor of the jews.

Pluviou5 ago

They even started rewriting hundreds of years before that. Not one mention of Jewish slave ships in the history books.

thejewish3 ago

Oh ya? Just wait until Bollywood, Chang and Kebab take over. It will seem like the good old days by comparison.

LampshadeMaker ago

After we fuck you up they're next.

Godgiven ago

whoever controls the past controls the present. whoever controls the present controls the future.

CapitalPurifier ago

America hasn't gone crazy.

The world was always this 'crazy'

It is not different. and the less you see this the more you are a part of it.

jasonco ago

where we are going, we don't need books

Jagon ago

There wont be books because therell only be niggers left

ignorantoptimist ago

only a nigger would think therell is a word.

albatrosv15 ago

Nah, murmansk library will prevail.

mrfetus ago

Go push hopelessness somewhere else.

kalgon ago

Reality is fucking hopeless

Goat-Master-5000 ago

"Reality is fucking hopeless?"

Ok, you're probably incel too. Spare me your black pill omega bullshit. All of this (((globalist))) evil is reversible; all of it.

kalgon ago

No, you don't understand

If so called black pills are enough to make you back off then you're a child, you have the mental of a child just quit, you aren't fit

40% of the world's population is projected to be african circa 2100, UN conservative estimates

And that's just for africa, don't start me on asia and india

From that point on thing is very clear, there won't be cakes for everybody way before 2100, simple as that, and the chinese, to name just them, aren't going to eat a bowl of rice a day so africans can have a bowl of rice too, it's not going to happen, nobody is going to die so niggers can muhdick to the moon

And that's just for china and africa

Then there's us, whites

Whether you like it or not, the future is made of a lot of dead people, a fucking awful lot

You don't get that you get nothing

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Oh, I understand, shill.

I understand that your masters are trying to subvert every single large community on the Internet. What your kind is doing is a neat little trick. You try to infect people with defeatism, and nihilism.......and tell people that it's over, that it's hopeless.

"Just lay down. Just die. It's already over. There's nothing you can do."

Like I said, it's a neat little trick. But it's still just a trick. Your "position" is a trick and a lie. You are being PAID to engage in psychological warfare. And if you're not being paid, then you're a short-sighted, nihilistic omega retard.

In case you're confused, I want you to FUCK OFF....and stop being nihilistically pushing this bullshit defeatism, solely intended to crush the spirit of the reader. Share solutions to problems, or FUCK OFF. I know that you won't do that, because you're a culturally nihilistic little retard.......but I feel that it's important to call FAGGOTS like yourself out from time to time, because your black pill omega bullshit is a cancer.

We seem to have more shilling, subversion, and nihilism on this site than a couple months ago, and I don't like it.

The world will be reclaimed from globalist evil, and when that happens.....nihilistic worms like you will be left behind.

mrfetus ago

Keep it up, just don't waste too much time on them. They copy and paste to save time, faggots.

kalgon ago

Pfff pathetic

When all else failed call it a shill

Wake the fuck up you naive moronic faggot, this isn't a tv show there's no good ending, the day of reckoning has been slightly delayed with trump, and that's as good as it can get, we aren't out of the middle east, we aren't going to get rid of saudi arabia or the fucking international jewry or the fucking chinese or the fucking variety niggers plaguing the entire west, and no, the day of reckoning hasn't been canceled, trump isn't eternal, you reap what you sow, and we sowed a fuckton of fucking awful for far too long, that's the reality you stupid qtard, and the messiah isn't going to wipe your ass for you

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Yeah, you're young. I can see it now. You're DEFINITELY under the age of 30. Like I said, perspective is very important....and that is a quality that CANNOT be learned in a history book.

And what do you care if I call you a shill? Aren't you the nihilistic retard who said, "reality is fucking hopeless"? So who cares, right? Your posts are deliberately designed to sow the seeds of HOPELESSNESS. So don't be too surprised if I tell you to FUCK OFF.

And meanwhile, Tallest_SHILL still keeps desperately screaming, "PROVIDE EVIDENCE that it's not over!" He does this whenever someone ever disagrees with his push for nihilism. When he does that, it always feels like he's screaming and punching at the keyboard.

