toobaditworks ago

Sweet! You da man!

Chiefpacman ago

How is modding v/niggers though?

I imagine it would weigh a little heavy. Would you say you're more concentrated on all that stuff now?

aria_taint ago

this still works

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

me 2 it's happening to me 2 as well :)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

huh? o i know this; was wondering which link you wanted me to comment for you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

or what the evil cousin of the strikethrough bug looks like? ( i can't believe i never took shots! thanks rando user!)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oooo because he was all in talking on all the posts like 7 to 14 months ago on voatdev about the markdown bug in question.

and also, when atko shored up the code on git, he responded to daniel's post about it there, and closed the issue


please help me put words to what that means in terms of socnets, devs, coding, etc... why would the lead dev say fuck fixing a bug like this and just shut shit off?/

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what was that stuff about "stop blaming danielflamino"?? was that you for failure. i am again so sorry i'm confusing you two goats. you have similar goat fur markings!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh. ohk:) yeah, atko turned off the markups including sub sup and strike. just turned it off. he apparently has not desire to fix this YEAR OLD BUG. lol

voat's dead in the water by voat admin (in)action.

totes_magotes ago

Yeah, that's real fucking mature. Way to show that you're serious about your admin powers and responsibilities. It's no wonder this bug has existed in one form or another for over a year. Why don't you find another way to whine about it instead of validating it as an xelement on the server side and return a fucking error response if it's not valid instead of trying to parse the fucking tags. And no, I'm not going to submit code as long as you have that attitude and the other faggot.... what's his name... can't do his fucking job.

InnocentBystander ago

Ya, how dare @Atko collect his paycheck without first fixing every thing that bothers you.

Oh, wait.. he doesn't get paid to put up with your shit and whining.
Responsibility? He has no responsibility to the site or you. None.

He does this in his free time, as a hobby. After working a full-time job.
Go fuck yourself if you are going to be demanding, he owes us nothing.

I'm not going to submit code

No code, no donations. You bring nothing but demands.
You entitled little bitch. Take your whining elsewhere.

totes_magotes ago

but now I have zero motivation to fix it.

Yeah, your stupid bullshit totally makes that shit disappear doesn't it? Yeah, didn't think so, faggot. So why don't you go fuck yourself, you piece of shit.

Ya, how dare Atko collect his paycheck without first fixing every thing that bothers you.

Yeah, how the fuck dare me point out that this motherfucker has let this site-breaking bug go on for over a year. It has nothing to do with a paycheck or any-fucking-thing else but yet it's my fucking fault (and the fault of other contributors). Get your fucking head out of your ass or contribute yourself, faggot.

No code, no donations. You bring nothing but demands.

Yeah, I gave him the fucking answer to solve the bug, fucking moron. The code is written in C#, MVC, Razor, Entity Framework. I know what the fuck I'm talking about. So "no donation" my fucking ass. You just want to bitch like a little cunt because you can. So shut your little dicksucker and go on wit' cho bad self.

Edit: What, nothing pithy or smartass to say, motherfucker. Just gonna downvote and roll on? Yeah, that's what happens you act like a fucking dumbass and your ass gets as rekt as your "argument." Next time, make a good point instead of trying to just be abusive. Abuse is a fucking scalpel but people swing it around like a fucking sledgehammer. Come back when you're pro.

InnocentBystander ago

Re: your edit.

I didn't need to respond.
The level of butt hurt and tears in your reply confirmed that my point found its mark.

I had a good laugh, and moved on.

But your edit just makes it so much better. You're asshole is so puckered that you don't even make sense.

You think you rekt me? Check again.
I pushed you into exposing yourself as an immature irrational self entitled baby.

And got some good laughs.
That's all win baby.

totes_magotes ago

And all your faggot ass did was prove that all you want to do is whine and bitch like the little cunt you are. You have nothing to add and you won't contribute so you just sit in your chair, typing with one hand and jacking off with the other. Truly fucking pathetic.

Until you submit at least one line of code or come up with a feasible solution to a site bug, you can go fuck your own hypocritical ass because you have nothing to share except your whining.

InnocentBystander ago

Uh oh.. somebody call the wahmbulance. He's got a severe case of burnt anus.

It's adorable how you think you're worth the time to engage.

You've tried, and failed, to provoke me. But don't give up. You may not be able to say anything reasonable enough to be taken seriously, but you are brightening my day with laughter.


SaneGoatiSwear ago

homer simpson-like response:

the second atko took money from users was the second we all had right to complain.


InnocentBystander ago

Everyone always has the right to complain.
That doesn't mean they are entitled to have anyone care.

Donations were given to help with the operational costs of Voat. It does not mean Atko owes you anything other than to use it for those costs. He does not get paid. He is a volunteer. He owes none of us anything.

But he puts in a lot of time for us anyway. He doesn't need to be treated like shit for it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

whao chill inby.

i'm just the messenger. you wanna say this to who said that, you go right ahead buddy (from the linked comment and up a couple in the chain)

SaneGoatiSwear ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

no just temporarily turned off some markdown code :(

SaneGoatiSwear ago

well if someone's gotta get axed to get shit done around here, then so fucking be it.

