SeanBox ago

Both accounts went banhammering random people on the same day...

SeanBox ago

Sanegoat is hecho unless that's a standard unbanned statement

Islamiscancer ago

I got the exact same statement on a different sub.

greycloud ago

it always says "X has unbanned you from Y. Play nice. Promise me. Ok, I believe you." when you get unbanned.

SeanBox ago

Oh. Still doesn't mean I'm wrong. They should both be banned and have all their content deleted.

greycloud ago


SeanBox ago

Found another @hecho alt. @puttitout can you tell if these accounts are linked? I can't actually do that but this is a new alt approaching me that posted an awful lot of submissions to v/youngladies's the same person.

greycloud ago

you are not the first person to accuse me of being hecho, but you are the first to claim that after claiming hecho is sanegoatiswear. so that kind of makes the claim that i am sanegoat which is a first. i am not either. hecho and me agree on a lot of things. sanegoat and me agree on free speech as well as the idea that there are payed disinformation spreaders (shills) on social network sites (including voat).

if you think people should be banned because of legal content they post. perhaps you belong in this special moderated area here?

Gerplunckamo ago

If you're gonna call someone out, at least ping them.

@sanegoatiswear @hecho

SaneGoatiSwear ago

dude they're all shills. are you not paying attention? this is a shill thread.

Gerplunckamo ago

are you not paying attention

I'm too high. ELI5.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

6 months ago something awful happened to voat.

no idea what; going theory: conde nast took it over and had the existing embedded sjws take over even more.

fuzzywords coded voat and atko didnt since then, basically, on github.

we know now, they've been making changes to voat code that never go to git.

voat is closed source.

voat is coded by sjws

voat has self-censorship tools for all users

voat now bans users (not in the ban log!) by some secret rule by some secret judge on how much you vote (which is speech that should not be abridged)

voat is 100% compromised. abandon hope all ye that enter here, for it is just reddit for the retard.

ForgotMyName ago

we know now, they've been making changes to voat code that never go to git.

voat is closed source.

Proof or GTFO.

Edit: Maybe I should clarify - I want actual proof. Not just another 10-page SaneGoat rant. I will ignore that useless crap.

Gerplunckamo ago

Go slower. Use smaller words please.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

voat. is. run. by. sjws. free speech is dead. voat. is. fucked.

Gerplunckamo ago

That'll do goat. That'll do.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

aye. back to fph. site's fucked.

SeanBox ago

TIL: @Gerplunckamo is high

Gerplunckamo ago

Shhhh, it's ok my tender goat. I'm here for you.

SeanBox ago

Drugs are bad, mmmkay?

Gerplunckamo ago

Yeah, if you're 15. This is strictly for adult use only, my man.

SeanBox ago

I was a medical patient when I lived in California. I'm a very sick man.

brandon816 ago

Of course you can't really ban the main account without compromising the premise of the website. But, if the alts were all coming through a VPN in order to get around IP limitations and then spamming and vote manipulating, then I think it's fair to say that you can ban those.

brandon816 ago

Pretty sure his alts all got banned / silenced.