Good God, you fucking nihilists get so mad when people reject your nihilistic bullshit.

kalgon ago

Listen, piece of shit moron

Every single assumption in your post above, is flat wrong

That's all you need to know, you moronic "trust the plan" qtard

Tallest skill is a dick, but he's a realist, something that you are not, you fucking pussy

Goat-Master-5000 ago

You and your girlfriend, Tallest_SHILL......are NIHILISTS. That's what you are.

And guess what? Nihilism is NEVER "realistic".

Because of the Internet, we're gradually becoming more armed with information than we had decades ago. And that's something the globalist elites cannot stop, despite their PANICKED attempts at Internet censorship. You and your girlfriend (Tallest_SHILL) are just a little too desperate to push the narrative that this war is over, and a done deal. That we should give up and die.

Like I said before, I don't trust shills....and I don't trust nihilists. So try not to get too butthurt when I reject your nihilistic (and frankly anti-life) conclusions.

kalgon ago

It's "Realist" you fucking faggot

Here's the biggest black pill of your life: You are going to die, your parents are going to die, and there's shit you can do to prevent that from happening, and nobody will remember you ever existed

Until you accept that, you're useless

Goat-Master-5000 ago

You're an atheist too, aren't you?

You keep revealing more and more about yourself with every post. If you had PERSPECTIVE granted by REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE, then you would realize that.

mrfetus ago

These are actually legit shills, wow.

Nobody, in good faith, would call you a shill because you talk about hope. This is nuts.

They must be afraid of us.

kalgon ago

Wrong assumption on your part, again

The main difference between you and me, is that I don't need stinking hope, I don't need a prize or a participation prize, or a stupid carrot, and you're aren't there yet

You're a sheep behhhhh behhhhh the black pilllll behhhhhh behhhh

fucking qtard

Tallest_Skil ago

Prove him wrong. Prove me wrong. Disprove a single goddamn thing I’ve ever said here.

Nothing is happening. Nothing is ever going to happen.

The collapse of civilization is complete. The purchasing power of the US dollar is worth less than one cent compared to the dollar of 1913. Taxes? Where do we start. ✡Income tax✡, which exists solely to pay for the existence of the Federal Reserve–going to the pockets of private individuals for the ‘privilege’ of printing worthless currency. An unconstitutional marxist welfare state to steal more income from the working and give it to the lazy, the nonwhites, and the foreigners. Endless war solely for the sake of other nations with no annexations or financial benefits for the US, wasting trillions in taxes and tens of thousands of lives. All laws, everywhere, at every level, are completely ignored by the government. The governing class is universally guilty of multiple felonies, and at least half of whom are guilty of outright treason. Genocidal invasion from the third world. Rape, murder, theft, etc. running rampant throughout once-safe streets as niggers and dune coons reap the fruits of their invasion. Terrorist attacks against people who are imprisoned for fighting back against the terrorists. Faggots and trannies holding parades where they spew their juices riddled with incurable STDs all over the streets. You get fired from your job or arrested if you so much as disagree with this. And gun confiscations from actual citizens so they can’t even defend themselves against any of it or reverse it. NOT THAT THEY EVER WILL. And that’s the problem. One hundred years of this. Never stopping, never slowing. And what have the people done? NOTHING. They didn’t rise up in:

