carlip ago

There might be some grains of truth to it, but the conspira-tards at voat have totally destroyed any chance of getting to the bottom of it.

ProudTruther ago

It is real for sure. Look at alefantis Instagram, Cathy obrien story, ted gunderson. Its blowing up again with the shady deaths of Chris Cornell and chester Pennington, the swordfish is posting today, so check it out.

It hasn't been fully exposed because cia control a lot child/drug/organ harvesting provide good paying jobs for many diffedent people.

kamtsa ago

Of course it's nonsense. Don't be like that moron that went with a gun 'to save the kids'

8Ball ago

If MSM is telling us it's fake, then we should take them with a bucket of salt.

kamtsa ago

I think you got it wrong.

We should ignore the MSM rather than let them influence our conclusions one way or another.

8Ball ago

We should come to our own conclusions rather than have MSM feed them to us. That's the only way for the objective truth to be found. Anything they say is an inherent clue to what they have been tasked with first suppressing and then disseminating in a tampered, bastardized version.

kamtsa ago

Even a broken clock sometimes shows the correct time. Saying that X must be true because MSM say the opposite is silly.

Research yourself, get closer to the facts as possible, apply common sense and critical thinking and let the chips fall as they may.

ChippyTubes ago

I might even say that it could all just be a story, all conspiracy? If its real then why haven't others stepped in? Why have the FBI not done something? Why no Police Arrests?

My gut tells me some of the posts in pizzagate could be true but a lot of it is also tinfoil headed conspiracy bullshit and disinformation. There are a lot of news items, stories, posts in blogs "out there", some are going to sound preposterous but wind up being true, a lot sound true but are going to be false. I was not sure what to believe with this Pizzagate thing, I used to think it BS but with stories like Dennis Hastert and Jimmy Savile it could be possible much of these 'conspiracy' are in fact true? I wonder what is the consensus here on voat, is genital mutilation for example by jews arabs muslims in parts of Africa, Pakistann, the Middle East does this qualify as abuse? the real point in both men and women is that infants can't give consent to unecessary surgery is there a Regressive Left or Cultural relativists' defence of child abuse? btw can someone explain why the Pizzagate sub thread Constantly DELETING or CENSORING any news connecting pedophiles and muslim culture or islam? Another Rotherham 2.0? Some say Rotherham is the ultimate redpill for the leftwing progressives. A large number of people say the ones trying to get a Mod foothold, well Pretty much all of Voat has accepted these guys are Reddit thru and thru. They say weird reddit interent bunch want to establish a foothold and gain a membership hoping no one will look at how they just delete anything and everything. Rotherham 2.0? This Rotherham is a town in England, one of many Londonistan zones infested by islamism and rape, these men were abducting teenage girls, raping them, drugging them and even trafficking them in forced prostitution. An investigation estimates that this was done to over 1,400 girls…all while the government officials in the area turned a blind eye.

I feel much of pizzagate is sadly just conspiracy bullshit and disinformation, sure, there's a possibility to all of this, strange and disgusting and scandalous and criminal stories come out all the time... but some og this stuff is paranoid pot smoking stupid, BohemianGrove, Lizard men, Satanists,. Illumaniti, UFOs bla bla....if it is real, then it needs to lead back ot something substantial, not blog conspiracy but something that is real, or verifiable, or completely consistent with reality.

So what do we know that's real?

1 Comet Pizza! I have seen the odd blog post, youtube vid or 4chan conspiracy post on voat so I might not have all information. The Pizza restaurant was alleged to be part of the SUPER TERRIBLE things, Emails were hacked or leaked, private photos from facebook? twitter? instagram? Too many supposed "secret" emails with super weird language and people getting WAY too excited about pizza parties, gatherings of peoples and pasta parties. However this doesn't mean that they're all satanic peadophiles, but something weird strange, was happening that they were all enjoying, they had odd photos, strange art collections and there was something weird they were using codewords for. No group of adults gets that fucking excited over some pasta chuckie cheese. Pizzagate is just a 'conspiracy theory' that emerged during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. The theory, which went viral, claimed that a high up elite political guy John Podesta's emails, which were leaked by WikiLeaks, contained coded messages referring to human trafficking and connecting a number of restaurants in the United States and members of the Democratic Party with a fabricated child-sex ring.

