Audio? Some pissed off White Aussie dude hold a gun, wearing battle camo walks up to a mosque and they 'greating him with hello brother' ...what was he doing in Turkey, N.Korea, Pakistan? (
submitted 6 years ago by 3103958?
17469984? 6 years ago
@hafen @kestrel9 something strange with all this @madmalloy @Conspirologist @heygeorge he's on facebook, it streams it on youtube facebook and now they want voat and 4chan banned?
17470234? 6 years ago
You expect them to come through the front door to get us?
17470478? 6 years ago
"Send in the Clowns" Krusty Gets Kancelled. ....Turkey releases CCTV of terror suspect in Istanbul, He went to North Korea in 2018! (Why?) also lots of time in Pakistan? 'Clown op'
17469831? 6 years ago
@hillaryisabitch @Chainsawninja whats happened? @lustig1374 @CubanDeathGrip @BinnyLad
17469984? ago
@hafen @kestrel9 something strange with all this @madmalloy @Conspirologist @heygeorge he's on facebook, it streams it on youtube facebook and now they want voat and 4chan banned?
17470234? ago
You expect them to come through the front door to get us?
17470478? ago
"Send in the Clowns" Krusty Gets Kancelled. ....Turkey releases CCTV of terror suspect in Istanbul, He went to North Korea in 2018! (Why?) also lots of time in Pakistan? 'Clown op'
17469831? ago
@hillaryisabitch @Chainsawninja whats happened? @lustig1374 @CubanDeathGrip @BinnyLad