  • 1913 when the US stopped using gold and silver as money and started using private paper currency.
  • 1917 when the jew puppet Wilson said, “We’re going to war in Europe and getting nothing out of it in return.”
  • 1920 when jewish feminists brainwashed men into granting women the vote, setting a deadline on the collapse of our nation (every civilization in human history that enfranchised women fell within roughly 100 years).
  • 1933 when FDR unconstitutionally made “owning gold” illegal.
  • 1934 when the National Firearms Act unconstitutionally banned the ownership of weapons.
  • 1935 when the marxist Social Security Act was passed, nor during any of other FDR’s illegal acts.
  • 1941 when the jew puppet FDR said, “We’re going to war in Europe, again, and getting nothing out of it in return, again.”
  • 1946 when Bretton Woods was signed.
  • 1950 when the Korean War removed all pretense for reasons for the US going to war–and with no legal declaration.
  • 1955 when the US paid 100% of Laos’ military budget for its own civil war, without anything in return and without taxpayers’ consent.
  • 1959 when the Vietnam War saw its first direct US involvement, again with no legal declaration.
  • 1965 when the Immigration & Nationality Act openly committed genocide on Americans. THE POLITICIANS ADMITTED THE PURPOSE OF THE BILL WAS TO COMMIT GENOCIDE ON WHITES. No one did anything.
  • 1965 when the US intervened in the Dominican War, again without declaration.
  • 1967 when the USS Liberty was attacked by Israel for the sole purpose of getting the US to attack Egypt for the jews’ sake.
  • 1968 when the Civil Rights Act unconstitutionally destroyed freedom of association and whites were forced at gunpoint to allow niggers into their schools.
  • 1973 when Roe v. Wade legalized murder of the innocent, and when the US defended Israel in the Yom Kippur War after Israel literally threatened the US with nuclear hellfire.
  • The 1980s when the US was exposed as deposing democracies and installing dictators.
  • 1990 when the first Gulf War began the march for Greater Israel.
  • 2001 after 9/11 when jews attacked the United States, yet again for Greater Israel.
  • 2003 when the Second Gulf War was declared. Nor when it was proven the war was carried out under false pretenses. Nor when any of the post-Cold War wars STILL failed to get us land or reparations, and we paid TRILLIONS MORE to rebuild our enemies.
  • 2008 when the economy collapsed and the banks were given trillions of dollars to give bonuses to their executives who caused it.
  • 2010 when Obamacare ran roughshod over the Constitution.
  • 2015 when faggot “marriage” became “legal.”
  • 2018 when trannies became accepted as “normal.”
  • 2019 when CPS confirmed that children stripping at faggot clubs “isn’t” child abuse, or when a jury ruled that children can be forcibly castrated.
  • 2020 when the entire world obeyed a lockdown for a smaller threat than SARS, the Keynesians stole 6 trillion more from our future, and niggers destroyed our cities worse than the riots of the 1960s.

No one will ever fight back against any of this. Ever.

Doglegwarrior ago

Hey have you read 1984? Well in that book they quote 2050 as the final date that newspeak will be fully implemented.. 2050 is often cited for all kinds of things and it is a big date for some bad shit thats gonna go down. Once you start looking for 2050 you will see it more and more. I have noticed it less lately but its all over.

Doglegwarrior ago

You must have read the creature from jekylle island.. im well on my way to finishing it.

mrfetus ago

I'm surprised you didn't learn your lesson last time. Don't comment on anything I write.

Tallest_Skil ago


Thanks for admitting that every word of what I wrote above is fact and that you were blown the fuck out 100 years in the making.

mrfetus ago

I'll get the stuff set up again.

Do you think anyone listens to you? Values your opinion?

Tallest_Skil ago

autistic retard can’t reply to the content of the post, so he uses COINTELPRO to try to ad hom and marginalize his opponent

Thanks for admitting that every word of what I wrote above is fact and that you were blown the fuck out 100 years in the making.

Truth is not a matter of opinion, shlomo.

the stuff

Remind me what this is. For the record.

OwTheEdge ago

Nothing is happening. Nothing is ever going to happen.


mrfetus ago

The nervous fear of a race waiting for what it deserves. Fucking kikes.

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh shit, you hate him, too? Goddamn that’s good to hear.

  1. No, what I said is nothing like what he says. He’s just a paid shill claiming he wants to kill himself.
  2. You have no argument and nothing to refute anything I said.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Oh,'s Tallest_Shill spreading more nihilistic gloom and doom. I've never seen that before.

You are yet another black-pilled omega nihilist who makes sure we accept that "it's all over". Let me guess; you're "incel" too, right? You're either a shill or a nihilist. I don't trust shills, and I certainly do not trust nihilists. Oh, and I don't trust you.

The problem with nihilistic little FAGGOTS like you, is that you still see things in the SHORT TERM. I'm convinced that you're a young guy, probably under the age of 30.....which strongly implies that you will lack PERSPECTIVE. I'm referring to the PERSPECTIVE that is gained when you've experienced life both BEFORE and AFTER the rise of Internet culture.

