@thelma BROKE CERTAIN AGREED UPON TERMS - a ceasefire has been broken after only 18 hours - thelma is a chronic pedophile defender in bad faith (AntiPedoSquad)
submitted 5.6 years ago by theoldones
in this thread a ceasefire was called where @thelma would stop aiding pedophiles, stop going after me, and stop defaming the sub at large: https://voat.co/v/AntiPedoSquad/3308990/
HOWEVER, NOT EVEN 24 HOURS LATER, one of those terms has already been broken!
please observe in the following archive that thelma is back to his old habit of running defense for the pedos as their lawyer. here he is trying to trap me into legal questions to replenish the pedophiles ammunition stock. this sort of thing happening again was barred under our arrangement
@thelma, you lied to me.
"you no longer claim or hint that he is a pedophile and that you not defend accounts on Voat that have engaged in behaviors of pedophiles"
first conditions = stable, second conditions = BROKEN
written from me to @thelma in another thread, copied and pasted here
https://voat.co/v/AntiPedoSquad/3291158/19314344/ remember that time you got destroyed in a debate with truthdefender? and then you had a tantrum and spammed defamation threads and harassment pings at us ever since? why do you run defense for pedophiles so much? i had to ban your ass after you tried posting a picture of a real child at my face like here, here's a time when you fought tooth and nail to defend pedos: https://voat.co/v/AntiPedoSquad/3294421/19345054/ remember this time @My10thaccount called you a "fucking pathetic pedophile sympathizer who should be disgusted by this and is a shitty human being"? https://voat.co/v/AntiPedoSquad/3291158/19315796/ remember this time @PatriotLady1 told you for your pedophile defense "you should be shot on sight. how's that for 1st amendment"? https://voat.co/v/AntiPedoSquad/3294138/19352653/ remember that time you made a bunch of threads trying to frame us as pedophiles? https://voat.co/v/AntiPedoSquad/3293812/ https://voat.co/v/news/3296955/19369914/ https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3296874/19369957/ https://voat.co/v/ShitPostLitterBox/3297217/19370086/ you've been framing and harassing us ever since we shut down your pedo enabling.
remember that time you got destroyed in a debate with truthdefender? and then you had a tantrum and spammed defamation threads and harassment pings at us ever since?
why do you run defense for pedophiles so much?
i had to ban your ass after you tried posting a picture of a real child at my face
like here, here's a time when you fought tooth and nail to defend pedos: https://voat.co/v/AntiPedoSquad/3294421/19345054/
remember this time @My10thaccount called you a "fucking pathetic pedophile sympathizer who should be disgusted by this and is a shitty human being"?
remember this time @PatriotLady1 told you for your pedophile defense "you should be shot on sight. how's that for 1st amendment"?
remember that time you made a bunch of threads trying to frame us as pedophiles?
you've been framing and harassing us ever since we shut down your pedo enabling.
also, a PDF he's peddling might be a shady file.
My10thaccount 5.6 years ago
You should have listened to what I told you buddy
My10thaccount ago
You should have listened to what I told you buddy