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22023043? ago

What are they doing?

22167516? ago

What a shit show voat is these days. The crypto muzie exposes itself .... So many islamist apologists on voat now @Anam @jackfraser @Prussian @mleczko ?

22168334? ago

Why did you call me? I hate both kikes and moslems.

22253814? ago

Crypto kebab /u/Watto_is_a_Space_Jew @Watto_is_a_Space_Jew thinks every jihad sand nigger is some lizard space jew in disguise .... this is what happens when you smoke too much hooka pot, your brain rots @The_Oogie @Kot88 @ex-redd ?

22254259? ago

Except it's been proven that that guy is a jew. I'm no muslim apologist, but I'll let you know when a kike is pretending. They pretend to be us, you think they don't pretend to be muslims?