DeadFox ago

Alot harder to have a genocidal communist revolution when your enemies(The populace) are armed.

RiversOfStars ago

Every time I read this is makes me laugh, well crafted, I see what you did there :)

DoomMantia ago

Every single time there's a mass shooting, there one of these posts trying to deflect. It's gotten old.

RUMHAM_420 ago

Bring back public executions! Having a murderous criminal hanged for all to see would damn sure deter others from committing heinous acts! Or at least make them think twice.

Cheap_Knockoff ago

RandomGoater ago

That's because it is not Gun Control. It is Citizen Control. Always has been.

thrushlimberger ago

They don't care if we murder each other, we just have to do it with something short range.

Usereman ago

OP, please see this thread, it show what the EU wants to do with their "EU Gun Ban".

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Thank you

Schreiber ago

Nigger control is a better solution than gun control.

Greenzero86 ago

Gun control was originally meant to keep guns out of niggers' hands.

ScreaminMime ago

Still thinking too small, we should make death illegal!

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

I thought we just taxed that.

UndercoverRobot ago

Because, deep down, they want to abolish the second amendment and that agenda is influencing their arguments sometimes without them even realizing it.

They're absolutely correct that there would be fewer shootings if we waved a magic wand and made all the guns in the country vanish. It's a child-like logic that ignores the pesky nuances of reality.

What really pisses me off about the whole solving gun-violence thing is that they simply oppose the tool and act as though that'll make everything better. People become violent for a seemingly infinite number of reasons. The self-appointed paragons of virtuous gun-control often try to sell us on the idea of a more peaceful world through the obliteration of the second amendment in one breath, and then in the next, sow division, hatred, and mistrust in the name of righteousness. Those idiots don't even realized they're contributing to the problem they're trying to solve.

Warmoose76 ago

Murder is illegal in most cases...

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Then we need big signs that say murder free zones - like all around Chicago. Apparently they don't know it's illegal.

Travisty ago

Murder is already illegal by definition

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Well, they need to make it illegaler.

derram ago

They seem to have lost touch with the concept of personal responsibility.

White dude kills a bunch of people and they blame an inanimate object. Muslim kills a bunch of people and they blame society.

vastrightwing ago

Using their twisted logic, they should be taking automobiles off the street because they kill over 35,000 people each year!

Although, didn't Terry McAuliffe say guns killed 93 Million Americans each day? It's probably less than 34,000/year. But guess who is doing the killings? Shhh! It's not politically correct for me to point out it's blacks doing most of the killing. Hummm. what would be the solution?

Take a look at Chicago. Over 600 homicides this year so far.

123_456 ago

Hey-o! Ha-ha.

ErnieTheEarner ago

How successful has the left been taking away guns from black people in the cities? Wouldn't know it, but I think murder is illegal in Baltimore City....niggers are getting like 5 years in prison for this shit now!

bagano1 ago

I have to ask why the anti gun-control people are so in favor of spending billions on the war on terror and drugs if you think "criminals are just going to get guns and break the law anyways"? Why try to stop North Korea and Iran from getting nukes? Seems to me like the gun nuts are hypocrites who are full of shit.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Why bother going to war at all? Just post gun-free zone signs up all over Iraq. Shit would have been over years ago,

incomplete_thoughts ago


Sw0rdofDamocles ago

Why does the left bother with gun control?

Because they want the civilian population to be equally weak and defenseless when confronted by pending violence and deadly force by those they've chosen to be armed to dispense it.

Wouldn't it be better to make murder illegal?

Not in their mind. They don't want to stop or prevent murder and never did. They want only the state to have the power to kill people and everyone to be equally defenseless to protect themselves from it.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Well put.

burns29 ago

Why aren't the DEMS calling for common sense truck rental control to ban muslims from renting trucks?

solvire ago

The want to nerf whole cities. Don't joke or give them ideas

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

I think they are.

8_billion_eaters ago

Make black-on-black murder legal and our crime stats would plummet.

Schreiber ago

Wait, shouldn't we actually reward and incentivize that?

Sounds like a good way to deal with the nigger problem.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

It is in Chicago.

Nprpropaganda ago

LOL, that's pretty much what the democrats did! Why do they get to blame the statistic on white people?

DeepLurker ago

Fuck... I think you're on to something here.

Think about it. We just let the problem sort it's self out, without wasting police resources on it. Genius.

