skittlesforhair ago got me. I sat here for about 3 minutes because I just assumed it was my slow ass laptop being a piece of shit again.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Really? I don't think I can recall a single time calling blacks that, but nobody has ever commented on it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

be me!

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Perhaps the reverse is also true.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


fagnig ago


Tb0n3 ago

Put a random word in quotes.

Joe_McCarthy ago

The difference between criticism of blacks and Jews is that the criticism of blacks isn't usually based on imaginary bullshit.

But any topic that is discussed excessively is just boring

Of course any minute now some nutzi will swing by to inform us boredom is Jewish.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

oh yeah sure millions of people around the world and throughout history hate the jews, and they've been expelled from a majority of civilizations FOR NO REASON

your ignorance is ridiculous do you know how many genocides and ethnic cleansing the jewish people are responsible for?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Jews were overwhelmingly expelled during the Middle Ages or Age of Faith. Religious minorities in general were fucked with then. French Huguenots got kicked out of France. Paul Revere was descended from them. Jews were small in number and easy to kick out.

That isn't to say they were entirely innocent but what is ignorant, or better stated: superficial, is just to say that Jews got kicked out of a million countries and be totally unaware of the historical context as you are.

As for your question... I can think of maybe one not counting biblical accounts. No bullshit about 'Jewish Bolshevism' please.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it was for usury in most cases, you are the ignorant one for pretending like they didn't deserve it. The Armenian genocide and the ethinic cleansing of Palestinians to form Israel are some of those most recent

Joe_McCarthy ago

All right. Rintfleisch pogrom in Bavaria in 1298. Jews massacred over rumors of host desecration. After you Google to find out what host desecration is you can explain why Jews deserved to be murdered.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we wouldn't have had either of the world wars without them. Japan and germany would be in better states now and we probably would have space travel or robots by now

CowWithBeef ago

Rocket League

robocook ago


PoopStainMcGee ago

Well played.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Mention Jews. They'll commence looking for them in cloud formations and in their cereal bowls.

Goater ago

I think Voat wouldn't be so obsessive about Judaism, well more in particular Zionism, if the correlation between shitty actions/events/articles/reports/positions of power wasn't quite so obscenely accurate.

Joe_McCarthy ago

More like Voat's Judeo-obsessives are newbs to racialism or old line tards that got taken in by Stormfront white trashionalist ideology or are just prone to conspiracy thinking in general.

Some will eventually learn their way out of it. Meanwhile, the struggle to talk about something other than Jews continues...

Goater ago

I don't think that's fair to label Voaters as Stormfronters. The level of discussion on Voat doesn't resemble anything that I've seen on Stormfront when people have linked it.

Zionism is an inherently violent and selfish ideology and most Voaters don't believe in white supremacy, they believe in equality, the pendulum has swung so far that anything resembling pride in a Caucasian heritage is seen as bigotry.

Most Voaters have no more problems with Jews than they do believers of any other Abrahamic faith, they have problems with Zionism.

I've worked for Jewish people and spent time traveling with western raised Jewish men as a young adult, some of the statements that came out after a few drinks are just as bad racially as say the KKK or BLM.

Only 1 in 50 or so conversations I have on Voat has do with Judaism and Zionism, maybe it's the subs you're frequenting or my personal theory that antisemitism, being incredibly frowned upon in USA where Voat is hosted, is being used to discredit or shut down Voat through legal action.

Joe_McCarthy ago

It's misplaced to call even most Stormfronters white supremacists. That is a widely misused term. But being a message board SF allows for less superficial exchanges if anything. Plus Voat has a more neophyte/conspiracist edge on the subject. There are a lot of alt right types here though so at the very least they're in the same family of ideologies as SF. At the very least.

Both SF and Voat have the feel of an echo chamber on the subject of Jews though. But judging by the upvotes one of my posts got I'm not simply seeing things. If 1 in 50 of your discussions here is about Jews you're passing on a lot of the most popular threads.

bikergang_accountant ago

At this point people who are prone to conspiracy theory are just prone to be accurate.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Except that very few conspiracy theories have been proven true.

