17087697? ago

? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3068201/17087260 'Shriners are just another flavour of masons.

Here's an interesting tour of an abandoned shriner temple:'

17087723? ago


? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3068201/17087260 'Shriners are just another flavour of masons.

Here's an interesting tour of an abandoned shriner temple:' ' ... weird

17069921? ago

who are the fags @okhosting @Caesarkid1 @fastregister i notice the ritual a MTV awards

17049154? ago

Its always the Freemasons……..oh yeah, and the boomers, you left them out. And when you get the time……..go fuck yourself.

17049807? ago

@thewebofslime @Redcobra they play global games? @ProudBoy1 @middle_path @halinflorida these are the goyz who went into the Fed, put the eye on the Dollar?

17049608? ago

@MyCountryTheShithole @dan_k Why did Britbongs fuck over South Africa? Support invader negroes from Nigeria, Congo, Niger against their White cousins and brothers? Is this how much they hated Boer Afrikaans & hated aboriginal Khoisan ? @Scrooblemeyer @Norm85 @PaulNeriAustralia

17050244? ago

What is this post about, and why did you ping me to it?

I am not a britbong

17050787? ago

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17048453? ago

oy vey! shut it down!

17049896? ago

17049641? ago

they didnt like South Africa ... @HowMuchCanAKoalaBear @boekanier @Sw0rdofDamocles done a great job with Haiti also, some moronic players?

17048011? ago

Alex E. Jones doesn't talk about this stuff anymore?... another dumb conspiracy?

the same names would keep popping up?

Part of this Faustian bargain involved the House of Saud providing information to US intelligence on how to create mind-controlled assassins. The Muslim Brotherhood claims to have first perfected this technique during the 11th century Crusades when it launched a brutal parallel secret society known as the Assassins, who employed mind-controlled “lone gunmen” to carry out political assassinations of Muslim Saracen nationalists. The Muslim Brotherhood Assassins worked in concert with Knights Templar invaders in their attacks on progressive Arabs.

The same year Allen Dulles- 33rd Degree Freemason, Knight Templar, CFR-founding member and Rockefeller cousin- formed his alliance with the House of Saud, the CIA launched its MK-ULTRA mind control program using LSD produced by the Warburg banking dynasty’s Swiss Sandoz Laboratories. Dulles’ OSS assistant in Berne was James Warburg. With Sydney Gottleib at the wheel, MK-ULTRA sought to create a “Manchurian candidate”, a mind-controlled assassin to be utilized for CIA black operations. The city of Lausanne, where Dulles cut his deal, also housed a group known as Nazi International, led by Nazi intelligence officer Otto Skorzeny.

The Assassins took their name from the Arabic word hashshasin, meaning “hashish smoker”. Another Arabic word, assasseen, translates “guardians of the secrets”. The group was founded in 1094 by Hasan bin Sabah, who shares his surname with the crooked ruling family of Kuwait who themselves descend from the Hashemite clan. Hasan was schooled in the secrets of the Hebrew Cabala and studied at the Grand Lodge of Cairo, which also spawned the Afghan Illuminated Ones- the Roshaniya- who terrorized that country under the leadership of Bayezid Ansari in the 16th century.

The Assassins emerged from the Ismaili Muslim sect, which claims descendence from the Hebrew patriarch Abraham and his surrogate wife Hagar. The Ismailis formed “societies of wisdom” which morphed into the Grand Lodge of Cairo. The Druses that came to run the lodge claimed to be both Christians and Muslims and their protocol mirrored that of Grand Orient Freemasonry. The Cairo Lodge turned out the fanatics who aided the Knights Templar in their Crusade battles against Saracen Muslim nationalists.

bin Sabah, who called himself the Grand Master, formed his own Ismaili sect known as the Assassins. The group embraced the dogma that the end justifies the means, a belief they shared with their Masonic brethren and a trademark of modern-day religious and neo-Darwinian fundamentalists worldwide.

Masonic historian Albert Mackey states of the Assassins, “…connections to the (Knights) Templars, as historically proved, may have had some influence over that Order in molding, or at least in suggesting, some of its esoteric dogmas and ceremonies…The Templars entered at various times into amicable arrangements and treaty stipulations with the Assassins.”

According to Marco Polo, bin Sabah took over a valley where he built palaces surrounded by lush gardens and frequented by beautiful women. Young visitors would be lured in and drugged, believing they had found paradise. bin Sabah would then promise them a return to paradise if they would carry out political assassinations for him. bin Sabah’s promise is held out to this day to thousands of young Islamist suicide martyrs, whose missions are bankrolled by the House of Saud.

Islamic fundamentalism began its modern day meteoric rise in British administered India and found a permanent home in Pakistan. That country came into being in 1947 in a British attempt to divide Muslims from their Hindu Indian counterparts. Pakistani Islamism was carried forth by Mawdudi and a succession of military juntas backed by the Illuminati. Its spiritual epicenter is the Karachi-based Agha Khan Foundation- a subsidiary of the House of Windsor’s Crown Agency tentacle.

The majority of Western Arab allies embrace Islamic fundamentalism, which is quite congruent with global monopoly capitalism, since both are based on a return to rule by feudalistic monarchy. Most of the West’s Arab enemies embrace secular socialism, which aims to stop the exploitation of oil resources by the Four Horsemen and their Eight Families international banker owners. The great Arab leaders including the Egyptian Nasser, the Algerian Boumedienne, the Libyan Qaddafi, the Syrian Assad and the Iraqi al-Bakr all support(ed) a secular socialism (though Qaddafi to be precise is an anarcho-syndicalist), which poses a very real threat to the Illuminati elite.

Within years of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, CIA and MI6 were passing targeting information to the Ayatollah aimed at Iranian leftist groups like the Tudeh Party, the National Front and the People’s Mujahadeen. These nationalist parties had backed 1954 CIA/BP coup victim Mohammed Mossadegh and later spearheaded the Iranian Revolution through their Committee of 60 oilfield strikes in Khuzistan Province. http://hellasfrappe.blogspot.com/2012/10/must-read-illuminati-assassins-big-oil.html ? ...only conspiracy talk @WhiteRonin @bluntripkin the White Shapeshifter Boer South African got kicked out of the special club? @edistojim @bourbonexpert a secret group?

17048458? ago

... just a conspiracy goyim

17049747? ago

masons are a strange bunch @we_are_all_satoshi @yurisrevenge they tell you its just cosplay @Fetalpig @Ex-Redditor @fuckmyreddit

17053206? ago

Who are you, and why do you keep tagging me? And no, I'm not a mason.

Sidenote: If I dressed up as a mason and went to anime conventions would masons get offended?