NobleCreaturePuncher ago

EVE, and Something Awful is way before my internet time. I read about those somewhere though (know your meme maybe), but the rest of the stuff (scams) is new to me.

This shit has influence believe it or not.

I believe it.

NobleCreaturePuncher ago

Thanks for reply. I doubt they will accomplish anything by sub squatting especially after witnessing the whole v/niggers v/chicago ordeal.

NobleCreaturePuncher ago


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                                             FOR YOU NIGGER

NobleCreaturePuncher ago

Voat is a website that is not A.I. Moron.

Voat has voaters, and they'll get dethroned pretty quick once a goat notices.

They do it because they hate the current message.

Who are they, and how are "they" different from you?

They are nigger loving filth.

Did you make a new alt just so you could say nigger?

all three comments have the word nigger

new alt for the N word

KEK you keeping your main alt clean huh?