physicscat ago

Does that mean you shave off your own nasty pubic hair? And shoulder hair? And back hair? No girl wants to take your clothes off to see you're still wearing a sweater.

ginx2666 ago

Landing strip at most. If you don't trim it, it means you have no concept of hygiene. It goes for both sexes.

Feldorai ago

I prefer girls with a real functioning reproductive sex organ vagina.

B166-ER ago

A real man, gets down there with clippers and trims that bush exactly the way he likes it ;) Also I don't like shaved pussy because of the stubble you get days later. Not to mention it shaving every now and then you get ingrown hairs and then that shit can start to look like some guys shaved face. I trim that shit down to a short length, maybe do a 0 around the hood area to keep things well kept. Like others have said already, bald pussy is not appealing... I don't hate it, I just know how much work it takes and I'm neutral about it if anything really.

RightEdge ago

I don't give a shit about the bush. But, if it smells bad... it is bad.

Risingimperium ago

Bald pussys all day. I shave my own pubes and arm pit hair. Those thin wirery hairs are THE WORST and not aesthetic at all.

Thissandwich ago

I'd like to know who likes the crotch shaved but wants hair everywhere else. These are people with a story.

smelly_farts ago

Trimmed. Little bit of pubes is nice, but I don't want to part the sea before going down.

littul_kitton ago

Steel wool implants. If I can't clean a pot on it, I'm not interested.

papagoat ago

a real man is not afraid of a little bushwacking

Rb8623 ago

Pubic hair acts as a kind of barrier for some viruses and stds (I'm not saying it prevents them at all). Shaving, especially right before sex, creates micro tears in the skin that may help facilitate the transfer of certain viruses and std's.

I prefer a well maintained triangle patch.

Gigan ago

Trimmed or shaved. No bush.

IndigoElectric ago

That's a great question, I've gone back and forth on this.

I'd say if she is model material, shaved. Cute looking girl at the office or coffee shop? Slightly trimmed bush.

Pissant ago

Once again, SBBH keeping Voat classy.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

dude look in /v/whatever i just posted a pic to be roasted

middle_path ago

Shaved or buzzed. I don't rock the bush and I expect my woman return the favor in kind. Plus, I love eating pussy and it's a pain in the ass when there's a bunch of hair to move around.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i heard you was a paid

middle_path ago

Obviously. I can't believe it took you this long to figure out. I get paid buku bucks for posting plants from my garden and talking about everyday life.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

damn can i get a loan

middle_path ago

Depends, can you shill plant pictures and rants vaguely based on occultism and fringe philosophy?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

only if they are nazi plants?

middle_path ago


0.056 Bitcoin has been deposited in your nazi wallet.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

all hail flowers an hilldawg too

middle_path ago

Many blessings be upon her.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

blessed be her name

crazy_eyes ago


DeliciousOnions ago

Shaving is not required, but a close trim is.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

send me pics of your lady

jerkwad152 ago

Either is fine.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

ass is fine too

Ywis ago

As long as it looks like some kind of grooming is happening it's fine. "natural" is pretty much code for lazy ass just doesn't care and that shit is probably dirty.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

smells like shit

el_pendejo ago

It is better to be a warrior in the garden than a gardener in a war.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

good saying? :)

Skunt ago

Depends on the girl. Landing strips are pretty much universally acceptable, but the odd chic can pull off bald. On many bald is not very flattering though.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

in my opinion no matter what bald is beautiful

Skunt ago

I lean to the bald side also, can't lie.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

bald is beautiful

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

Any. I been around long enough to have survived from full on bush, to strips, to fully shaved as the "norm". I prefer it to either be shaved or trimmed well. Shaved is a lot easier for cleanup and has less chance of causing road rash but can look a little weird. Trimmed well looks a lot nicer but has cleanup issues and can cause some rubbing problems at times. Note that I have been married for 15 years now and had a vasectomy so there is no pullout here which means shaved is the norm for cleanup purposes.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

hit the ass

Dark_Shroud ago

She doesn't have to shave it all off, just maintain the garden (landing strip). Especially if she wasn't me going down on it.