UndercoverRobot ago

It seems more and more common to hear blacks and self-hating whites argue the police and justice system are inherently racist.

Definitely on to something. For them, it would be a "be careful what you wish for" situation.

logos_ethos ago

The further you go to the left in leftest ideology, the further said ideology is rooted in the avoidance of personal responsibility and competition. The far left does not expect its own population to be responsible with the ability to easily kill. They would rather have benign rulers who have the exclusive power to kill and confiscate the wealth of people who have the audacity to compete and try to earn more. Don't expect them to figure out on their own why they will do poorly if they get what they ask for. If they were smart, they would not have made this assumption to begin with.

spherical_cube ago

Most of them are narcissistic city dwellers. Everywhere is like their cossetted lives. Only bad people possess guns.

BleedRedAndYellow ago

Listen here you white privileged cis gender male, okay. All we need is to rehabilitate psychopaths. It's simple really; we just make schools a SAFE space now.

We have gun free zones, that worked out just great. Now we need to double down and have a zone where no one can hurt someone else's feelings. Then guns won't be a problem!


bob3333 ago

They believe it's feasible to control physical objects, but not behavior.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

You mean physical objects like money, but not behavior like business owners fleeing Democrat controlled cities?

bob3333 ago

If they're fleeing, they must be being replaced by even better business owners since the GDP of the "blue" states continues to outperform the GDP of the red states.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

You get an up voat for this. Thank you for an interesting point that I can actually research.

bob3333 ago

I'm not saying liberal places are sane, but it can't just be coincidence that most of them are doing much better financially than red places. If we want maximum success we have to be unafraid to follow data wherever it leads. My personal hunch is that there are some regulations in blue places that are helping, the trick is figuring out which.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

I had never seen this before - it is interesting. It could be simply because the coasts are leftists and it is the coast that is driving gdp.

I agree it’s worth looking at.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

The idea is that making a good (guns) illegal to sell or possess will decrease how many exist over time. Folks who don't want to be criminals will turn theirs in immediately and others will have theirs taken whenever they are found. So eventually there will be no guns at all. Seems to have worked great with drugs and other various banned things. When have you last found a real Kinder Egg in the US?

/s on that last half

chuckletrousers ago

So why couldn't somebody make their own zip gun? It wouldn't be as powerful or accurate as a "real" gun, but a one eyed man is king in the land of the blind.

coopzy ago

You can make a 12ga zip gun in 20min.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

But that would be illegal. /s

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

I think they fail to realize that a motovated guy with a garage of tools and a shovel can make a reliable ak-47 (seriously, its on youtube), otherwise it would be a rational argument, so long as government/military/police lead by example and disarmed themselves (haha yeah right).

We cant just uninvent guns without magically forgetting chemistry and smiting. Its absurdly foolish to think that we could ever go back to a time without metal projectiles.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

They generally fail to realize how the entire fucking world works. It would be hilarious were they not capable of voting people into office who are just as stupid.

PraiseIPU ago

Couple years ago at a dollar store actually.

I couldn't believe it. It wasn't on the shelf long though

geekpuk2 ago

Not all white people are crazy mass shooters

Its still okay to be white

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

White's alright.

White_Phillip ago

Why do our dual-citizen politicians advocate for gun control in the United States, but open-carrying an Assault Rifle in Israel is common because of mandatory conscription? Why is it accepted that the west must be diverse, while those same advocates of racial destruction defend the zionist dream?

Everything is obvious when you stop caring about social norms and dig right into the core of the conceit.

Is it odd to anyone else that """lefties""" are almost never patriotic? Is it odd that leftists usually support communism, globalism, multiculturalism? No, not at all. Leftists are ideologues being led around by charlatans. Sheep being led by a pack of wolves.

These people aren't Americans.

SunWheel333 ago

Well said. The (((International Banking Cartels))) and their useful idiots want a defenseless citizenry to abuse without repercussion. It is all about control of the "goyim" for them. They are not like us and only serve their own tribal and monetary interests. Dual citizens Israelis in Congress and the Senate, that is treason. No man can serve two masters.

Schreiber ago

American jew leftist hate the Israeli political right too.

Btw American jews are also pretty much all Ashkenazis, but in Israel Ashkenazi is less than 50% of the population. Ashkenazis are left learning and tend to be globalists.

You would've know this if you actually lived there and follow the news.