Boomers don't understand this, because they were TOO OLD to adapt to the realities of Internet culture (and the social changes enforced by it). Millennials are TOO YOUNG to understand this, because they were both brainwashed by Marxist dogma since birth....but also because they have little understanding of life BEFORE Internet culture (and before Sharia Law, SJWs, radical Islam, multiculturalism, open borders, intersectional feminism, (((globalism))), an openly evil lying media, and all that shit).

Your failure is a lack of perspective.

Just so that you're not confused, I'm referring to a PERSPECTIVE that cannot be learned in a history book. Some things need to be learned through real world experience.

The Internet is our greatest gift, and our greatest curse. It virally spread evil concepts like "open borders", intersectional feminism, homophobia, female hypergamy, transphobia, "white privilege", Islamophobia, and more.

But you know what else the Internet is spreading?


The highest ranking globalist elites are OLD, and only understand the Internet in a very superficial way.....and this is why they will ultimately FAIL. No matter how wealthy, powerful, and clever they are.....and no matter how effective they are at long-term, multi-generational still doesn't change one fact.

They're dinosaurs.

And like the dinosaurs, their time will pass. Their attempt to control the Internet is futile, and they are PANICKING.....because it's too late. Even with all this viral neo-Marxist SJW cult nonsense, people are gradually waking up....and the (((globalists))) KNOW IT. This is why we're seeing so much ACCELERATION of the "Kalergi Plan". They're DESPERATE to subjugate humanity NOW. It's not an accident that so much shit has been happening over the past five years.

The truth is.....real positive change is a gradual process. It happens SLOWLY, with hard work and patience.....until the day that people reach their breaking point, AND EXPLODE. We haven't reached the breaking point yet, but we will.....because the (((globalist elites))) NEVER know when to stop. Their kind never does.

mrfetus ago

Thank you brother, keep the faith.

I agree with everything save one thing. Generation Z grew up in this bullshit and many see through it. They know that something is wrong. They hate the SJW bullshit their parents shove down their throats.

I'm rather proud of them. 14/88

Tallest_Skil ago


more nihilistic gloom and doom

Prove wrong a single word of it.

You are yet another black-pilled omega nihilist who makes sure we accept that "it's all over".

Nope. Prove wrong a single thing I said. Fact is not a blackpill. It’s just fact that hurts your feelings.

Let me guess; you're "incel" too, right?

Nope. Prove wrong a single thing I said.

Oh, and I don't trust you.

Truth is not a matter of belief. Prove wrong a single thing I said.

The problem with nihilistic little FAGGOTS like you, is that you still see things in the SHORT TERM.

See here, where I laid out the plan for the next 200 years. You have no argument. Prove wrong a single thing that I said.

you will lack PERSPECTIVE

And yet you cannot prove wrong a single thing that I said.

I'm referring to the PERSPECTIVE that is gained when you've experienced life both BEFORE and AFTER the rise of Internet culture.

Which I have. And posted based thereon. And you cannot refute a single thing that I said. Because it’s true.

Boomers don't understand this, because they were TOO OLD to adapt to the realities of Internet culture (and the social changes enforced by it). Millennials are TOO YOUNG to understand this, because they were both brainwashed by Marxist dogma since birth

Good thing I’m neither and have both perspectives. Prove wrong a single thing I said.

Your failure is a lack of perspective.

And yet you cannot prove wrong a single thing I said.

a PERSPECTIVE that cannot be learned in a history book.

So… you can’t prove wrong a single thing I said.

Some things need to be learned through real world experience.

In the real world, no one is fighting back. I listed many of the major instances of people not fighting back. Not all of the major instances and not all of the instances. No one fights back. Every single day they refuse to fight back.

You have no argument to anything I have said. Because it’s fact.

The Internet is our greatest gift

Which we have allowed to be taken from us, just like our freedom of speech, just like our guns, just like our monetary system, just like our colonies, just like our nations, just like our possessions, just like our children, just like our future.

Just like I said. No one will ever fight back against this.

It virally spread evil concepts like "open borders", intersectional feminism, homophobia, female hypergamy, transphobia, "white privilege", Islamophobia, and more.

