16968586? ago

Britbongistan? New Negro Mayor of Bristol Orders The Removal of "Dull and Dated" Classic Artwork Hanging in City Hall and Orders Them Replaced With This African Garbage. https://voat.co/v/AnonNews/2895545/16390936 Fun Fact the one on the right is an original Wanksy, and was moved brick by brick from the toilet it was left in.

16545639? ago

MEDIA? kikes and kebabs suck the USA into Endless Wars, commie euro globalists subvert, israeli, arab push degeneracy industries drugs? .... Media says its all ' just a antisemitic conspiracy' https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/2944327

15335245? ago

Why Jews, Pakis, Turkish, Iranians, Isreali come on voat with filth, degeneracy & try disguise themselves as WhiteAmericans? example user Fhaqyu, TrueAmerican, Auralsects, Haredeenee etc etc https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2725151

15344372? ago

Muslims both knowingly and unknowingly worship the same Saturnian god (black cube) which is also the same god that Jews worship. https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/2708977/15343340 The lowest-rung Muslims are being used as footsoldiers and cannon fodder against the West, while the very top International Jews and Muslims bribe, double-deal, coerce, and threaten their way to dominance.

Yes, I do believe the very topmost Jews and Muslims have allied to topple the West and America, but I’m sure there’s more to it.

15337852? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/2886146 ... Jew Globalist Owned Mindgeek, the owner of the porn industry - Anonymous....keep redpilling the masses about it.

15328462? ago

NFLX too. All these shows now show mixed relationships. They want to blend it.

15336916? ago

Jews banned race mixing in Israel? https://www.voat.co/v/anon/2654640

15335187? ago

The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry Anonymous | Anons https://www.voat.co/v/anon/2799293

15328523? ago

This is what happens when your dollars support niggerflix, foozball and hollyweird.... is there a political agenda ? @onikage @SigniferLux @Henknz @Backlot ?

15317372? ago

It's not just advertising. It's the entirety of pop culture. Pop culture has been pushing interracial breeding for the last decade. MSM kids recoil in horror if you say the word "nigger". They now call it "soft 'a'" and "hard 'r'" as in "nigga" and "nigger".

15328582? ago

@Card0 a subversive media aginst your own civilisation? @Ocelot @New_goat the perversion and retardation has earlier genesis @Dark_Shroud @kammmmak a group of enemies working together and a foreign power working at and social-reengineer society.

15330008? ago

Common Cause. In the UK, called Common Purpose. Deep State = deep infiltration.

15328655? ago

What do I have to do with this? t. Ocelot

16031165? ago

@111_onlythetruth @Mr_Quagmire yeah pretty sure @GoldShekelSteinBerg is an arab kike trying to pass as a White American

15313819? ago

deadpool bet between Frogistan, Sweden, Britbong and Germany ... which will be first to fall ... what same group is also pushing for open borders in the USA @White_Revitalization @pooploser187 ? @cynicaloldfart ? @CheriRuzich @Henknz smut, pornography, islamics, commies, zionists and perverts, part of one same group but pushing multiple agendas ... get rid of borders, other madness

16545409? ago

MEDIA? kikes and kebabs suck the USA into Endless Wars, commie euro globalists subvert, israeli, arab push degeneracy industries drugs? .... Media says its all ' just a antisemitic conspiracy' https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/2944327 ??

15315479? ago

This (((media))) what is their plan? race mixing, open borders for the USA? Why no Open Borders for Saudi and Israel? ... https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2814940

15314071? ago

.... v/MSMhate

15313161? ago

I hate anon subs, show your name niggerfaggot.

BDMTHRFKR approves this message.

15313564? ago

Shape shifters? @Statutory_Ray @GoyimNose whats happening with soap box bans and the Q anon attacks and soap spam? @Dsciexterminationist who wants open borders, race mixing and no culture? @TopShun @Huck is there an alliance between kikes and kebabs against free speech?

15316504? ago

Dsci says the kikes want those things

15313695? ago

Huck here: Best I can say from my own research is that the entire Royal Family of Saudi Arabia (House of Saud) are crypto kikes, so there are probably more alliances between kikes and kebabs than we know.

