bumbleberries ago

Our Little Brothers and Sisters, Inc.

Search that on OpenCorporates and you'll find a lot. One of them also contains Maccoby.

There are also many others named as Friends of the Orphans, etc. and some have been replaced with other companies on the same address such as St Luke's.

There is also one by Robert B Luce called:

This was really suss because Robert Bannister Luce is the City Attorney and was the go-to man for adoptions, but I couldn't find any dirt on him. He apparently adopted two Haitian kids back in 1990s, and helped other people organize Haitian adoptions as well. If this guy was involved it would highly implicate corruption up to the top.

His son, Patrick Bannister Luce, does have a criminal record though. But that doesn't really mean anything. So I'm not going to touch that further, just thought I'd let it out there.

bumbleberries ago

Forgot about this one: Father Wasson's Orphans

Seriously there are so many alternative names I can't keep up.

AHuman ago

Nice one. This feels like a good direction. "follow the money" as someone (i think fbianon) said.

It might be worth searching https://whois.icann.org/ with any related websites. Might throw something up.

I've also been cross referencing names with the whitehouse visitors book as well. http://white-house-logs.insidegov.com/ just in case.

AHuman ago

Thank you for this.