Swallow_That ago

Smooth or a landing strip is preferable. Nobody like pickin’ pubes out of their mouth. Well nobody normal at least.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

yup.seems the bush fetish guy are actually gay

Inconceivable2 ago

IIRC the only reason fully shaved came in vogue was because porn chicks went hairless. Peer pressure and social pressure took it way too far if you ask me.

Nicely trimmed is my preference. But I don't mind an occasional expedition through the bush. It's natural, what could be wrong with that?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

crabs and lice?

MrKequc ago

People with pubic hair fetish are animals and are gross/have no regard for hygiene. They probably wanna fuck a monkey.

slwsnowman40 ago

Allegedly, the pubic hairs provide additional lubrication.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


TimberWolfAlpha ago

Culturally, we've associated the removal of most hair as feminine, and hirsuteness as masculine. I prefer shaven and or waxed because it affords a better view of the objective and seems more feminine.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

is prettier shaved

Antiseed117 ago

I dont mind a little hair as long as i dont have to floss while on the job.

slwsnowman40 ago

That's what I prefer, but my wife is adamantly no hair or full on fucking 1970s bushfro. There's no in between.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

lol ##gross

Firinmahlazer ago

I prefer shaved but beggars can't be choosers.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i damn sure would not turn down some ass

God_Pill ago

I'm on the fence, I don't really care for a woman to look like a prepubescent child, but on the other hand I don't want to eat through a ton of bush to get to my reward, TRIMMED is my vote.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

trimmed is better than bushy

heatercat ago

Generally you can tell when men are very into porn and had their preferences shaped from it by their love of the bald look. That's the porn hallmark. Women who do it probably watch it, too

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

naw i aint into porn and i like it

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Hairy and nasty like your mom's.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

are you transgendered?

Karl_Von_Dibble ago


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

#me too

anal for life

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

I can get behind that.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

no shit

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Butt Ass.

Chiefpacman ago

I prefer hair. Its kind of sexy in a taboo kind of way, and no razor burn. My girl shaves though, so maybe this is a ‘grass is always greener’ thing.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

lol maybe!

MirrorMan ago

The thing that gets me is that bald didn't come into fashion until internet porn was mainstream.

Dark_Shroud ago

Sorry to burst your bubble but I remember women being shaved/waked in adult magazine long before "internet porn" was VHS rips and .gif porn clips.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

bout 1997 it was mainstream

Hall_of_Cost ago

Either well maintained or totally shaved totally bald. Waxing is best.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i love to suck on clits

JohnGoodman ago

Just like women should shave their legs, they should also shave their pussies

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

indeed komrade indeed

voatuser1128 ago

Shaved for the reason you stated.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i once puked on my girl cause got hair in my mouth

slwsnowman40 ago

There's a lot of voaters here that have a gag reflex like my gramma. She'd be gagging just reading these comments, so out of curiosity, are you gagging while reading some of these?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i lub whores n whores lub me

ZardoZ2017 ago

I like landing stripes. NSFW!:

Artofchoke ago

See, I don't like that. Titties are phenomenal though, jfc

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@artofchoke like that ^^

#me too

Artofchoke ago

You know, I can go either way. I got a weird fetish for 'mommy' types with big mature bush, but also loved a shaved pussy. Indigenous folks don't have a lot of body hair, its like wispy and only a little. Like, hair doesn't grow on my legs, underarms, stuff like that.

middle_path ago

You're native American? Had no idea.

Artofchoke ago

Yessir, comin atcha from the Tuscarora reservation and other far flung parts! ♡

Hiy hiy!

middle_path ago

Cool. You guys grow any cool native plants?

Artofchoke ago

They got a nice sensimilla marijuana, which is like less seeds or no seeds. LOTS of corn and three sisters, mushrooms.

middle_path ago

Ooohhh, what kind of mushrooms?

Also, what varieties of corn/squash/beans. I would love this information more than you can know.

middle_path ago

Wow. And do you see this stuff personally grown on the reservation?

