17744481? ago

If anybody appreciates it I converted Brenton Tarrant's manifesto to plaintext.

It's easier shared than a PDF or DOCX file, and with less chance of malware.






17748544? ago

New Zealand's Jewish Freemason Shooter Tarrant Brenton Admired Norwegian Freemason Shooter Anders Breivik Who Was Linked To Mossad By dacason https://voat.co/v/QRV/3117634/17618746 ? beyond weird ?

17750628? ago


I know a lot of people will be dissapointed when reading this, but my love for Israel is limited to its future function as a deportation-port for disloyal jews. I am aware of the sad fact that all available statistics confirm that only aprox. three percent of eurojews oppose multiculti (but from an anti-islamist perspective), and that only aprox. 0,2 percent support nordic indigenous rights. I wish it wasnt so… However, there is in fact a strong anti-nordicist/ethnocentrist wing within the counter-jihad movement, represented by Fjordman and his Jewish network, the EDL-leader, the SIOE-leaders, Wilders, Farage etc., but their organisations are so heavily infiltrated by nordicists and ethnocentrists that its hard to say which wing are actually controlling them. … I could have easily avoided excessive pathologisation by keeping the message short and by clinging to the already established ideological cliff of national socialism (its important to remember that this was at a time when all right wing radicals were labeled as nazis), but if they had been allowed to label me as a nazi, the ideological considerations and discussions would be over, and my court-speeches and propaganda performance would never be broadcasted world wide, during the trial. Furthermore, people would not be forced to seek answers in the compendium along the way. Regardless of their efforts, I felt I managed to make the best out of an almost impossible situation, despite of the fact that I made a few mistakes during the process.