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Joe_McCarthy ago

There are some 15-16 year old girls I'd like to fuck. And it'd be nice to be able to legally fuck them when the occasion arises. But in practice I have not actually fucked a girl that young or made any special effort to travel to places where I could. It's kinda hot and cold. Some girls that young are worth fucking. But others don't really look developed enough.

Now I am going to note that men are naturally attracted to post-pubescents. This is within the range of normal sexuality. You've never been attracted to a 16 year old? A 17 year old? You're just moral crusader and poseur. This is your LARP. Not even a very original or innovative one either. Also a safe one. It takes no guts at all to go after 'pedos'. Just usually a lot of ignorance. Unless a guy is legitimately into pre-pubescents he isn't a pedophile.

theoldones ago

There are some 15-16 year old girls I'd like to fuck.

you're a fucking pedophile. go die.