Because you allow it. (Why did you list ‘islamophobia’, ‘homophobia’, and ‘transphobia’ as “evil concepts”?)

But you know what else the Internet is spreading? THE TRUTH.

Yes. The truth. Like my post above AND the post I linked. I have posted the truth. You do not have a single word of refutation to the truth. Because it is true. Every single word I said is the truth. NO ONE HAS FOUGHT BACK FOR THE LAST CENTURY. NO ONE IS GOING TO FIGHT BACK. YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT AND NOTHING TO SUGGEST THIS WILL HAPPEN.

The highest ranking globalist elites are OLD

This is irrelevant. They hire people who are YOUNG and do understand it, as proven by the fact that they now control all search engines, all social media websites, and all mechanisms through which visual and audio media can be shared. They censor anything they wish. You do nothing to stop it. Nor does anyone else.

why they will ultimately FAIL.

Provide evidence that they will fail. Learn what the word evidence means first, since you apparently don’t know. Provide proof that they will fail. Learn what the word proof means first, since you apparently don’t know. Provide fact that shows they will fail. Learn what the word fact means first, since you apparently don’t know. No, these three things are not synonyms.

They're dinosaurs.

Appeal to novelty fallacy. Also personal hypocrisy.

  1. Their age has nothing to do with their ability to succeed, and you have provided no evidence, proof, or facts regarding their inability to succeed, nor refutation of the current state of affairs: they own all search engines, et. al. and censor everything they want, without question, succeeding wildly. They also own all ISPs, which collude with the government to REFUSE TO BUILD OUT MORE BANDWIDTH, so that people CANNOT GET ANY MORE SPEED THAN THE JEWS WANT THEM TO HAVE. JUST enough to download HD propaganda from Hollywood, but not enough to collaborate to create their own separate institutions. But you don’t even notice that, do you? Because it’s truth. That hurts your feelings. NO ONE WILL STOP INTERNET CENSORSHIP. NO ONE WILL STOP ISP COLLUSION.
  2. You claim “THEY’RE OLD SO THEY WON’T WIN” and yet chastise me for “being young” and “not understanding how to win.” Very interesting, boyo. you thought I wouldn’t notice?

Their attempt to control the Internet is futile

Provide evidence that it is futile when they already control (same list as above; you aren’t worth me wasting my time repeating it.) Provide proof that it is futile, when… Provide fact that it is futile, when… Your entire post has zero content.

they are PANICKING

Provide evidence that they are panicking. Provide proof that they are panicking. Provide fact that they are panicking.

because it's too late.


people are gradually waking up


This is why we're seeing so much ACCELERATION of the "Kalergi Plan".


They're DESPERATE to subjugate humanity NOW.


It's not an accident that so much shit has been happening over the past five years.

YES. AND? They do have a timetable. You wouldn’t know anything about that, though.

The truth is.....real positive change is a gradual process.

So you have nothing to add.

It happens SLOWLY


until the day that people reach their breaking point

Hi, faggot. You’ve heard of the slow boil, right? That’s what they’re doing. They’ve done it for the last century. No one is fighting back. You have nothing.

We haven't reached the breaking point yet, but we will.


NEVER know when to stop

They don’t have to. See, you lack PERSPECTIVE and your complete inability to contextualize modern jewish control with regard to historic control is why you can’t actually reply to a word I said. Your fantasies are predicated on a pre-1947 understanding of jewish history. YOU’RE A DINOSAUR.

