22688762? ago

get a life faggot

22682674? ago

I explained to you what happened so many times.

It was image that showed up under Google images while I was researching a missing child.

Yes I blamed Srayzie and Zyklon because I thought they did something to my phone, they were pretending to be in a relationship to hurt me at that time, and I was being followed on other websites and trashed talked pretty badly as well as receiving calls to my home. Plus certainly didn't help that Srayzie played a bunch mind games prior.

Stop wasting my time F-TARD

22682694? ago

And so you responded by having zyklon threaten to rape her kids?


22682701? ago

Absolutely not sicko.

22682901? ago

I never asked zyklon to do any of it, he did it on his own. The reason he went after you, is because you people came after me prior, And the mistake I made was telling him how bad it bothered and hurt me. Because he did something about it.

22682623? ago

Sounds like she was angry she found cp on her phone. And promptly removed it.

Why are you acting like a scorned school girl?

22682739? ago

It was actually a deplication of the 222 cult which came up under Google images while I was researching a missing child. I never clicked on it and I took my phone to police, who sound nothing was located and then I smashed the phone, and I stopped researching Pizzagate pretty much.

22682763? ago

Dont care. The link posted absolves you.

Like I told crensh or whoever is whining, I wish you all would take your drama elsewhere.

22682641? ago

What did you eat this morning piggy?

22682646? ago

Nothing yet.

You neglected to answer the question.

22682656? ago

Was it Krispy Kreme or Dunkins?


22682710? ago

Nothing yet. Again.

And again, you behave like a scorned school girl.

The "evidence" you posted actually absolves her of the very thing you are accusing her of. She found it. Was angry and removed it. Per your own post.

Personally I wish all of you glue sniffers would just leave us normal people in peace. We have actual problems to deal with. Not 8th grade girl drama.

22682798? ago

The "evidence" you posted actually absolves her of the very thing you are accusing her of. 


Logic fail, that's like saying you "removed" the drugs by doing them. The facts are, she looked at it possibly for an extended period of time.

Did she report it to the police? I must have missed that part. That is what a truly innocent person would do.

@gothamgirl is guilty of willingly consuming child pornography and not performing the required due diligence to report it.

22682970? ago

If I found cp on my computer, phone wtvr I doubt I would tell the police. I would destroy the hdd/phone and assume my door is gonna be kicked in any second. Like a normal person who knows how this world actually runs would.

Moral of the story, people into cp dont post that they found some on a device.

Grow up ya baby. Really.

Literally. You act like a school girl.

22682812? ago

I did report it

22682826? ago

Post a copy of the police report then. Shouldn't be much trouble.


22682847? ago

Actually it is because I moved to another state since then, and pretty much lost everything I had in storage. I could try to order another copy but I am not sure how challenging that would be considering this happened years ago.

22682862? ago

Zyklon taught you how to lie when committing crimes very well it seems.

22682983? ago

No you are:


If you care and worry about torture of kids you should check that place, put you energy where it counts, instead of drama.