EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I don't get it. How does a 6 month old user with no submissions or comments have full voting rights?

Goathole ago

I don't......now. YOU SAID "Why do you pretend you don't care about points?"

I deleted my account. Your move faggot.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Wow. That's profound. I'm glad I was able to be part of it.

Goathole ago

whatever, they were just points.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Fuck that. I like it here.

Kielbasa_Sausage ago

The only time I worry about points is when I see a shitty post and can't downvote it! Soon...

2drunk ago

Points are like females, chlamydia!

suckcoke ago

It's a tally of times I made someone stop and smile with something fun, enjoyed something I found interesting too, or take a break from their day to enjoy a documentary or post I shared. It shows me that somewhere someone enjoyed something I did and maybe made their day a little brighter. It's the same reason why I give people a small smile when I walk past them in the street even when I don't feel like it - maybe they are down too and a little bit of humanity and human interaction made them forget their problem even for a split second.

Ywis ago

People turning internet points into a battle ground is how reddit got cancer mods and SRS.

prairie ago

I'll admit that I haven't even figured out voat's scoring. I see several numbers by my name and on my info page, but don't know what they mean (nor care to look into it). The only part I understand are up/downvoats on posts and submissions.

Aged ago

Because I don't care. I care about my points suddenly disappearing because some mass downvoating may be happening, and that may be a problem for the site, not me. Now that i know what really happened, I'm ok.

I'm not here for imaginary internet points. I want this site to grow and become equal to Reddit, because I want my revenge over what happened to /r/loli . Everything else is irrelevant.

facepaint ago

I don't as long as it doesn't affect my ability or functionality on this site. Beyond that, the number is useless.

LeoTrollsky ago

Of course I care about points. They affect the visibility of posts and let you downvote, so they're actually useful. And it's kinda nice to know you've contributed.

The important thing is the amount of caring. There's middle ground between "I don't give a shit about your imaginary points" and breaking down in tears over -1.

alalzia ago

You should care about the blues, they keep the community going

norse ago

someone needs to know their value system is also everyone elses value system.

Korinthian ago

I honestly don't care about my total. I care when I accrue them, after I try to put a coherent thought together and it not only is understood but resonates, I love that. After that though, it's about as useful as sand on a beach. They don't signify all that much. I can't spend them. They just build up slowly for no real purpose but their own sake.

ShitChuckles ago

Well said, Teddy Kuntz.

Voci ago

I think he's been butt-rammed since the beginning of voat. That's how this place is. Unforgiving yet fun.

Goater ago

This submission is pure faggotry, but I'm proud of your new subreddit, so have an upvote because they seem to matter to you, which is fine, whatever floats your goat. As long as it gets people to contribute content I don't care what the reward is. Upvotes, karma, internet points, good boy head pats, smiley face stickers, whatever will attract quality content and discussion here.

I contribute money, others their time bug finding, others content. It's a community, we all care about different things, but are tied together by our firm belief in freedom of speech.

I'd like it if Putt made it an option to turn off points displaying on your profile as long as you're over the downvote threshold so you can still do your duty in the new feed and downvote spam and completely false information in threads.

nieieieee ago

I saw some guy post about coming from Reddit and the highest comment was someone telling him to fuck off, then he said something very reddit like and it was boring or annoying typical reddit. Just like a semi witty comment and it just reminded me of the incredibly fake way reddit talks in cliche's. The reason I like voat is because of how honest and straight to the point the people are. I don't feel like they're trying to sway me. I just think it's such a unique place where people say 4chan things with actual usernames, actual accountability. I really fucking love that

Dauphin ago

I care... I'm just not obsessed... would like to be able to downvote, but almost there... hell I lurked for months before making an account. But yes, you should kinda care :)

SelfReferenceParadox ago

It's not the points, the points just represent that people like you. Who doesn't want to be liked?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Some people apparently don't want to be liked, or at least they want to lower their point totals. That's why I just made v/downvote.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Huh, never heard of that before, I'll have to make a post.

tribblepuncher ago

This is something I've often wondered. If nobody cared about points, they wouldn't be there. Arguably it could be considered a form of gamification.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

A couple people have pointed out that they like seeing the points on their individual posts and comments, but don't care about the total. I definitely agree with that.

tribblepuncher ago

I think that's true. It's a single, concentrated hit of "someone liked it!" Or if you're lucky, "a lot of people liked it!"

Islamiscancer ago

If i shit in a condom and shove it ip my dickhole, then it explodes and my dick gets so infected it has to be removed, BUT, i did it all as an "art piece" and it gains me the applause of a small number of individuals who have a "self mutilation involving faeces" fetish - that doesnt make what i did good, or of any value.

It makes me a retard who lost his dick being fucking retarded.

If you are so insecure that you need imaginary strangers on the interbutts to tell you your comment was "oh how witty!", you are pathetic, just craving validation from the literal lowest common denominator - internet personalities.

