23549456? ago

Putt is da reason kat killed herself

Lol jk she died from covid overdose

23549512? ago

sry, im above a 4th grade intellect

23549536? ago

Maybe I am just trying to get you to stop wasting your precious and ever dwindling time on this stupid fucking website full of stupid hypocritical cocksuckers.

23549560? ago

who says i'm wasting my time? maybe i enjoy it... never assume shit about myself

23549577? ago

No woman wants a man that wastes his time on meaningless bullshit. Well unless they are crazy. Fuck crazy but never marry crazy. That's where Beat went wrong.

23549595? ago

No woman wants a man...

wow, you are an expert on this... hahaha you shill

23549666? ago

Not a shill. Just a dumb cunt that will always want you to be great and happy. Much like your mother would want.

23549745? ago

naw you are unfunny shill, devoid of all thought thinking you are smart

23549766? ago

And this is why people like Kat kill themselves from sites like this and the people on it.

23549782? ago

not because of people like you right?

23549817? ago

Haven't killed myself yet but sure do like telling voatfags it. But what with Beatle making friends with some Mexigang to put a hit out on me maybe I will finally die and be free from this world full of shit.

23549877? ago

i dont know, i wont talk shit about beat or gg or kat...

I met a cute woman the other day, i might take her out... waiting for that time to call back

23549891? ago

Beat is a simp. GG has BPD. Kat is dead. Life is great and how it should be. Putt should be proud.

23549932? ago

naw, beat is a good guy... i hope gg and him have a long a life together

23550108? ago

Beat encouraged kat on the phone to kill herself just like he did wiff lisa

Gg encouraged beat to drop all his friends so she can drain his life all by herself

Y else are you and kat and chefdongalong not friends with him

23550123? ago

you really dont know shit, just stfu nigger

23550150? ago

So gg and beat get married and u no longrr friends with either of em eh???? Hmmm u not 2 smart with coincidence and common sense are ya?

23550166? ago

i wont speak bad about them, never will...

you on the other hand sound giant nigger that needs to be shot

23550185? ago

Well. I am dead. Killed myself. My spirit lives on on voat.

23550204? ago

and who can dig up a 100+ comments on voat... think hg

23550257? ago

Sbbh is dead. Died when Beat became a simp and attacked srayzie for totally no reason at all (no one definitely totally like for real asked him to do that). Died when Kat killed herself. Died when even gabs had enough. Heygeorge is a faggot like me. Like you. Like Putt.

23550284? ago

you are such a nigger

23550338? ago

Says the drunkard putting shitty people that treated u worse than Kat ever did on a pedastal and calling them good.

No ur a nigger. I am glad I am dead from this site and people like you. Like beat and gg.

23550358? ago

Says the drunkard


sober retard

23550524? ago

Lol nice edits. Fuckin shit alt!!!!!!

23550390? ago

Yet that is all you gonna reply to. Cool story.

Doesn't change the fact that Kat is dead. Killed herself. ODed on pills Beat sent her. Thank Christ.

23549987? ago

Lol a good guy. Gets free shit from friends yet dump those friends for a bitch with a loose cunt and a fat mouth. He is by definition a simp that is smart enough to know how to con his "friends".

GG is the reason Srayzie was attacked. She also killed and raped Kat in 1990. My niggas. Such great people they are. Beating up family members and daughter. Grreeeeeaaat people.

I hope Beat wakes up to realize GG is using him and snaps and kills her like he should have done when she encouraged him to attack Queen Srayzie and ruined his Internet reputation turning him into a pedofag.

23549393? ago

Nobody likes you op

23549433? ago

you'd be surprised nigger.. your arguments are that of a third grade student who watches drag time stories

23549636? ago

Anybody who you think is your friend is trolling you.

23549761? ago

says the anon of voat, such a big man

23550436? ago

Then why doesn't anyone upvote you?

23549156? ago

Dial, go home you're drunk

23549196? ago

you do know there is a dox on this site for over a year now right?

