treadmillcat ago

Cultural marxism was started by jewish intellectuals at the Frankfurt School. The Culture of Critique is a good book which explains how jews subvert society for their own interests to the detriment of the host population.

Cultural marxism is intended to destroy the white gentile male power structure, not the white jewish male power structure. There is no affirmative action or open borders in Israel.

For the past two thousands years jews have tried to destroy white gentile populations because they see white gentile populations as their main obstacle to world domination.

MoonMansWay ago

"Culture of Critique" by Kevin B. MacDonald.

slope ago

Its a BS compound word made from the term "Marxism", which is something totally different and involves fairness in economic theory.

"Cultural Marxism" came about as a term because if you were to apply the concept of "fairness and equality" to culture in a top down authoritarian manner, you might get the same kind of regressive perversions that we are seeing in Europe.

"Cultural Marxism" encompasses everything from transvestites, to diluting European DNA with a flood of Africans.

However, it would be better to call a turd a turd than confusing fusions of existing vocabulary words.

When actual Marxism is done right, you get a Welfare state that works well like the Northern European socialist states. This, as we see, breaks down when a flood of foreigners invade. To hold things together you do need nationalism, a love of country, and a healthy understanding that cultures are different and alot of them suck.

So really it's a misnomer, that stems from misunderstandings of actual Marxism (maybe versions of it like the catastrophic Chinese "Great Leap Forward"), and serves as a means to "taint" the actual word.

goodwood ago

The Talmud/shisha sedarim.

Kramer ago

Cultural Marxism is basically the application of Critical Theory. You need to read books on critical theory to understand what cultural Marxism is. Books written by Herbert Marcuse might be a good start.

To sum it up for those reading the thread, in the past, communism pitted the bourgeois (rich people) against the proletariat (poor people). The haves vs the have nots. They thought that as a movement, it would transcend borders and unite all working classes of the world. Instead, when World War 1 broke out, the workers of the world chose to take up arms against each other by fighting for their own respective nations and national interests. So Critical Theory attempts to rectify this problem by challenging traditional European cultural norms in the hopes that it will ultimately destroy the idea of the nation state altogether. By removing nationalism, the working poor of the world will eventually unite together.

How do you challenge traditional European cultural norms? You redefine who the oppressors are. The old anti Marxist oppressors are no longer the rich vs poor, but rather the majority vs the minority. Are you white? You are oppressive. The answer to this? Diversity. Are you cis gendered? You are oppressive, the answer? Pan-sexualism and homosexuality. Are you male? You are oppressive, the answer? Affirmative action. Are you Christian? You are oppressive. The answer? Islam!.

As you can see, there is an answer to every strong part of European culture that is intentionally being undermined by the closet Marxists in academia, the media, and among the ruling elite.

GrumpyEconomist ago

Spot on reply.

I would add that reading "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" by Paulo Freire helps explain what is taking place in academia. You can also have a look at Repressive Tolerance by Herbert Marcuse, though I recommend against it - it's like attempted murder by writing.

Eugen Von Bohm-Bawerk is an Austrian economist who wrote "Karl Marx: The Close of His System", which refutes Marx's economic theories. For refutations of of the non-economic arguments I would look to Christina Hoff Summer and Janice Fiamengo, both have excellent YouTube channels.

totorio ago

None. It is bullshit for rednecks of right wing. (And I am not left wing),