I'm trying to host my own website service. It's image hosting related (probably not what you think, though).
Is there a better subverse to ask such questions in?
I need some advice on a few things, mostly related to hosting.
Need suggestions on good hosting providers
I need to register a domain but am trying to protect my true identity (in case I piss anyone off). I know sites like namecheap offer a protection service where they basically hide your information from a typical whois. I understand LE could get access to my info, not too worried about that. Mostly trying to avoid faggots trying to dox me. Is this a good option?
I may want to add SSL, what's the best way to get a signed cert for my site?
I already have the site built, but it's currently hosted on a server in the Netherlands which is also hosting something else of mine (two separate webservers running on the same box: apache and nginx). I'd like to get a separate server to host the site independently.
Any help on the above or any other bits of advice you goats have would be greatly appreciated.
Site note: Gross. Had to help feed Jewgle's machine learning (reCAPTCHA) to post this submission. Haven't had to do that in ages...
For those curious, I'm not an sjw cuck trying to start some reddit supporting site or whatever. The site is actually intended to give the finger to big image hosting sites like imgur.
slope ago
Jew AWS is expensive and they lack middle east data centers, but at least they have some around asia and you can get a friee teir going for a while
hide or you will be sorry
1) Its difficult to make any advertising money unless you traffic is US
2) Hiring managers are unimpressed even if your website becomes one of the best in the world as rated by alexa. If your site does 20 x the volume of where you apply, they simply don't care.
BeardBro ago
Namesilo.com offers free whois privacy and is pretty inexpensive.
SJWsRuinedIt ago
Most modern domain providers will offer anonymous whois and SSL. It's mostly just finding which one costs the least.
picman ago
I've been noticing that trend from others suggestions. Thanks!
obvious-throwaway- ago
You can get a cheap private domain and ssl from (((GoDaddy))).
You can host your scripts on (((Google App Engine))).
Host your images on (((Amazon Web Services))).
picman ago
You assume I'm hosting the images.
Cheesebooger ago
I was banned from IMGJAR
picman ago
You mean Imgjar.co? If it's any consolation, the domain expired. So I guess Atko is done with that side project.
Cheesebooger ago
Yeah that's what I meant. Oh okay.
picman ago
I won't ban you on my site
voatHatesTheFirst ago
And you came to voat? LMAO, dumb fuck.
Kevdude and others associated with PV will doxx you and @puttitout won't do shit about it.
As for hosting, http://nearlyfreespeech.net is the place to be.
GumbyTM ago
Hey look its the sad little miscreant who likes to talk down to others so he can pretend to be tough but runs like a bitch when actually challenged and given the opportunity to man up.
What's up princess? How you been?
Thought I'd give you another opportunity to run away....
Can I get a 'meep meep' on your way out?
voatHatesTheFirst ago
Oh look, it's that dumb fuck Ubuntu faggot again. LMAO.
GumbyTM ago
Same wager: we argree to terms and loser deletes their account.
I've made an offer and you have yet to explain the flaw in logic nor why you wont accept nor make a counter propsition.
Why do you continue to try to talk smack when it's so obvious you're a coward?
picman ago
Not sure I'll piss off Kevdude and co with the site. But you never know with PV....
Thanks for the suggestion!
GoatEmperorTrump ago
There is only one worthy domain name: www.niggerfaggot.com
picman ago
I already had a domain name in mind, but niggerfaggot.com is my backup now.
facetumor ago
Make cianiggers.com your second backup
picman ago
cianiggers seems rather redundant, wouldn't you agree?
i_scream_trucks ago
Id find another schtick first. Theres 50 different hosting sites ised between here and that other place, all started to 'give the finger to (((previous))) image hosting site' and theyre all utter shit.
picman ago
This sites purpose is to mitigate the problem of constantly created and dropped image hosting sites. Leveraging the numerous free image hosting sites.
Bobwillneverdie ago
I go here for deals on Boxes, https://lowendbox.com/ you can get some good ones outside the US there too. You can also find a lot of providers that will do custom services upon request here https://www.lowendtalk.com/
https://porkbun.com/ is the best site for domains imo. It has free WHOIS privacy for all domains as well as a free SSL cert for each top level domain.
picman ago
Do you have any experience with droplets by DigitalOcean?
picman ago
Thanks for this!
No need for much HDD space