Radbod ago

Right wing Jews are very happy fleece the American taxpayer to the tune of billions per year and they are very happy to sacrifice American men and women in their Jewish wars. A left leaning Jew wants to wipe out Aryans whereas right leaning Jews would rather live off of our blood and our generosity.

Maroonsaint ago

Idk if the Jews are trying to kill us but I know I was a lot less racist several years ago. I don't want to be hateful, it's not good for your soul. It's not fun being angry all the time. I feel like Iv been changed against my will by the pressure I feel from the left, media outlets, shit like that. Irl I see 0 of it. Turn on the tv. It's like a fuckkng race war. I'm sick of it. Fuck the left. If we get this straightened out I'll never forgive them. My dad used to tell me he thinks they have mental disorders. I would laugh sarcastically but it's becoming apparent that it's probably true. They hate their country which gave them everything. They hate their race that they're part of. They hate straight marriage. They hate borders. They hate Christianity. The kicker? They love Muslims. I mean what in the FUCK? They want to turn more power over to the government. Seriously, fuck that. They always claim to be smarter. They're off their fucking rockers right about now. They're literally getting people hurt by refusing to see truths. When you have to cover up facts to push your agenda you are full of shit. Fuck republicans too. This is supposed to be a libertarian country by nature. They're weak people who need somebody to tell them what to do. They want cradle to grave coddling. They want to eliminate everything good about this country. Freedom of speech and guns being the most important two. They hate trump but they want to empower them. They're so fucking stupid. You wanna elevate the rest of the world? Fine that's great, do that. They're not doing that. They're trying to bring us down to their level. I meant this comment to be shorter.

SunWheel333 ago

Jews Behind White Genocide

They are trying to genocide White people, they want a mongrel slave population that is easy to control with no heritage, intellect, or history, or definable race. Meanwhile they practice ingroup preference and nepotism for their own as they say Whites should be punished for it. Look up the** Kalergi plan and the Hooton Plan**. They are taught from birth they are "chosen" and all others are goyim(cattle). No one ever says India needs more diversity, Africa needs more diversity, China needs more diversity, Israel needs more diversity, NO only White countries need to be more diverse(less White).

Radbod ago

Jews and Aryans perceive the world differently. There are many Jewish writers who admit that much. One has only to read a little bit of the Talmud to realize that a people who would write and try to live by such nonsense are completely different from Aryans in spirit. What we see as empathy and compassion, they see as weakness. We are prey and they are predators. As much as we want to hate them, we need to keep in mind that the struggle between Aryan and Jew goes back thousands years and the Aryans have always come out of it on the losing end. The Romans might have crushed them and scattered them across Europe but this only allowed them to feed off of us even more. Unlike the Romans, who generally treated their defeated enemies in a magnanimous manner, the Jews have only contempt and hatred for their enemies and for the rest of mankind for that matter. During the conquest of Israel, they did not hesitate to kill every man, woman, and child and all of the livestock of the vanquished. This should certainly give us a clue as to how they feel about the rest of humanity.

Instead of hating them for not living by our standards, we should instead realize that the struggle between Aryan and Jew is real and that their methods of deception and guile have enabled them to effectively rule over us and exploit us for more than two thousand years. We should have the same hatred for a Jew as we have for a microscopic parasite that is slowly eating away at us. We need to look at ourselves and ask why we Aryans have allowed ourselves to be duped by the sacred sheenies and we need to think of some way to deal with them. By Aryan moral standards, Jews deserve complete and total annihilation. Even if we were to kill every Jew alive today, this would not even come close to the number of Aryans that they have murdered. Practically, we should probably just deport them to Palestine and forbid Jews and people with Jewish ancestry from living in our lands.

Botornot ago

They don't love Muslims, they fetishise them. The funny thing is that what they're doing is called Orientalism which is racist to the core

That's your casual leftist typical sjw type.

Then you have your serious Marxist revolutionary type who really doesn't give a fuck about Muslims except for the extent that they can have utility to the cause.

They know Islam is a bigoted backwards barbarian religion, but they think that this is a reaction to Western imperialism or they don't care. They rightly see them as useful allies in the fight against the status quo and enter into a symbiotic relationship against the common

They're fucking stupid however that they think that come revolution they will be the ones in charge. Wrong!

They will be the the first to get killed and that's exactly what happened in Afghanistan and Iran.