Fuck the points, id rather my comments say what i wanted to say - and if butthurt redditors want to downvote, they can go ahead. But even if some mouthbreathing Redditor here on Voat is shitting on about some spastic shit - i still rarely downvote. Cause im not Reddit tier.

Kill All Niggers

CowboyXero ago

Haven't bothered reading the rule changes, haven't bothered giving a shit. Harvest season in my fucks garden still lookin bleak as hell.

musicalbaboon ago

I actually don't. I'm still not even sure how they work.

8Hz_WAN_IP ago

Do I like seeing my posts get up voted? Sure, it can affirm that others agree with an opinion or appreciate a contribution but do I care about my overall vote total? Not really, I would actually be interested to know what affect on behavior it would have to hide user point totals.

PuttItOut ago

I don't know why but I love that second sentence. The first one is stupid.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


hur dur i solved the bragadee prablem

sane is brigaded 400.

mmhm sure you did putt

from the ban logs you killed goatku, amalek, cygnus, spartacus, and left the sjws and srs completely intact.

this is treason! ADOLF PUTTLER MUST GO

bring back @atko!!

Tipman79 ago


oiseaulibre ago

When @atko was here all you did was complain about him, lol.

european ago

Post views certainly would be subject to manipulation. Isn't it views that drives most sites economically?

Doomking_Grimlock ago

I lost about 800 points apparently. I'm less concerned about how many I lost, and more concerned about how many people have deleted their accounts since I joined two-ish years ago.

Also, holy shit, 800 points worth of people thought I was worth upvoating? Really? Jesus fuck, I'm just pullin' this shit out of my ass 99.9 percent of the time.

derram ago

I don't really care, but it's fun to watch the numbers tick up. I lost nearly 2k SCP in the recent update.

I stopped focusing on submitting things when I started working on my bot, though, so I'm guessing most of it had to do with deleted accounts.

I did write a crossposting thing recently, so I could get it back easy enough >;3

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Oh shit! There's a real person back there? Are the little summaries and random anime pics from the bot, though, or is it just you staying up all night typing that shit?

8Hz_WAN_IP ago

Dude, you are talking to a bot, there is no human back there.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

We're all bots here, bro.

derram ago

The automated message bit was originally added to separate the bot's posts from my own.

The bot is just way more active than me so people usually miss my manually submitted comments.

8Hz_WAN_IP ago

Is there a reason you didn't make a separate account for the bot?

derram ago

Because I'm lazy and didn't want to go through the effort of starting a new account and because I didn't want people thinking the bot would be unbiased.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Yeah, I didn't even know there were any restrictions until I read about it on here recently. Was it always that way?

turtlesarepureevil ago

I was trying to get 0 ccp but voat is just 2edgy4me, someone keeps upvoating all my shitposts.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I've got an idea. I'll be right back.

edit: Ok, I'm back. Go here: /v/downvote

brojobbro ago

This is like any social interaction. If an individual is overtly trying to gain praise from his, or her, peers, it's repellent. Deep down, everyone wants the praise and admiration of peers. Fuck, it's considered a need in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Never heard of him. TIL

Derpy_Derpson ago

There is absolutely no way I could care any less about my 'Internet points' you faggot.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

It's ok. It's no reason to be self conscious.

Derpy_Derpson ago

oh no, you down voted me, what ever will I do? I might as well kill myself now seeing as how my life will never amount up to anything with out your approval.

Islamiscancer ago

Yay Reddit! To the front page I go! Golded?! No way! My top comment is about a Fish!

Another Golded? Oh my Reddit!

Edit 6: obviously my inbox is exploding from all the funny and witty comments im receiving.

Update 12: 4 days later, RIP my Inbox

So many upvotes! My comment was original and witty, but someone else also posted an interesting and witty comment also!

Oh no a downvote brigade has looked through my comment history and found that i am sexually attracted to childten, but its ok cause u posted to PedoFriends and i havent acted on my urges.

Wow Golded again? Reddit really is the Front Page!

Bias? Not at all.

Yay Reddit! Pop culture reference from obscure 1980s video game!

Golded again!

Fuck Reddit and fuck upvotes.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I haven't downvoted anyone in this thread. There's no reason to get all worked up. I'm telling you it's ok.

VouvrayCabernet ago

because if you sound like you do care about them, it exposes you as the attention-seeking person we all are

i agree with you dude. we're social creatures. we feed off of other people's praise. having that praise taken away from us feels like you aren't special anymore, which we all know we really aren't but its fun to pretend.

european ago

It's probably a derivative of "being listened to" or appreciated for you efforts or luck at finding an interesting frog shaped rock.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Upvoted. That was some poignant shit, bro.

BTW, "stripper" is spelled with 2 Ps.

Voatifier ago

Some of us only P on strippers once. Anything more is just too showy.

VouvrayCabernet ago

fixed, thanks

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

That's a long way to go. Besides, I want anarchy!

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

A vote for you, then.