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21989378? ago

some called Pompeo a fat bloated rat?

21989418? ago

For a while ragheads were killing each other, the USA did something and they now chant death to america? @mpow13 some people consume propaganda @KLDB @Tandemlee ? @Trash_Panda @ketoll

21989551? ago

Asking Questions is consuming propaganda? Call me out on the post.

22003157? ago

... not sure

22003382? ago

It's a part of Iron Sharpens Iron. We see who is a sharp sword and who is a dull thumb tack. It also helps sharpen all who read.

22012830? ago

notice how the soap box porn faggots suddenly went silent? ? @SeanBox @AlexanderMorose13 @TheTrigger

22012869? ago

What do you want sanegoat?