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22023043? ago

What are they doing?

22167516? ago

What a shit show voat is these days. The crypto muzie exposes itself .... So many islamist apologists on voat now @Anam @jackfraser @Prussian @mleczko ?

22168334? ago

Why did you call me? I hate both kikes and moslems.

22343747? ago

did someone ask what happened to @Deplorablepoetry /u/Deplorablepoetry ? remember what happened to those poem postings??

22329619? ago

One group of extremeist sand rodents fight another, why does nobody talk of the islamist occupation of non-moslem lands? @ardvarcus @mental_error @HarlandKornfeld14 @Cadster shithole countries??

22253814? ago

Crypto kebab /u/Watto_is_a_Space_Jew @Watto_is_a_Space_Jew thinks every jihad sand nigger is some lizard space jew in disguise .... this is what happens when you smoke too much hooka pot, your brain rots @The_Oogie @Kot88 @ex-redd ?

22254259? ago

Except it's been proven that that guy is a jew. I'm no muslim apologist, but I'll let you know when a kike is pretending. They pretend to be us, you think they don't pretend to be muslims?

22166968? ago

Who did what now @Anam @RustyEquipment @TwoNiggersandaHonky time to say fuck the middle east politik and every one in it @beefartist @justregtoasku ?

22167125? ago

I don’t understand your gibberish.

22166974? ago

remember when this place did poems? @whitemouse @Deplorablepoetry

22167590? ago

You have a finite number of cheek that can be slapped red, one even throws bankers out of the temple and talked of the Sword. There were tales from Buddhist times and Pagan time. One talked of villains and rivals, Enemy of My Enemy Is Still Your Enemy? Enemy of My Enemy is Not a Friend, it is still a rapist,a theif an extremist...The enemy of my enemy is STILL my enemy?