  • Jews have never before controlled all education systems the world over. I say “the world”; I mean the Western world. I say “the western world”; I mean human civilization. Whites are the only civilization, so that’s what it means. They control a bit more than that, but the white part is the only important part, because it’s the only part that COULD fight back. It just won’t. It’s proven.
  • Jews have never before controlled all education systems the world over. I repeat this to explain how FOUR GENERATIONS OF WHITES HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED BY EXCLUSIVELY JEWISH EDUCATION. All philosophy at all schools has been seen through the jewish lens only. All psychology at all schools has been seen through the jewish lens only. All government at all schools has been seen through the jewish lens only. All economics at all schools has been seen through the jewish lens only. All HISTORY at all schools has been seen through the jewish lens only.
  • Jews have never before controlled all economic systems the world over. In the past there has always been somewhere on Earth that used gold or silver (you know, actual money). Nowhere uses money anymore. It’s all jews, all over. Every bank, every currency, all instances of usury. All jews to the core.
  • Jews have never before controlled all governments systems the world over. They own all voting machines and voting machine companies. They openly, publicly admit to stealing every US election since the 1960s. They ignore any law they don’t like, and have for decades, because they know they won’t be prosecuted, because they are all judges, all attorneys, and control all congresses. Anyone they can’t buy, they kill. Any election they can’t steal, they simply blackmail both candidates. ALL NONJEWISH CONGRESSMEN AT THE STATE AND FEDERAL LEVEL FUCK CHILDREN. PERIOD. IT’S HOW THE BLACKMAIL WORKS. REMEMBER TONY BLAIR, KIDDO? THEY CONTROL EVERY PARTY IN THE WESTERN WORLD AND EVERY CANDIDATE UNDER EACH PARTY.
  • Jews have never before had an EXTRAJUDICIAL PLOT OF LAND WHERE THEY CAN ESCAPE AND BE UNTOUCHED BY GOYIM LAWS AND PUNISHMENTS. In the past they always had to rely on ANOTHER goy nation to take them in when they had to run away, and there wasn’t a guarantee that they could dupe another nation into doing so. BUT THEY HAVE A HOMELAND NOW. IT’S OUTSIDE ALL GOY LAWS. GOYIM HAVE NO POWER THERE. THE UN WAS FOUNDED EXCLUSIVELY TO PROTECT ISRAEL’S EXISTENCE. All jews can just run away and be untouchable.


Goat-Master-5000 ago

Holy autism, Batman. It looks like I touched a sore spot. As soon as I glimpsed at your response, I started laughing like a gibbering retard.

Yes,'re absolutely right. We should just accept that IT'S OVER, right? Dude, I don't want to be cruel, but you type like someone who's never seen a real vagina before.

Tallest_Shill: "It's over. You'll never fight back. I have historical examples why you'll never fight back. The Jews control everything, and that will never change. Accept it. What? You're disagreeing? Fuck you, and PROVE that I'm wrong! Just surrender, goyim! Swallow the black pill now!"

And I'm sorry. I just don't have the patience to fully read that entire "WALL OF AUTISM". I just can't.

Here's my advice. Find a girl, have children, create a family, and be the change that you want to create. Find solutions to problems, and stop being a black-pilled nihilistic omega.

Discuss tactics for reducing immigration (both legal and illegal) to white nations from the non-white, Islamic Third World. Discuss tactics for countering globalist Jewish mainstream media. Discuss ways of countering Zionism, and countering the Federal Reserve.

Or you could just keep telling everyone that "it's over" (like a vicious, nihilistic retard), and that "nobody is going to do anything". I'm saying this because....your every post betrays your anxiety and weakness.

And if you're not being paid to post like this, then I feel really bad for you.

Become the change that you want to create.

Or don't, faggot. Your choice.

mrfetus ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Holy autism, Batman. It looks like I touched a sore spot. As soon as I glimpsed at your response, I started laughing like a gibbering retard.

Reported for mass spam and admitting to being a paid shill.

We should just accept

Strawman. Not what was said. You are illiterate.

Dude, I don't want to be cruel, but you type like someone who's never seen a real vagina before.


Thank you for admitting you cannot refute anything I said and cannot prove any of your claims.

It's over.

Strawman. Not what was said. You are illiterate.

You'll never fight back.

So prove me wrong.

I have historical examples why you'll never fight back. The Jews control everything

Correct. So prove me wrong.

and that will never change.

Strawman. Not what was said. You are illiterate.

Accept it.

Strawman. Not what was said. You are illiterate.

You're disagreeing

Strawman. Truth is not a matter of disagreement.

PROVE that I'm wrong

You made a claim. Prove it or kill yourself.

Just surrender, goyim!

Strawman. Not what was said. You are illiterate.

Swallow the black pill now!

Strawman. Not what was said. You are illiterate.

I just don't have the patience to fully read

Thank you for admitting you cannot refute anything I said and cannot prove any of your claims.