15313845? ago

Might explain why Trump was kissing Saudi ass, well I still don't understand it but as fucked up as it is ... makes more sense now

15313635? ago

q groupie cult and the soapboxers making it public can not avoid the kike and kebab? @GucciBalaclava @SyriansFuckCorpses ? @Here_Comes_the_Kingz @Saufsoldat

15311655? ago

Listen up guys! users are posting and now saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net https://8ch.net/pol , https://gab.ai/topics https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , https://phuks.co/ , steemit.com , medium.com, https://bitchute.com . https://real.video , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/

15315182? ago

Q groupie vs soapbox drama went mainstream on voat @JopharVorin @Darwinxmachina ? @acheron2012 @Joe_Nunamaker genetic cousins who hate america's free speech and dont want open borders for saudi or israel, they refuse to open their nations to pakis and negroid and other arab type and yet want no borders for the USA? The plasti surgery helps blending in?

15320867? ago

SBBH hacked my phone and changed my screen photo

15401585? ago

The POPULATION TIME BOMB, perhaps one of biggest crisis of our time! Movement from Latin America, Africa, Middle East, India. islamist Criminals Low IQ needy Negroids? Millions, Billions More .. https://www.voat.co/v/anon/2820181

15328636? ago

@ThirteenthZodiac globalism or herbalism @Bfwilley @BarryO .... is it true the conspiracy to keep the population dumbed down ... if the globalist media is your enemy then why buy and consume it? @ThoseFeels @fartyshorts

15331496? ago

Sorry I don't do ((( ))), or conspiracy rants or {{{ }}} / [[[ ]]] conspiracy rants,''''''rants'''''' but free free to debase, delude, debouch your self for fun and profit. I mean as long as your are entertaining that is, go for it. We can and will down vote you and or block you or ban you as WE please.

Other wise have your hat checked for lead.


15310452? ago

Hollywood... aka hollyweird and the Porn industry is run by global homosexual mob or gay mafia, most are bisexual drug addicts owned Jews/Globalists. https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2686741

16387414? ago

did France get fucked up by globalism, hedonism, shit hop nig beats in the music industry? @mattsixteen24 @robertrobot is it too late for them @Mortifera @collin6173 ... Diversity-shithole France: Female African Migrant Pissing at Bus Station https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2936721

15311239? ago

France is literally the real life Blacked.com https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2883261 like a horror movie a porn site ethno hate experiment by Macron? Sarkozy: Challenge of the 21st Century: Racial Interbreeding ...... https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=I8yaiN6ew_g Sarkozy Calls forced race mixing https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=j4KqvVlp9LQ ... https://galliawatch.blogspot.com/2008/12/mtissage-now-its-obligation.html

15311354? ago

tyrone sheeeeit @EarlPoncho @Gorillion ... mission fail from Q cult and Soapbox ... @BuMN porno smut shills in too deep as they now attack each other @Mikel777 @CaptnObvius why does voat not like the media anymore? did Nazis help the USA put satellites in space?

15309641? ago

The latest findings on race, genes and intelligence show that the gap in intelligence between Europeans and Africans is caused partly by irreducible genetic factors. https://www.voat.co/v/anon/2723487

15309795? ago

Q kult vs soap box ? @drakesdoom2 @boekanier ! @Stormisbrewing ! @fluhthreeex @fusir are u getting confused by all anon drama? which ones are the kikes, faggots, kebabs and niggers? EU and South Africa style rules coming soon ... ??

15309968? ago

@nament Many types post on voat not just the kike and kebab shills. We have a few posters here from Aus, Canada, S.Africa and Germany @x13 @WitnesstheSalt @CognitiveDissident5 @Strelok_

15308559? ago

See the globalist shit in Venezuela, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen....and yet They guard the fields in afghanistan ...and open borders for negroid jew arabs and drug dealing criminals and Deadpool bets on Britbong, Germany, Swedistan, France? @compass34 @EricKaliberhall ? @pablo123 ? @RedPillMAGA @SeeingBee_2 Who will be first to fall??

15310040? ago

15308192? ago

Oy vey, let your daughter get fucked by niggers !

16694494? ago

Nothing is done by a person or group unless they benefit, millions have been spent on this Propaganda.......... "who do you think it benefits"? https://www.voat.co/v/theawakening/3028134 Who said what now @Oh_Well_ian @Slimpickens1

15308476? ago

The Great Voat Porn Wars are Finally upon us? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2679038 part ii magic meme

15308256? ago

socialism goes so far and women are becoming a failure, they tried this shit in anicent times in Europe even as far back as Greece, a fucking train wreck in the making @performance @cosMICjester @Crensch @AmericanJew2 !! anyone still watch niggerflix?

15312546? ago

I never had niggerflix

15308111? ago

ban hammer? @TheBuddha @MDE_Refugee @bdmthrfkr Fuck off soap box !

15308135? ago

No, I had nothing to do with this thread.

15308361? ago

soap down vote! @C_Corax @QuestionEverything they ask about a pattern in the media what are you doing soap box? @talachem @plankO time for the ban hammer. voat is talking about media again, time to down vote guys @CaptnObvius they ask who and is there a pattern with open borders and the media

15308459? ago

Boom, done. Down voat complete

15309111? ago

seems britbong media describe kenyans, morrocans, africans, islamics, syrians, pakis and somali as 'Asian' have Brits lots the use of their own language @Xanonymous ? media time bomb @VapidGopher @combatveteran ? @cryptex @WakkoWarner .... why do they say ' is voat anti semetic ' ? and remember 'Gab' was started by a Israeli Texan dual citizen Jew and some Kurd islamic ?

15308389? ago


I'd like to help you but I'm not that kind of doctor. Would you like help accessing a mental health evaluation?

15309059? ago

why do people post against the media on voat? @johnjohn @8_billion_eaters @dayofthehope @2fast4u92 is voat anti semetic? and why does the britbong media describe kenyans, morrocans, africans, islamics, syrians, pakis and somali as 'Asian' have Brits lots the use of their own language

15309253? ago

We are counter semitic. We wish to counter their attempt at White genocide thru blood thinning via mass immigration

15309511? ago

why do people not like the foozball anymore ... the other choices like a worse football 'soccer' with terrorist money flow to Qatar Dubi and slave labor .... @moviefreak You don't want to help the refugees? @johnjohn @4Potus the racism of people against illegal immigrations? @shadow332 @deleteme123 time to break the cage that is the modern money system

15309080? ago

I'm gonna take that as a no, you do not want help contacting mental health professionals.

15309434? ago

hi soap box ... there is a new ongoing war with the jew anon Q ... trannies and kikes and transexuals are all confused inside the anon subs and now stab each other in the back ... they are in too deep @ucantdothatontv @RG72 ! @holdemall @usa100000 kikes and kebabs working together they alledge and jewtube removed more vids

15309606? ago

Was not my thread

15308005? ago

kikes, commies and the kebabs who hate America? @NeedleStack @WhitePaladin @VicariousJambi @MotherIsWatching media sucks now

15308498? ago

The POPULATION TIME BOMB, perhaps one of biggest crisis of our time! Movement from Latin America, Africa, Middle East, India. islamist Criminals Low IQ needy Negroids? Millions, Billions More https://www.voat.co/v/anon/2820181

15308032? ago

Media plan may be to have open borders? race mixed nations, invaded with all peoples @kalgon @l_voated_today ! @Dalai_Llama @Taiaha then no idenity and culture, nations get eaten by globalists?

15307935? ago

The want the USA to become the next race mixed Lebanon, Brazil or S.Africa, a failed crime ridden nation with no true identity. It becomes easy pickings for globalists

15308076? ago

oy vey! if you don't open your borders to negroid and arab it will be the holocaust again goyim @JopharVorin @truthwoke33 what is the media plan? @mralexson @albatrosv15 also both kikes and kebabs are inbreeders, pass on bad genes, marry their cousins etc @Beta_Ray_Bill

15311979? ago

The media plan is to dehumanize whites as best they can while portraying all non-whites as victims. There is a war raging against whites and most whites refuse to fight back at this point.

15308377? ago

Scotch or whiskey?

15309163? ago

Alt-Lite was always fake, not a real movement? flavored tea trying to disguse itself as jack D but Why does the media hate the West so much @Meme_Factory_1776 @bagano1 ? @vladtep @edistojim commie types like the weed mixed with a little vodka and cola

15313032? ago

Duh. If you don't know yet I can't help your nuts.

15309837? ago

Ah, i see it's botskey.

15310017? ago

india street shitting attacks?

15310047? ago

Bots with alcoholic handler.

15310420? ago

what happens when a dindu nuffin paints a swastika ? does it make world media headlines ? @SpaceVapor @RakerKey @Communism4Israel celeb news media circus

15310390? ago

media says dindu nuffins? @newoldwave @bluedeath are the kikes and kebabs bot ready

15314149? ago

ready bot kebabs and kikes the are. nuffins dindu says media

15307966? ago

Why does everyone hate the media and see them as lowlifes ? @kingdomhearts123 @Munkle the Q anon jew anon type seems to ignore all this @tendiesonfloor @AR47 what do the soap box spammers say??

15308890? ago


15313732? ago

why the constant ads for a global mono culture, race mixing and no borders in the media @stillhavemyforeskin see you soap box .... even third world countries and emerging nations can manage some form of voter id? @Hitlers_Politoed @JopharVorin ! @TheIrieOne @Caesarkid1 who wants a vote for race mixing and open borders?

15362184? ago

https://voat.co/v/movies/2886563/15350104 Nobody caught this dog-whistle reference? "you will see the underlying monstrosity in Hollywood, as clearly as the hero of John Carpenter’s They Live sees aliens disguised as everyday people when he puts on the sunglasses."

16031260? ago

What is the pattern @virge @I_fix_choo_chooos have you noticed so many fake arab kikes like @Apexbreed trying to pass themselves as White Nationalists, why so fake and cowardly ?

16033548? ago

Nice try Rabbi. You won't discourage us by spreading fake claims. Go suck some baby dicks now. You will feel much better after you drink their blood in your sacrifice to your volcano demon god.

15310107? ago

@Schreiber needs more tyrone memes @Pluviou5 @Scythe_001 .. @oyy_veyy_goyy @Broc_Lia ... nigga puleeeeaze

15343300? ago

the media conspiracy is more nigger news @DirectPressure @voatuser1128 @Sw0rdofDamocles @1Sorry_SOB ? who is insane enough to support the media

15307782? ago

Globalism, Miscegenation, Race Wars? Why do fundamentalist islamics and extreme jews hate the west so much??

15308463? ago

Can I get a summary on what is going on with v / greatawakening? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2738185 All this time Heygeorge was working undercover all this time to take down Soap Box Bong Faggot Gabara! Even the Q zombies see its time to Go back to reddit you tranny faggots! @friendshipistragic @capnflummox ! @Neskuaxa @heygeorge

15309367? ago

Why are you tagging me in this?

15311218? ago

Same, no idea what the hell they're on about.

15314060? ago

from what I understand somebody somewhere accused the Iranians and House of Saud or not being muslimes or iranian or arab but said all the rulers are secret Jews .... then somebody else said the Jews are not even real jews but a weird raped mongrel mix of africans, european rejects and arabs .... somebody else went crazy and said Fake News !! the faggots in the anon subs forgot their secret wink handshake nod and they all stab each other in the back .... its some on going tranny nigger fag jew mudslime faggot drama ... Then all of the stoned drunk Soap Box fools and Q greatawake idiots started pointing at each other say FAKE JEWS !! FAKE JEWS !! @Russianbots @TheBuddha @SuperMonkeyBall @Bill_Murrays_Sandals rumors say buddha went back to drugs and drinking

15314089? ago


Do you even know who I am?

15336398? ago

preventing a swedistan, britbong or frogistan? @Sheeitpost Paris? @Grunge @mrfetus @Qsnoop @BitchesBeTrippin for da niggaz ?

15336450? ago

Getting sick of these bots/shills that post jibberish nonsense just to distract from real discussion

15336903? ago

The POPULATION TIME BOMB, perhaps one of biggest crisis of our time! Movement from Latin America, Africa, Middle East, India. islamist Criminals Low IQ needy Negroids? Millions, Billions More https://www.voat.co/v/anon/2820181

15309627? ago

guys @Dfens @Cynabuns @9-11 @L3D @SarMegahhikkitha ? why do the shills expose themselves so easily

15309674? ago

Explain why you tagged each of the people mentioned.

15309998? ago

ignore, Q groupies vs Soapbox war continues

15309245? ago


15309347? ago

@Conway sheeeeeit niggaz why does voat hate the media so much? @arniecuntingham @InjusticeLeague ? @PsiloTheWolf @prairie is it time to censor the crime stats again and ask the USA for open borders?

15307802? ago

@herbalism @voatuser1128 calm before the Jew-Anon soap box ? @SubSaharanBeast @ardvarcus

15307768? ago

This is a kike kebab commie thing ? what is the message by the media?

15307913? ago

degrees in feminism, rap music and dindu nuffins .... @Gopherurself @Dark_Shroud we went from Mozart, Mark Twain, Dickens, Count of Monte Cristo, the Hobbit, Frankenstien novel classics, The Three Musketeers, Sherlock Holmes, George Gershwin, the Jazz and Blues greats and Gospel music, John Williams music, War and Peace, Bach to basically porn, shithop and cRap music almost within one generation? how the fuck did this happen? @HorseIsDead @ChiComs @chimpanzilla

15311913? ago

The SJW schl0m0 bolshevik b4strds keep importing a flood of 3rd world ignorant dregs, the developmentally retarded low IQ spawn of H0M0Erectus & rapist religious fanatics w/ a 7th century culture & mindset. https://analyseeconomique.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/richard-d-fuerle-erectus-walks-amongst-us.pdf

Yet all we can do is complain about it on the internet like a bunch of anonymous impotent eunuchs otherwise we're targeted as NAZIs & bigots. Then we lose our jobs & have the full power of the state come down on our head. The west is DOOMED.

15315116? ago

@alele-opathic @fluxusp some can blend in, plastic surgery kinda covers things up @Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins and yet genetically they are very inbred and they are all cousins @worldofmadness @UnknownAlias365

16031212? ago

They keep getting exposed @totes_magotes @riffwraff why do so many fake arab kikes like @phareoct try to pretend to be a White American nationalists ?

16031649? ago

Because monkeys?

15308177? ago

White Women voters is the currently only provable demographic shift in the last 90 years across all white nations.

White women even in the USA according to PEW research are over 40% more likely than a a white male to vote conservative (republican). White women want welfare state, open borders, no one in jail, etc.

15601010? ago

Mudshark Madness, miscegination herpes, #TeamAbsentFathers https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2909672

15329982? ago

While they sit in comfy offices, behind desks, answering the phone, or in public school classrooms, brainwashing innocent kids. They came into this affirmative action under the guise of compassion. Now that they have the power, the compassion has gone out the window. Look! Gay nation.

15308296? ago

When did freedom get corrupted to become free dumber? also marraige is dead, at one time till death do part @nullifyNWO @NoRoyalty ? @DavidHogg @webster_warrior ... drugs and smut everywhere

15295943? ago

How come the they are only invader male and euro female and none the other way around. Are they admitting it was only military aged men?

15307761? ago

Too much niggerflix? @Big_MlKE @tendiesonfloor @zyklon_b @1Sorry_SOB soap box ?

15308014? ago

not soapbox

15308213? ago

no borders and mixed and invaded @junky6254 @vivalad what is happening between Q and Soap box ... @LettItBurn so the media says USA demographic needs more arab, jew and negroid, porn and smut everywhere @Silverlining @ MolochHunter what is the media plan ???

15951688? ago

stop posting pictures of niggers with white women.

15308303? ago

q has attacled soapbox for making it public that 11.11 was a failure

15309283? ago

Media is globalist? One time a long time ago, one thing about left is they were actually kinda of Liberal, Libertarian wannabes... they soon got hijacked by globalism and the neo left became socialist commies, in the end far left and far right become one and the same? @Rawrination reset coming, Q-Cult vs soapBox just one of many signs. @dayofthehope @draaaak ? @22trilionAsecond @alphasnail why does voat hate the media .... some say voat is anti-semite, other say voat is needed in this crazy world and we also need alternatives like poal.co , gab, liveleak, notabug.io

15309529? ago

White genocide strikes again. Globalist anti-white idea are presented as liberal ideas. My example is the Add that ask people to send money to Africa.

I am out of the loop on this Q-Cult vs soapBox 11.11 thing.

At the moment, I don't have audio or time to watch a long video on this.

15315258? ago

conspiracy ? @MolochHunter @PlasmaTorch @axolotl__peyotl @bunnysupreme ? anyone posting facts on the smut industry and the gobal media companies

15315606? ago

this is @MolochHunter

I'm unclear why im being pinged here, this isnt a topic of conversation i tend to involve myself in, and if it was id do it in a non-anonymous sub

15317078? ago

a new spam attack on voat @roznak @racistbigot shills arrive again. While some complained about the media and smut industry across the world

15309323? ago

I agree 110%