21405416? ago

https://archive.ph/vtDEz :

2019-11-19 | Company logos vanish from Prince Andrew's website as sex scandal grows - Reuters

'The “supporters” page on the website of Andrew’s Pitch@Palace programme, which is intended as a platform to boost the work of entrepreneurs, was no longer available on Tuesday. '

'LONDON (Reuters) - A scheme for entrepreneurs founded by Prince Andrew has taken down the logos of its corporate sponsors from its website, as firms and charities distance themselves from the British royal over a sex scandal. '

'Separately, British charity The Outward Bound Trust has called a board meeting this week to discuss Andrew’s patronage, a spokeswoman said. '

'KPMG, which was listed as a “founding partner” on the old supporters page, ended its sponsorship of Pitch@Palace on Oct. 31. '

'Insurance broker AON confirmed it had asked Pitch@Palace to remove its logo from the website. '

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21405396? ago

It was alleged years ago he was into S&M in Private Eye. He didn't get named Randy Andy by the tabloids in the 80's for nothing. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3519949/21376944