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20875477? ago

Yes to nudes if she’s worthy. Tell your story man. I’m on a hour meeting and will check back then.

20875799? ago

My story? What fucking story? I married a shitty wife. A woman so focused on what she wants in life that when I don’t conform to that she treats me like a computer that won’t turn on. A woman who considers sex unnecessary in marriage. A woman who uses threats of divorce and the loss of my children as weapons. At one point in our marriage I slept on the couch for TWO YEARS. I’ve had sex a total of Two Times in 4 years. I’m a married incel. The lowest of the low. I can’t even touch her. But she’s happy to take my money. But she destroy my life if I leave because she was so wonderful once and I trusted her in ways I shouldn’t have. Women are scum. They lie as easily as they breathe. Never trust them.

20878061? ago

Te elite used Feminism as a weapon I wonder if Shriners have a lot of influence in New Orleans