23549204? ago

Yeah,you posted that pic of your fat belly!

23549224? ago

that suit is probably worth more than your car, if you even have one

23549236? ago

Your civic is pretty shit tbh

23549246? ago

i dont have a civic

23549255? ago

Yeah, you do

23549278? ago

+100 comment

you are just retarded, its i usually ignore you. you not funny

23549293? ago

you not funny

That's fucking nigger talk.

Please learn to speak properly

Why didn't you take Putt's ban like a man?

23549332? ago

Why didn't you take Putt's ban like a man?

i did nothing that sbbh did do, and continue expect i procteded people fropm dv brigardes 1000+ccp brigrades totally organic sit the fuck down retard

23549342? ago

Have you ever stopped to think why people dont like you? Nobody here us your friend. And your mom is dead.

23549356? ago

actually most people do like me... they wonder why im still around here

23549374? ago

Same someone, ANYONE. I talked to Kat today, she is done with you and is laughing at you. Nadeshda secretly laughs at you

23549402? ago

no one cares what you thinks, that is the funny part

23549410? ago

That's what THEY think. Women hate you

23549457? ago

says the anon

23549469? ago

You have WAY too may fuckin alts to talk to you normally. LOL

23549547? ago

the ones that know me and matters... know how to reach me... think about that cupcake

23549563? ago


You're starting to talk like starjello. Did he fuck you in the ass, hun?

23549616? ago

awwwww see i knew who you were

23549313? ago

nigger talk... look at you.

23549346? ago

You type like a fucking Somalian

23549350? ago

you speak like you huffed paint

23549391? ago

Did you huffed Craig's meth?

23549474? ago

i will never shit talk him, sorry you are but hurt

there is tons of jew porn online, perhaps look that up for your enjoyment

23549488? ago

Craig laughs at you and says you are sanegoat.

23549517? ago

says you are sanegoat

thats how i know you are a shithead

23549533? ago

How do I know you are drunk?

Because you have Weirnicke Korsakoff disease you fat shit!

23549567? ago

How do I know you are drunk?

again stone sober fuckhead sorry to let ya down

23549572? ago

Bull fucking shit. You got fired from a job this year for being drunk

23549606? ago

You got fired from a job this year for being drunk

no i didnt sorry to let you down

23549643? ago

Oh yeah, not what I heard from Kat.

23549750? ago

and i should believe you? lmao

23549769? ago


Why do you think she says you're not a friend anymore? LOL

23549810? ago

and tbh, i didnt say shit bad to kat, try harder faggot

p.s. im not gay

23549823? ago

Not what she says! We talked on the phone for like an hour about you

23549847? ago

thats nice, a hour... see that how i know you are full of shit.

anyways keep jerking off

23549859? ago

I'll send you pix when we meet in redding

23549888? ago

i really dont want them

23549788? ago

you really dont know shit other that how your little penis feels in your hand

23549835? ago

Kat is going to know how mine fits in hers when I get to Redding :)

23549906? ago

i hope Kat is doing okay, i care for her

23549913? ago

She's doing fantastic without you. Happier than I've ever seen her

23549957? ago

if anything you proved what a shithead you are

23549972? ago

Oh? Shes doing really well. Heard about her new business yet? I've been helping

23549984? ago

i hope he she is doing well, its all i ever wanted for her.

23549992? ago

She says for you to fuck off okay?

23550037? ago

for a person to say i fuck off alot... you taking the slice

most times people who are saying something are pulling from themselves kat... i care about you

23550042? ago

Send us some more money and we will care about you

23550048? ago

never did

23550279? ago

Call your dad

23550319? ago

take your pills

23549941? ago

without me? has been ever with me... no again you fuck.. i blow farts smarter than you

23549955? ago

Retard. I meant without talking to you. She wouldn't fuck you even for that $1,000 LOL

23549371? ago

Will you and anon just fuck already?

23549387? ago

depends until @puttitout fucks with voat so real poster and flourish again

23549422? ago

Go outside.