Artofchoke ago

Nah, my uhh, family situation ain't great, so I don't go there. Im nearby, and we grow most of that shit, and they're certainly growing that and more over there. My uncle got banned from the rez for repeat drug and alcohol offenses about ten years back. He built himself an impressive shelter about two miles back in the forest, grows and hunts for every bite, makes it through the winter every year... what a mess.

middle_path ago

Well it's quite an intrigue of mine. If anything comes to light or (ideally) you want to send some seeds my way it would make this voater very very happy.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i know i live on oklahoma border so the indians love em some beatle and i love em back

Artofchoke ago


elitch2 ago

Bald pussy is fucking weird.

Diggernicks ago

Implying lil girls aren't hot. Tsk tsk weak ass moralfags.

patriot_biz ago

It looks like little girl. Do not want. Hairy for the win!

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

dude are you crazy?

elitch2 ago

Are you a paedophile? It's fucking weird, dude.

piratse ago

So you don't want women with shaved legs or armpits then? You do? What are you, some kind of fucking pedo.

elitch2 ago

My wife is Asian.

Native ago

Not an argument

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

fuck no i just hate hair caus eonce i ate my gf pussy and got hair in throat and puked on her and she broke up with me.

dude you been knowing me for awhile and know i aint pedo wtf

Artofchoke ago

....I threw up once while eating pussy. Fucking humiliating.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh come on now, you have to elaborate on that !

Are we talking too drunk & got sick puke ?

Pussy hair in throat & gagged puke ?

Or it smelled & tasted bad puke ?

Artofchoke ago

Oh god. So much went wrong. First off, you need to know she was the most beautiful girl ever, pure as the driven snow, pristine, blonde hair to her ass, big natural D breasts, perfect hips, perfect lips, I had no business getting such a girl, period. (This is when I thought I was a dyke, btw. I ain't) ANYWHO

She was religious and a virgin, but insanely horny and decided getting off with me was like a loophole. I'd been day drinking, horrific fucking idea under the blazing Nevada sun, became absolutely ossified drunk, came back to myself about 7p, super hungry. She wants tacos. We hit the Del Taco, I get a spinach thing, we head back to her parents house for a sleepover.

I don't feel fantastic in the belly, but she's like, on fire and saying the dirtiest shit you ever heard, which is extra hot out the mouth of the religious girl, and it would have been RUDE not to kiss the kitty, she's splayed out on a sleeping bag on the floor, totally nude, squeezing and rubbing her boobs, what choice did I have! So I'm like okay, I can knock this out, only gotta survive 10-15 minutes then I can go die in her bathroom.

Here's where reality destroys this awesome fantasy. Her pussy, her virgin pussy, was absolutely cavernous and complex. The labia were, there's just no other way to say it, they were huge, huge. And I was having an issue finding the, you know, the happy spot I HAVE NEVER HAD THAT ISSUE IN ALL OF LIFE, it was just buried under this mountain of beef and between the nausea and being puzzled and this vague flavor like saltine crackers I let it go on too long. suddenly it went from 'I'm gonna need to throw up soon' to blaaarrrgggghhhhhh. :( :( :(

She was cool about it, I apologized and explained obviously.

Heard she got into meth. Sad.

Rotteuxx ago

Well I can't blame you for giving it a shot, some opportunities are inebriating by themselves.

I've never had a go at such a meaty pussy, but by your account I'll stay away if I can ! I mean, I like salted beef as much as the next guy but... if it can be bad enough to make you gag I'll avoid the fold caverns.

So did it break the mood ? ;)

GoBackToReddit ago

I've been puken on. It's not any better on the other side of the fence.

Artofchoke ago

I'm so sorry :(

GoBackToReddit ago

lol no worries. Lets just say I'm "hands off" these days.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

no shit

Artofchoke ago

Threw up ON a strippers tits once too :(

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

if you puke in my lap it stay hard....