Here's my advice.

No one cares. Answer the questions or substantiate your claims.

be the change that you want to create

Yet you refuse to do the same.

Find solutions to problems

You certainly don’t have any.

stop being a black-pilled nihilistic omega

Strawman. Not what was said. You are illiterate.

Discuss tactics

Did that. You refuse to hold a discussion. You have nothing to add.

Or you could just keep telling everyone that "it's over"

Strawman. Not what was said. You are illiterate.

I'm saying this because....your every post betrays your anxiety and weakness.

And yet you can’t refute a single word that I said.

And if you're not being paid to post like this, then I feel really bad for you.

And yet you can’t refute a single word that I said.

Or don't, faggot. Your choice.


Goat-Master-5000 ago

Yeah, you're mad. And you're YOUNG. I can tell. :)

Autism and nihilism is a strange combination, don't you think?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for spam. Thank you for admitting that everything you said is proven wrong.

NakedWarrior ago

Tallest_Skil - how is the book coming? (serious ?)

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh dear, people are remembering. Long story short, I have no computer on which to write it anymore and no way to get a new one. I just have this tablet, so I’ve been hugely stymied. Did I ever send you a portion of my first draft? I think I can maybe still do that, even though I can’t get to the document itself.

I hope for the book I’m writing to be what the OP of this thread is asking, honestly. A log of everything that happened which led to this point, who was responsible, and why. Not that it matters much. A book isn’t going to get whites off their asses, no matter how true it is. No one reads anymore.

NakedWarrior ago

I am the OP, but no , never got a 1st draft. I have like five laptops, some are old but they would certainly work for writing. I'm happy to send you one. I've also self-published four books and could certainly help you in that area as well. Feel free to message me.

Tallest_Skil ago

Just checked my browser history on my tablet for a link to the draft; apparently my devices no longer sync their histories and it’s not here. Thanks for the continued interest, but it will be months now before I can get you even that, unfortunately.

Thanks for the offer, too. I’ll save your post to remind myself when the time comes.

MobbedDown ago

Threads like this are why I continue visiting Voat.

talmoridor-x ago

Well said. Whites MUST start acting as jews if we are to get anywhere.

Tallest_Skil ago

acting as jews

No, not at all. We need to start acting like whites. Acting like jews breeds mental illness among whites. In a post-jew world, that’s the last thing we need.

talmoridor-x ago

The jews are winning, though. Be pragmatic. Get tough, twisted, and greedy.

mrfetus ago

We whites have our own strengths. Concepts like brotherhood, compassion, and honor have no meaning to them. We do, however, have to suspend our compassion to properly fight this war.


newoldwave ago

America became great again!

Sosacms ago

Pretty much Holocaust 2. There's a simple pattern to history. ((( They ))) push and push and push against Western society until things reach that breaking point and finally get pushed back. Then ((( they ))) quietly hush up their pushing and focus only on the evil push back.

Crusades. Hundreds of years of Muslims invading, conquering, and killing but all that's taught is that little push back to reclaim a sliver of what was lost.

Holocaust. Never taught was happens prior to WWII, the communist civil war, the Germans dying in Poland territory, none of it. Just the evil push back that was far from represented accurately.

Even Americans and the native Americans. Again, hundreds of years of conflict. Natives killing women and children, all sorts of fucked up barbaric shit. What's remembered and taught? The push back.

So while I hope history remembers this as the final nail in the Leftists coffin, the time a cartoon frog nearly dismantled the Government, and there's a Museum dedicated to the Trump family and their Tweets. But everything going on now will probably not even be remembered, only the impending push back against it.

cuello_rojo ago

Not going to be like that at all. Read the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. That's the future.

NakedWarrior ago

Marijuana is our Soma

Doglegwarrior ago

No fucking way.. soma didnt make you paranoid as fuck and weed 100 percent makes me paranoid as a loon.. no weed almost zero paranoid thoughts or very minor like hmmm i wonder if sandy hook was a false flag to try and take away the 2nd amendment then my logical brain kicks in and says no way the cia and fbi could pull that off.. and then i go back to playing video games.