also, what a shitty boss if he goes around "free speech! free speech! have your say!<sup>TM</sup>" and then benns for speech like "smarting off"

also, i don't know if there's precedence in law, but i do know of a similar issue: game bugs. if a game bug in a game is exploitable, the users cannot be held at fault for utilizing it until at the very least devs attempt to close the exploit in good faith, as some users found out in "destiny." and a couple other games.. legally speaking,, if that's how the game is "as is" then any normal combinations of button presses normally done in a game is not doing something malicious or actionable even if it is considered an exploit, or breaking the game or giving the users unfair advantage, etc, not supposed to be part of the game by the dev's design (but ended up being that way). i would suggest that pointing out to a dev a serious bug that had gone un checked for A YEAR or basically half of voat-life, in a way that SUCCESSFULLY GOT HIM TO DO SOMETHING is not something actionable against, but instead a dirty job someone had to fucking do, because legally, they did leave the code as is for a year after being notified, and after being notified repeatedly and as recently as a month ago, thus then we can operate in good faith using this strikethrough bug as though it's part of how voat is supposed to work. atko has said he didn't notice it until this EVENING! and in any case, he didn't fix it. he turned off some of the markdown code.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i undid ALL of them that i did. but yeah,, atko just commented to me that he "fixed" it but lost functionality of super and sub script and strikethrough.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

derram ago

Seems to have contributed more than you, according to your overviews.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that shows that @legomyego is the winner @atko lego myego should get the badge. put it up 1 years ago!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i meant no ill will, atko. you know me, the sane goat! this bug has a MUCH WORSE VERSION that can REALLY be used maliciously to screw up voat. it has been on voat dev for a month, and it wasn't getting fixed - as you say you "weren't aware of it."

i'm sorry you have no motivation to fix a serious voat bug, please refer to this voat dev post to see it in action.

also, again, i just posted the strikethrough a few times, and showed the worse one to a few people and posted it once on an old large post. have removed (and had other users remove) the strikethroughs and what not, and am not attempting to post them again.

some bolds remain.

the point was to raise awareness on a serious bug without screwing anything up beyond the scope of voatdev

not only that, i participated in getting the work-around out in someone's post about this, and commented to people they can work-around it, and let others undo it.

it wasn't with malice, is my point. it was to get the bug fixed.

some suggested post to voat dev.

that didn't work. what would you have us do? sit quietly in the corner with a broken voat and just hope no one uses this bug maliciously?

weezkitty ago

Thought they fixed that, though.

It came back

SaneGoatiSwear ago

can you see your shadow?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so you show up in salt kitchens to soup about the complainer?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol bro relax, it was posted a month ago, i'm not doing the bug anymore, it was just to get an admin response... and lo, putt returned.

also, i participated in the posts showing a workaround for those really pissed by strikethrough (i didn't recreate the WORSE page-ruining bug everywhere), and am no longer doing it.

i don't see how any of those things are relevant to wanting to get a serious bug fixed asap.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

PuttItOut ago

You are.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

really, putt? four words and a post? that's all you got for all these fans after all this time?!?!!?

you both, you admingoats... you're just making me shake my head in disbelief....

Pawn ago

dude give him time. He just got back.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

JUST GOT BACK? he did auto-subverse requests what a week ago? no. EIGHTEEN DAYS AGO.

i don't think putt just got back. i think our admins have been fucking replaced.

like you said, atko gets death threats and called fat and all sorts of shit, and doesn't even worry.

fucking point out a bug he's been ignoring for A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR and he loses his mind?


is far from it at this point.

completely not our admins

is more like it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

also can you fix this bug plz? we miss you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago



Failure ago

dude, hes okay. just busy

SaneGoatiSwear ago

mmmhm. tell that to atko with his specific silence regarding gags outside of nsa/fisa requests.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no you're not! did i type it wrong?!

Failure ago

i dont think you understand. putt is an omnipotent being

SaneGoatiSwear ago

PuttItOut ago

Am I?

Failure ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout is gone. :(

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol you should talk to @heartattack99 he loooooooves this method. /S

i undid the bad ones on recent posts (a few nested comment ones and one old post one still remain.)

you can do more if you want, but i think the really bad one will piss off more people than get to help nudge atko to fix it.... i think the strike through (if that dick would stop ruining it) does the job nicely. that's my 2 cents tho, we'll hear @heartattack99's in a minute :)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

edit: no just temporarily turned off.

morkathell ago

?Is it working

morkathell ago

will this fix it?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i just want the bug fixed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hi everyone! it's me! it's sane goat, apparently sambone as well :)

anyway,, the devs weren't fixing this massive voat-ruining bug

so after a long tim (like more than half a year) i decided for no fucking reason today to just populate the front page with a few strikethrough bugs. there is a worse one. please don't reproduce it, i've just done it once. i want the admins to fix it immediately. it's been too long, and it could be used to fuck voat up really bad.

sorry about the bother.

there is a workaround for now if it pisses you off, thanks to @thetrigger


oh you turned them off entirely :(

Chiefpacman ago

The fuck?

The slash throughs man

ToFat2Fish ago


GainsGoblinGoebbels ago

Voat devs can't write decent parsing logic?

totally_an_admin ago

Apparently not.

Pwning4Ever ago

Its a jewish conspiracy

toobaditworks ago

I heard it was aliens.

Anson ago

Thats not funny since theyre actually conspiring on things. Things that probably affect you even

Javik2186 ago

You can blame this idiot for breaking Voat: @loltidderkcuf

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol no.

Lag-wagon ago

This comes up once a month... Someone put a strike but doesn't close it.

oftotc ago

I wonder if this fixes it?
EDIT: Nope.

oftotc ago

@NeedleStack broke the site earlier today.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

was me. for the good of voat. was a half-success, as the admins have not fixed it yet, but put in a temporary (hopefully) solution that cuts out a bunch of markup. sub super, and strike.

NeedleStack ago

noooOOoooooOOOoo it wasn't me, honest. :(

toobaditworks ago

Why do such a thing?