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

betta than a mouth full of shit

Rotteuxx ago

dude you been knowing me for awhile and know i aint pedo wtf

@freshmeat ! Beatle just admitted to being a pedo because he likes shaved pussy more. Quick ! Post this to rPV

BTW freshy, how do you imagine your first pussy will be ? Shaved, land scaped or full blown tropical forest ?

freshmeat ago

you think that pill junkie doesnt look at CP?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@freshmeat once ate a ass out

@kevdude member that time in chat when myg claimed he ate a pussy from behind?

elitch2 ago

Ha! I like it trimmed, for that reason.

Wasn't seriously calling you a paedo, but that's what jumps to mind when dudes say they prefer bald.

Chiefpacman ago

Its odd that pedophilia comes to your mind when discussing pussy hair preference...

elitch2 ago

The discussion about how getting females to shave their bits bald was a lead in to paedo normalization has taken place on this very forum, several times.

So no, it's not odd.

What is odd is someone who's obviously been around for a while to pretend he doesn't know this.

Chiefpacman ago

Pretend to know about what?

That unless you prefer hairy, you have pedo tendencies? I lol’d. Most chicks that ars having sex, are shaved. It’s popular, hairy was popular in the 80’s.

Do you think prefering short women is also pedo? What about women that don’t wear makeup?

I think, you’re one of the many users here who genually has an issue, and it makes you feel better to constantly blame shift at random/unnecessary times.

elitch2 ago

Jesus Christ, man. Did you even read my reply?

Chiefpacman ago


What about my reply was confusing.

females to shave their bits bald was a lead in to paedo normalization

I haven’t seen that being discussed on voat, and I think it’s kind of weird that people know that/discuss it.

What you do with your body hair/ your preferences aren’t directly related to pedophilia. It’s a dumb conclusion to come to.

elitch2 ago

You imply that I am a paedophile for noticing the very obvious about a trend that was started in pornography and spread to the population. Maybe I'm just old, but the few times I encoutered bald pussy in my single days, it killed my hard on.

I don't dig it, and it's not a stretch to say that it is the normalization of paedophilia.

WHat other purpose does it serve? Women didn't even trim until the 80's for fuck's sake.

edit - I lurk v/all/new I see all

Chiefpacman ago

You imply that I am a paedophile for noticing the very obvious about a trend that was started in pornography and spread to the population

Really I implied it, b/c it was annoying to see you imying that @lordbeetlejuicethe1 was a pedo because he prefers it shaved.

I prefer hair, it’s sexy in a taboo kind of way. You don’t see it often, takes a certain kind of chick (generally hippy/ feminst women unfortunately).

I’m all for the hair, just not the fast and loose accusations.

Perhaps you know- but this site is home to a few pedos; as well as a whole host of users who are extremely anti pedo. Obviously the vast majority of us are anti pedo, but I mean there are some users here who go a bit too far.

They bring all of our attention to pedo subs, they follow around suspect users. I don’t think they’re doing any good service, they’re not stopping the pedo- they’re making the smut more available to a wider audience. Malicious or not, it’s retarded- its obsessive to the point that I think they themselves might have an issue.

Not saying you’re one of thoss users. It’s a complex little site pet peeve of mine.

elitch2 ago

you must be ~20 years old. The things you take as normal are fucking weird to me. I've fucked a lot of women. Don't get me wrong, I regret my youth. But I only encountered maybe 3 bald pussies in all my conquests. this is not a long standing, normal thing. It is very new.

The rest of your diatribe, no I don't agree with your vision of Voat. We name the paedo, so we can do justice when the veil drops.

slwsnowman40 ago

What if they started shaving in porn so all the bits could be seen better?

elitch2 ago

What if porn is the most degenerate diversion that Westerners engage in?

slwsnowman40 ago

porn is the most degenerate diversion that Westerners engage in

There are some others that are close, but that's my feelings on it.

commonsenseisded ago

Same here

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i would think that too if i had not puked!

Hey_Sunshine ago

I prefer a well maintained bush.

Jeckle ago

This is the correct answer.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

runways are sexy as fuck

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Gotta have the hair! I like to floss while I eat

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago
