14440365? ago

I've been accused of worse. And done worse still IRL.

14389556? ago

Idk why i've been mentioned but op post is funny and disgusting at the same time.

14388714? ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

14388528? ago

Only Jew here is you. Project much?

14388336? ago

@Whitworth @475677 @GasChamber @UltraRibbed ? what happened to them

14389014? ago

Are you a bot just randomly selecting names?

14388470? ago

wow, I made a kike list. how'd I earn it? I'm 475677. fwiw check my post history and call me a kike again all you please but even you wouldn't believe it.

13804783? ago

?? Pornography is a JEWISH WEAPON of Mass Control, zombification and pacification. https://www.voat.co/v/whatever/2716798

14034186? ago

1 out of 6 women used Tinder for cheating https://www.voat.co/v/redpill/2740788

13629816? ago

the entertainment industry made them like this? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2686741

13623592? ago

An not an inch of it was with you.

13629801? ago

its good to stay away from AIDs ridden diseased whores

13634091? ago

Great Voat Porn Wars are Finally upon us? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2679038