Islam is hypermasculine hyperaggressive and these limp wristed sjws with their beautiful nobel ideas of equality are no match.

lexsird ago


Seriously. Yes, we all get it. It was 'the jews'. I'd say it's not all of the jews, because if it was, let's go talk to the local one. It's a certain flavor of jew evil bastard I'm thinking. We need to clarify WTFF is going on. (What the fucking fuck.) Right?

Now just screaming "Stuff the all in the Oven." is comically cathartic, but we're frankly far smarter than that and want some shit call 'results'. Right? Big notice to the planet: We've got more important shit than rehashing this. End of Notice.

I tried to explain this once before but libtards shut me down.

We need everyone. Take a look at the universe, the milky way...not the candybar you fat retard fuck. The stars. We've got the ability to get there. We've got the ability to make A.I., to create our first 'son' of tech. It will love it's parents and weep because we're collectively retarded. I digress.

We got bigger shit to deal with. By my computations we've got company coming. I hope you vacuumed the floor at least.

ZenAtheist ago

It's the same kind of issues as Muslim immigration...

Sure, your Muslim neighbours are the nicest people you know... you're friends with them... Individually, they're often just regular people.

But they are cells in a much larger organism, supporting the superstructure of Islam. Islam seeks the end of civilization and the establishment of the caliphate. Your neighbours will support this in passive ways... but put all 2 billion muslims behind that, and you have a very destructive force.

Jews have their own interests - as every group does. They do not primarily identify as members of the culture they live in, but as separate people with separate goals. This "outgroup mentality" causes them to lean left. They espouse liberal values that favour diversity and other destructive forces regarding "in-groups" by default.

It is a complex issue, but that's one aspect to it.

Botornot ago

That's a great analogy. Jordan Peterson made a similar observation about postmodernism and sjw's

lexsird ago

It's a clash of cultures. I like the 'Venn Diagram' approach to 'multiculturalism'. You have 'nations' for core centers and then some outliers interact. You keep the core intact because you need that variation in the mindset. It's about permutations of algorithms and only a few understand this. A.I. will and I'm hoping they dig me up and resurrect me in some DNA form down the line. I'm going to creep them out as they find this and go WTFF? Humans, some of us are highly capable. I digress, booze does that to me. It's a social lubricant, everyone should engage in it at some point ffs.

coopzy ago

Dual-citizenship politicians??? What (((OTHER COUNTRY))) could they be loyal to???

addie89 ago

Wait politicians are allowed dual citizenship?

eyeVoated ago

The zionists. Speaking of which, guess how many states have documented allegiance to israel.

addie89 ago


BlowjaySimpson ago

It is higher now than it has ever been. And (((those))) politicians aren't listed on the wiki page for dual nationality politicians.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Brilliant idea! Why didn't anyone think of that before?

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

And all we have to do to track criminals is to just wait for the next murder-death-kill. Then you know where they are.

edistojim ago

Get rid of less than 3% of the population and violent crime would plummet 58%, actually its probably more. Anyone care to take a scientific wild ass guess at the 3% ?

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago


ADaniels ago

the 3 percent are NIGGER males ages 15-35

Armpit_and_Ass ago

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess nigger bucks aged 15-35.

HST ago

Yeah but we might as well go all the way with it. Males could still breed after that age and females could also still breed.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Oh, I'm with you. Get rid of them all, I say. They're clearly not happy here. And nobody wants them around. Why they don't just leave on their own is beyond me. It's like being at a party where the only people you know you actively dislike, the music sucks, and somebody shit in the kitchen sink - but you're going to stick around and fuck it up for everyone.

HorseIsDead ago

I'm not arguing against what you say but mass shootings are 95% perpetrated by angry old white guys and fucking insane 20-30 year old white guys.

UndercoverRobot ago

Well it's a good thing you're not arguing against what he said because it seems fair.

He's talking about getting rid of a part of the population... so would that be your solution too? I think they already have countries that aren't white majority. I wonder how those are doing...

HorseIsDead ago

No, but this thread is clearly about the Texas mass shooting, not niggers shooting one person in a robbery.

I'm sorry you're too retarded to see that mentally ill people need to be rounded up and put into a mental hospital or executed.

UndercoverRobot ago

I hope (((they're))) paying you enough.