Triple_Agent ago

Like in football, second push gets the Flag.

ironnickel ago

Holocaust 1, you mean.

Sosacms ago

No, I meant Holocaust 2. Both will be more fiction than fact.

ironnickel ago

Fiction? You mean the idea that 5,000 people would march into a mass grave and stand there while 100 soldiers kill 50 people each was FICTION? BUT OPERATION FINALE WAS BASED ON REAL EVENTS.

Jack_Dorsey ago

depends if muslims destroy it all

MaunaLoona ago

History will not be kind to the left.

dt1 ago

Like this.

cuello_rojo ago

Exactly. English will be the world language, just like today. Well, kind of like today at least.

NakedWarrior ago

Shite that was painful, glad I'll be dead

Atomized_Individual ago

We're swinging back the other way. Look at the evidence. SJWs are panicking because they see things changing. Generations have different values based on whatever shit they went through, and they push back. History repeats.

"What has been done will again be done, and there's nothing new under the sun"

newoldwave ago

Politics is a pendulum. It swings left and then back right.

Maroonsaint ago

Just like my balls

cuello_rojo ago

That's "Ow My Balls"

Atomized_Individual ago

We're going WAY right. It's an exciting time. In 50 years, few people will have seen both extremes.

cuello_rojo ago

In 50 years nobody will have a vocabulary of more than 500 words except the ruling elites. Your grandchildren will be peasants who work as maids, porters, laborers, and busboys. And they'll be conditioned to like it from birth.


Depends on who wins. If the jews wins, nothing will be said about current time, because the low IQ slaves won't be able to wrap their minds around the concept of history.

srgmpdns ago

I think about that all the time.

I’m sure it’ll make a lot more sense than it does now.

undertheshills ago

It makes sense already. Our government, media, and culture have been hijacked by a racist cult based out of Israel, England and Vatican City.

Tallest_Skil ago

Name the jew. Now.

TheAntiZealot ago

Look up the 3 Cities.

C_Corax ago

Outside of technical advancements history is a pendulum. One generation fucks up and learn from it and eventually rebuilds. 1-3 generations further down the line the fuck up will be forgotten and they will be doomed to repeat it. Just look at the statement 'kids these day'. That's coming from someone that forgot they too were young once and did the exact same dumb shit.

That said I think we're saving up for a big one and perhaps the lesson will last longer this time.

cuello_rojo ago

Outside of technical advancements history is a pendulum. One generation fucks up and learn from it and eventually rebuilds. 1-3 generations further down the line the fuck up will be forgotten and they will be doomed to repeat it.

That works fine when you're history's main actor. But the Chinese aren't sitting around waiting to see what we do next. They have a 100 year plan to rule the world, and they are executing it.

The west is going to be left in the dust. This place will be a third world backwater inhabited by a bunch of dumbed down peasants. The elites won't mind this at all. In fact, they're looking forward to being able to rule over kingdoms of serfs again.

So in that sense you're right. The pendulum is swinging alright, but it's swinging backward into the 14th century.

C_Corax ago

China is certainly on the upswing in this. I wont necessarily attribute it to them playing their hand cleverly though, it's just that the western world have forgotten what is at stake and playing its hand way to casually. I'm actually fairly sure their aim is to stay out of the mess we've created. No reason for them to touch that dog poo.

cuello_rojo ago

They don't have to touch it

Hong Kong topples New York as world's richest city

It's not just Hong Kong and it's not just China. While the west has been getting poorer, the east has been developing a middle class.

I've seen it with my own eyes. We're going to be the peasants in the future. They're going to run the world.

It's simple. They've been working hard to build up their people and their country. While our leaders have been working hard to sell us out.

Wahaha ago

Well, not the exact same dumb shit. For once, I didn't cut off my penis. Also, I'm pretty sure I didn't do any of the other dumb shit.

C_Corax ago

I forgot about that one, but it is true. Just look at how many are pushing for a new cold war, just because Trump and Putin are talking and it hurts their feelings. Not even 30 years have passed yet!

Pluviou5 ago

Depends on who's writing them. I'd say the latter if shit doesn't hit the fan.

spookybm ago

Depends on if the holocaust actually happened

mrfetus ago