Goater ago

Again, I have to disagree, a massive amount of conspiracy theories have been proven true, perhaps you need to look up the actual definition of a conspiracy, and possibly theorist as well.

  • Extreme surveillance apparatus - we were talking about this back in the late 90's and no one believed us, yet I'd say it's proven now thanks to whistleblowers.
  • 9/11 being co-ordinated by Saudis, Israel or U.S or a combination - again evidence pointed to this in 2001 and it was ignored.
  • Planned obsolescence in consumer goods - do I need to say more? You can look up for yourself the amount of companies that have been caught doing this.
  • Historically - MKULTRA, The Manhattan Project, that syphillis study they did in poor communities,Gulf of Tonkin - again do I really need to go on?

Joe_McCarthy ago

You seriously blew your credibility with that 9-11 bullshit. Stuff like surveillance and MKULTRA have something to them - but a handful of conspiracy theories out of the million conspiracists go on about is not a 'massive amount' of proven conspiracy theories. It's the small number I implied.

bikergang_accountant ago

That's why Congress has allowed 9/11 victims to sue the Saudi government for 9/11. I'm sorry, the fact that they have some degree of involvement is finito. Even without that they certainly had been funding Al Queda, fact.

cyks ago

newbs to racialism

conspiracy thinking

This teenage angst is at 3 upvotes.

gazillions ago

2% of the population owns over 90% of the media and has control of the narrative and you like that? Maybe it's just you.

chicoski ago

Even though that is a false statistic, it is irrelevant. You assume that by virtue of being born into certain belief system, that a) that belief system is evil and espouses world domination (which is ridiculous, and you can't claim to know more about Judaism than actual Jews) and b) that every decision those people make is based on the fact that the are Jewish. You can identify with a religion and not have it affect your daily life, believe it or not.

gazillions ago

It is not a false statistic.

I give zero fucks about the beliefs of any religious group. I reserve all my concern for the effects on everyone else of those beliefs.

I don't recall saying that all jews are evil either so I don't appreciate the hysterical overreaction. You're free to show and tell us where the line of demarcation is between globalist communist jews and non globalist communist jews, because we all want to know. We'd really like to know what wild coincidence brought us Jewish backed genderless communism in Russia, China and why the Weimar republic was plagued by jewish media control and the obsessive push to transgender worship, which certainly looks in retrospect like it was heading for another case of enforced genderless communism.

As a matter of fact, if you give two fucks about jews at all you need to get work ferretting out those differences and filling the rest of us in so we can know just which ones are out for blood.

If you're under the mistaken impression that jews as a group are above criticism you would be abjectly wrong. They certainly are not and you need to get used to it.

chicoski ago

  1. It is a false statistic, and 2. By constantly precluding or ending everything you say with "Jew," you seem to be under the impression that "Jewishness" is responsible for tragedies throughout the world, with pretty much zero evidence. Any evidence I give to the contrary, will simply be marked as "mainstream" and therefore somehow wrong, when compared to your non-peer reviewed, non-scholarly interpretations of tragic events that have occurred throughout world history.

As for Jews being a part of the Russian Revolution, repressed groups tend to join and support revolutions that promise to emancipate them on religious grounds (i.e., the Jews living in the Russian Pale of Settlement). That should not come as a surprise. As for China, roughly <1% of the Chinese population was Jewish in 1949, which further invalidates your already outrageous claims. Not really sure what you are referring to in Weimar Germany when you say that the Jews controlled the media, der Sturm and other Nazi publications could not have arisen if this was the case, and in any event, Jews accounted for less than 7/10ths of 1% of the German population in 1933. No, Hitler was not somehow "enlightened," and realized the Jews were "evil," he was a deluded individual who brought his country into war against the British Empire, still the biggest empire in the world in 1939, the Soviet Union, the largest manpower base on the planet, and the United States, the largest economic base on the planet.