23549445? ago

i have been already

23549487? ago

Stop wasting your precious energy and ever dwindling time on this bullshit website. Or go back to shitposting. Stop with this emotional whint crap. Heal yourself. You are stronger than you believe.

23549537? ago

im totally fine, its retarded to think these (this) retards ar bothering me

23549163? ago

the fact you know who i am, tells me the state of this nigger estate people call voat

23549192? ago

Keep drinking that Kirkland vodka bitch

23549211? ago

stone sober fuckhead, sorry to disappoint you

23549227? ago

Prove it

23549262? ago

to you, fuck off you are shit to me

look you always come around spreading lies thinking you know me... ya dont it really pathetic at this point reading your bullshit this point

23549279? ago

How's the weather in Minnesota, rabbai?

Nobody loves you and your mom is dead! I skull fucked her until death! She screamed!

23549808? ago


23549818? ago


23549305? ago

its pretty nice outside, yeah my mother has been dead since my 20's

you really only show your character

i guess this is why everyone worth anything is leaving

23549333? ago

i guess this is why everyone worth anything is leaving

Except you. You got banned and still stick around , DRUNK AS FUCK!

23549362? ago

why do you masturbate to me?

23549381? ago

I laugh at you, and so does Christine and Craig

23549492? ago

says the anon, you know this is doxing in some degree @puttitout

23549505? ago

Nice try, but they both doxxed themselves and Craig is banned already. You are supposed to be banned too for vote manipulating LOL

23549526? ago

never had, nigger.. i protected

23549545? ago

@puttitout isn't ge permabanned?

But he stays like a shit nigger?

Nobody loves him and his mommy died?

23549553? ago

funny thing is im not wrong

23549570? ago

Funny thing is, christine doesn't even talk to you anymore. Lol

23549610? ago

i cant get into this dweeb, i wish her the best tho

23549620? ago

Kat was married to a NIGGER

She hates you and wants you to die. I went to Redding California last week

23549646? ago

I wish Kat the best in her life. I will never forget how she helped me out when i needed it. there is things you just dont know, i will keep it at that.

23549706? ago

How she scammed you out of $1000 ?

She told me the story

23549733? ago

it was a personal loan for educational things, she never cashed it

you are just so fucking retarded it really makes me feel bad for you

23549743? ago

Yeah, she did. I have her snapchat she partied her ass off LOL

You got played

23549774? ago


are you retarded?

23549840? ago

No, but she does send me snaps

23549898? ago

you bullshit is getting shorter, fucking weak

23549907? ago

What did you just delete Dial?

23549915? ago

i cant log into dial, otherwise i would

23549939? ago

You didnt do shit and nobody likes you

23549967? ago

such conviction without any knowledge

23549981? ago

Christine ignores you

23549089? ago

WTF is this about? QUIT with your attention whore drama queen BULLSHIT. We are ALL nobodies here. You, and you shit are NOT special.

23549165? ago

Its 345345asf aka dial_indicator

He lives in st cloud Minnesota and is a non functional alcoholic that lives off poppas trust fund

23550043? ago

How can you live off of your father's trust fund unless you're a kid?

23550056? ago

He admits the fund exists but vehemently denies he uses it. We all know the truth

23576010? ago

You men dad PAYS him to live? That guy (his dad) MUST have STOLEN his fortune. IMO.

23549106? ago

We are ALL nobodies here. You, and you shit are NOT

you peg your self nigger

23550068? ago

Nothing wrong with being a nobody. Closer to heaven than anyone else, as long as your not a parasite. Nigger, my ass. There will be no niggers in my eternity. I can GUARANTEE that.

23550088? ago

ya know how to get ahold of me

23575984? ago

By the neck?

23549101? ago

he changed what you can post on system subs

@puttitout is a stupid control nigger

23550082? ago

system subs? You mean all subs? What can you not post? I haven't had a problem, except with "feminism" sub (banned).

23549237? ago


23549239? ago


23549060? ago

why do you @puttitout insist on destroying this website?