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17413517? ago

The Nizari Ismailis were an order of assassins located in the mountains throughout Iran and Syria. They were led by Hasan-i Sabbah, who used the group in order to gain political power. He would send his assassins to threaten or even kill high up officials, who themselves had a lot of power. The assassins would sometimes spend years, gaining someone’s trust, and then wait the right moment to kill them. They liked to do it in the open where everyone could see, that way it would send a message.

? Pakistan , , , ,

? Prince Karim Aga Khan IV and the Ismaili Sect of Shia Islam

The funding comes from the Aga Khan Development Network, which doles out more than half a billion dollars a year to philanthropic projects. It’s a secular organization.

But the man behind the foundation is the leader of the Nizari Ismailis, the second largest branch of Shia Islam, with an estimated 15 million followers worldwide. They’re scattered throughout at least 25 nations, including sizeable populations in the U.S. and Canada.

In Tajikistan, Nizari Ismailis make up the majority in the Pamir Mountains, a range whose height has earned it the moniker the “Roof of the World.” Photos of their leader, known as “the Aga Khan,” grace the walls of virtually every home and business here.

Last week, Nizari Ismailis celebrated the Aga Khan’s rise to the position of “imam.” Dr. Ali Mohammad Rajput is a Khalifa in the city of Khorog, Tajikistan. He said each imam chooses his successor from among his male descendents. The current Aga Khan was chosen by his grandfather.

“He’s the 49th imam after Ali,” Rajput said. “We Ismailis see him as the imam of our time.”

Ismailism is an offshoot of Shia Islam. The sect broke away in the 8th century after a dispute over succession. The Aga Khan leads the largest group of Ismailis, although there are other sects. Druze and Alevis are considered Ismailis. Dr. Rajput said the Aga Khan urges his followers to find common ground with all faiths.

“Aga Khan told me you must build bridges. Make bridges to others. Make friendships,” Rajput said. That theme was mentioned again and again at a recent public prayer service in Khorog, Tajikistan, commemorating the Aga Khan’s 54th year as imam. Although his personal life makes him a frequent subject in European gossip pages, the Aga Khan has said he prefers to stay out of the limelight, allowing his development work to speak for itself. That work is on display throughout Tajikistan, a former Soviet Republic and the poorest nation in Central Asia. In the tradition of Nizari Ismailis, who are credited with building Cairo and Al-Azhar University, the world’s first, he’s built schools, hospitals and parks here.

17413983? ago

that New Zealand event, the Aussie, why did he spend so much time with the ragheads? Why is he in the Pakistani Hotel, around the Turks, the North Koreans and around those Pakis? @Inquisitioner @Cleffer That's a lot of travel and crypto currency @WhitePaladin @Rellik88 @fellowwhiteperson

17417204? ago

Why do you summon me? Fuck if I know why he looks like a spook. Might be a spook.

17491584? ago 18 Anomalies at Christchurch Mosque Massacre, Jamie McNicol from The Sentinels of Truth.