However this does not mean Hillary Clinton is part of some Lizard illuminati group killing children. It could be that Podesta or whatever DC weirdos were running some counterfeit money scam, its possible they were moving some crap for those CIA assholes? maybe they ran some gay feitish weirdo sex club orgy in some basement? maybe they listened to odd art and music music and smoked a lot of pot or did drugs?

however it does not necessarily mean its all some child killing, Satanic, Dark Kidnapper, pedophile Lizard cult..

Although I do agree some of those leaks or facebook or twiter posts or emails do seem very weird and would require further investigation

Supposedly every few weeks and months on twitter or voat or the alternative parts of reddit and facebook, up pops some 'Big Reveal' some new thing that's going to be exposed, a new OPERATION so to speak

but it never comes to anything Even conspiracy Theorist like Alex Jones have now distanced themselves from the whole Pizzagate thing

What we do know however is that on voat, a lot of people seem to have some kind of 'confirmation bias' thinking Pizzagate is real while Censoring real Pedophile Crimes by Islamists, Child slavery Networks, Jewish child abuse, African culture 'customs', voat CENSORING and DELETE posts about muslim child rape and molestation. I wonder what the culture here on voat is? Free speech si welcomed here unlike facebook or reddit so for example would genital mutilation by jews arabs muslims in parts of Africa, in Bangladesh, Somalia, Afghanistan, the Middle East does this qualify as abuse the abuse of children?It seems some topics are taboo or forbidden by pizzagate...offending the SJWs run pizzgate with some moral relativism agenda when infants can't give consent to unecessary surgery is there a Regressive Left or Cultural relativists' defence of child abuse? I have no doubt some pizzagate stuff is real, that is some of it true, but a lot also seems to be perhaps buzz, disinformation> speculation? rumors?...let's stick to the fact....Any arrests yet? Any breaking news? The basic idea of Pizzagate is that a pizza parlor in Washington DC is alleged to be front and center of a major child sex ring that involves top Democrats close to Hillary Clinton. The conspiracy Pizzagate believers continue to say that Comet Ping Pong is the hub of a child-sex ring that reaches its slimy tentacles into the belly of the Democratic party’s elite, including Hillary Clinton and her former campaign chairman, John Podesta. Maybe there was soemthing to those emails? 4chan, twitter, facebook and Reddit users have delved deep into the emails of John Podesta as they were released by Wikileaks and concluded that the emails contained coded language...however maybe its something else? I dunno they are having some weird gay party? maybe they smuggled money? perhaps they were freaks doing drugs

Why is the pizzagte sub thread on voat now hijacked by reddit immigrant mods who delete and censor discussion on the Arab abuse topic, the Jewish smuggling connecting, delete and censor on the islamic history of pedophilia in the Quran or Koran? Is the pizzagate now a dead end, a blind dog chasing its own tail and hijacked by agenda driven politics!?

...however I do agree some those posts and mails I did see on the pizzagate topic, were very dark and weird

Many logical, investigative people and rational people have now labelled this Pizzagate story “not credible,”

Satou44 ago

then what was meant by torture chamber in that email

ChippyTubes ago

I don't know I didn't read all the emails because I don't like to spend my free time focusing on all that dark weird criminal stuff. but yeah respect to those who tried that online investigation...I think its gone too far now and it is largely conspiracy nonsense...who knows maybe there is some truth to the conspiracy and one day we will get the truth of Podesta etc

kamtsa ago

TL'DR. Can you give us a short summary of your opinion?

1moar ago

Ya, srsly...breathe and learn to write a readable narrative.