20875477? ago

Yes to nudes if she’s worthy. Tell your story man. I’m on a hour meeting and will check back then.

20875799? ago

My story? What fucking story? I married a shitty wife. A woman so focused on what she wants in life that when I don’t conform to that she treats me like a computer that won’t turn on. A woman who considers sex unnecessary in marriage. A woman who uses threats of divorce and the loss of my children as weapons. At one point in our marriage I slept on the couch for TWO YEARS. I’ve had sex a total of Two Times in 4 years. I’m a married incel. The lowest of the low. I can’t even touch her. But she’s happy to take my money. But she destroy my life if I leave because she was so wonderful once and I trusted her in ways I shouldn’t have. Women are scum. They lie as easily as they breathe. Never trust them.

20879632? ago

Twice in four years? Jesus. There's gotta be a point where you're like "fuck fidelity" and go bang some hookers, isn't there?

20880406? ago

I tried to venture down that path briefly. It is an awful and ugly path and not worth it I promise you.

20878061? ago

Te elite used Feminism as a weapon https://voat.co/v/QRV/3368987 I wonder if Shriners have a lot of influence in New Orleans

20876130? ago

Whoa man. Well, don’t end up on dateline nbc then.

20875243? ago

Stick it in her pooper!

20877028? ago

Anything new might turn it around for him. She's a bored brat and he's letting her walk all over him.

20875182? ago

Post her nudes