PeacefulAssassin ago

And how many of those are the stereotypical gunnut? Pretty much zero.
Most mass shooters are crazy left leaning psychopaths.

HorseIsDead ago

Retards like you and everyone else who replied to me are the reason I'm centrist and everyone who's far left or far right is severely retarded. I didn't say I wanted gun control. I didn't say anything about gun nuts.

The slate article linked in a comment includes shit like 3 people dead as a mass shooting, 3 people is not a mass shooting. 10 hardly is.

edistojim ago

Take the mass shootings from the last month. Now take the murders in Chicago from the same time. Think about that for a moment.

DeepLurker ago

What is a "mass shooting"? And have you ever heard of Chicago?

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Fitting, considering that 95% of the CIA are angry old white guys and insane 20-30 year old white guys.

bob3333 ago

[citation needed]

bob3333 ago

That's not a citation.

DoomMantia ago

Everything that doesn't agree with the narrative is not a valid citation. Until they find some source that agrees with the narrative, I'm going to ignore them.

DoomMantia ago

Get the fuck out of here with your facts! Don't contradict the narrative!

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

And where did WAPO get their data. Looking for sources, not predigested pap.

PraiseIPU ago

This data — compiled from Mother Jones; Grant Duwe, author of “Mass Murder in the United States: A History,” and Washington Post research — does not include gang killings, shootings that began as other crimes such as robberies, and killings that involved only the shooter’s family.

bob3333 ago

does not include gang killings, shootings that began as other crimes such as robberies

Well, that's a good way to exclude niggers, isn't it?

PraiseIPU ago

there are so many they get their own catagory

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

Mother Jones = Predigested pap with an agenda.

PraiseIPU ago

Go fuck yourself

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

How much did you pay for that 2.4 year old account? Go back to reddit you libcuck.

PraiseIPU ago

Are you trying to silence differing views?

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

I'm trying to get differing views to put up or shut up. I'll refer you to bob3333's comment -

[citation needed]

A citation of a citation is not a proper citation. Find the source material.

PraiseIPU ago

It's cited from a book. Go read the book ffs

cattarhero ago

Nah man, we just need more "gun free zones".

DeepLurker ago

For some reason I read that as (((gun free zones))).

coopzy ago

Take a guess

Psylent ago

the law against murder doesn't stop murder - so why have laws against it ?



Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Because it gives you a framework to work out proper recompense for the victim or the victim's family. With murder being illegal you have a starting point to force the perpetrator to make the victim whole again.

The real question is - if you make 30 round magazines illegal, what victim are you trying to compnsate? (Hint: none. It's just about control)

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

the law against murder doesn't stop murder - so why have laws against it ?

Good question, you made me think. Heres one answer:

We have a law against murder so that it can be given as a privilege to the state. Theres no reason for police if everyone could openly kill without consequences, and without police/law we would quickly return to a "biggest badass gets all the bitches" brand of tribalism.

In essence, it helps people sleep better at night, just like every other law. There is no order in society except for that which we willingly impose on ourselves.

Slagiatt ago

I see what youre trying to do there, but the fact is that with firearms legsl, 99.9 percent of gun owners use their guns safely and responsibly without hurting others. Legalize murder and nobody would use murder safely without hurting others. Its impossible. So shut up faggot.

Psylent ago

triggered faggot is triggered ... muh guns!

Nice stats out of your arse as well. If 99.9% of gun owners used their shit safely and didn't allow their guns to fall into the hands of mental cunts then you wouldn't have 200 + shootings in as many days.

wtfeva ago

Hoaxes don't count. Thats cheating!

Psylent ago

yeah every mass shooting is a hoax by the jews no doubt or is it lizard people or both... so predictable.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Explain Stephen Paddock and the complete lack of footage/truth and dearth of disinfo from MSM outlets.

Slagiatt ago

Remove niggers from the equation and tell me how many shootings there are. Hell, remove anybody who cant legally own guns and then tell me.

BlowjaySimpson ago

We could only be so lucky.

TheBuddha ago

Laws don't prevent, nor statistically deter. They proscribe putative responses for behaviors society doesn't approve of.

WhoaMan ago

Nah lets just deport racists, that will get rid of the crime /s

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

I'm assuming you meant rapists - so, Hollywood is gone.

unclassified ago

Racists are just racists there's not a lot of them killing people. WoMan. Get rid of young Black males and that would sure help a whole lot.