You seem to be under the impression that the diaspora of Jews across the world is preplanned, and somehow contributes to a global network of Jews actively seeking to engender a "communist, genderless global society." How the tenets of Judaism support this, and why you even believe that Jews would support this, just doesn't add up. Never did I say that Jews as a group were not subject to criticism. But your claims are wildly outlandish given the proven data (no, data being mainstream doesn't mean its controlled by some shadowy world Jewish entity, it just means that your claims are ludicrous), and your assertion that there is somehow a demarcation line between "bad" and "good" Jews, based on the fact that they are Jewish, also does not make sense.

gazillions ago

Your point seems to be that jews were all victims, therefore the ones who did the damage were justified.

Extending that leads us to the typical poison.... Blacks who kill whites are justified. Anyone who thinks they have a greivance are justified. We aren't dealing with chinese killing whites. We aren't dealing with Chinese making a deliberate and concerted effort to own all the media and control the media. It isn't happening.

Anyway, you've obviously placed me in the position of being completely anti jew all the time and a gigantic Jew hater. That's the kind of simplistic bigotry that feeds into more problems than anyone needs, and makes this conversation utterly worthless.

I'll add this: for years now, there have been few places anywhere on the internet anyone could go and not see the anti christian shit come up. Rarely have we witnessed blatant and open anti semitism. I'm not a christian, but i have to say it's refreshing to see some historical truths come out about judaism. It actually sucks. A lot. As a religion it's ridiculous. And the day we can push the lopsided jewish hold on the media out will be good day indeed.

chicoski ago

Never said that Jews are all victims. Just stated statistics showing that Jews were the minority in all of the places you named before, and really had no power to influence those events because of their Jewishness, and that the tenets of Judaism don't call for some genderless society. Where do you have the impression that Jews are seeking to control the media? This implies that they are doing this because they are Jewish, or that them being Jewish somehow affects the fact that they own a stake in the media. That line of thought belongs in the Middle Ages. You say you don't care about religious beliefs- I doubt that a media executive who was raised Jewish is secretly rubbing their hands together saying "yes, scored one for the worldwide Jewish conspiracy." That is just nonsense.

If you judge every religion on how it was interpreted in 600 BC, they all suck. Much of what is written in the Talmud (most of which was written before 1000AD), when interpreted literally, doesn't paint an accurate portrayal of how Judaism is practiced by 99% of its adherents today. To assume otherwise is also thinking that belongs in the Middle Ages.

If you believe that Judaism as a religion is "ridiculous," then you must believe that about every other religion, in which case I agree with you. But stop attaching importance to people's religious upbringing in relation to how they execute their daily activities. People just don't think that way anymore.

gazillions ago

Your religion is important when it is the link between the people fucking tbe world over. It's the link between the media owners. It's the major indicator of people behind extremely fucked up socialist anti white non profits, it's the majority who fund them as well, fucked up anti white socialist professors. It was not coincidentally jews of power behind Mao. Not one of those fuckers are victims or powerless.

Not all bears will kill you when you meet up with them, but you have to approach all bears as if they will kill you if you want to keep your life. So unless and until you can display the difference between good jew and bad jew and give me any reason to act against my own interests by not treating you all as dangerous, you can suck it.

chicoski ago

A ton of these powerful people also happen to be white (Ashkenzi Jews are also all white, and they make up the majority of Jews today, so I'm not really sure why you think white Jews would have an anti-white tendencies). A ton of these powerful people also happen to be Christian. Why are they any different? Your reasoning falls on its face when presented with facts and logical thinking.

