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PuttItOut ago

You are.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

really, putt? four words and a post? that's all you got for all these fans after all this time?!?!!?

you both, you admingoats... you're just making me shake my head in disbelief....

Pawn ago

dude give him time. He just got back.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

JUST GOT BACK? he did auto-subverse requests what a week ago? no. EIGHTEEN DAYS AGO.

i don't think putt just got back. i think our admins have been fucking replaced.

like you said, atko gets death threats and called fat and all sorts of shit, and doesn't even worry.

fucking point out a bug he's been ignoring for A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR and he loses his mind?


is far from it at this point.

completely not our admins

is more like it.