You can only see in terms of religion, and only through the lens that people viewed religion in the 1300s. That time is past. Grow up, into the time you are born into. There is a reason that 99% of the world rejects your ridiculous assumptions and beliefs, and it's not because some shadowy "Jewish world government" has brainwashed the entire planet. It's because your beliefs are childish, and don't make any sense to people who hear them.

gazillions ago

No, you're absolutely ridiculous. This has fuck all to with the religion itself, as far as anyone else is concerned. It's about the business and political behavior of the people who belong to that religion.

You have fulfilled every stereotype in your responses, even down to the "oh but we're white" when it's convenient.

The behavior that pisses everybody off is abhorant, exclusive and obsessive and, as I said it's what is displayed in business and politics by specifically jewish people. No one gives a fuck about the personal differences. It's about constantly trying to take control of everybody else's world. Jews are as stupid as everybody else, have messed up all they have taken control of and should shut the fuck up and quit trying to be to control everything. Once they're overwhelming control of the media is brought about by their sheer ineptitude, a lot will have been accomplished for the world. Your unwillingness to concede that jews are in fact problematic in the business and political world says all anyone needs to know about your own choseness.

chicoski ago

Being a Jew is not a race... I'm 75% Irish, and I still celebrate Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah etc. and consider myself Jewish. While Jews were a race at one point, they have been intermingling with other peoples for millennia, and race is no longer a part of being Jewish.

What you are failing to see is that being Jewish has nothing to do with any of this. The fact that Jewish people have positions of power in media organizations means nothing, because their Jewishness plays no factor in it. For their Jewishness to matter, there would have to be some tenet of Judaism that calls for "controlling everyone else's world" - that tenet does not exist.

I'm confused about why you think specifically Jewish people are trying to "take over the world." Why would they want that? Where is your proof? What figures exactly are you angry about?

gazillions ago

They own all the fucking media. They're predominantly behind political non profits. If Chinese were 2% of the population and out for all that control, it wouldn't be abided. I don't have to take your hand through the internet looking up who owns what. I've done it, you do it.

You're absolutely obsessive and keep coming back. You're also wrong and no amount of pop ups of you in my inbox is going to change that.

chicoski ago

Your right, I can't change your mind. People like you have a bunker mentality, where no matter how much evidence or logic is thrown their way, nothing will change.

Luckily, the majority of the world recognizes your views for what they are: lunacy. Zero basis in fact, just blind hatred and faith. You take one quality at face value, without even delving into how important it is or if it matters, and assume that quality is the deciding factor in the world. Its a shame that you are so obsessed with a concept that is a complete lie.

gazillions ago

Yeah right. Cause you say so. Haha. You're pretty funny for a an irish chicoski.

Joe_McCarthy ago

That's highly exaggerated. What I will sign off on is that Jews are very much overrepresented in the American media.

gazillions ago

I don't believe it's exagerrated, highly or otherwise. But for an apologist to at least acknowledge that there is a problem deserves some credit.

Oh and by the way, it isn't just an American problem. They own Canadian media too except for the public broadcaster.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm not exactly an apologist. I dislike Jewish liberalism and their overrepresentation in the US media is problematic because, voila, we get a liberal media. Basically the media is controlled from some of the most liberal congressional districts in the nation around NYC, DC, etc.

What I do dislike though is bullshit. I know Jews don't have that much media power in this country because I've looked into it. But seriously: that a 2% minority could have 90% control should strike even a halfway skeptical person as exaggerated.

gazillions ago

Take your skepticism into research.

DillHoleBagHands ago

JUDEN! JUUUUUUUUUUUDEEEEEEN! I agree. It has gotten a tad excessive.

Offended? Good ya faggots.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You only say that, Schlomo, because like me you're a Jewish astroturfer with the JIDF. Jews rule everything. Only Jews disagree or don't want to talk about Jews 24/7.

Havengul ago

I watch all my shitty action movies in schlomo.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there wouldn't be an issue if there weren't any jews

DillHoleBagHands ago

While I have the nose of a Jew, I am not one. I feel neutral to them. I do not hate them, but I do not love them.

Fagtardicus ago

mein kampf