17053361? ago

Stone cutters invested in the middle east and fighting over the sand box ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3060680/17025425

16788378? ago

ProtectVoat vs RPV ... who did what now? @2fast4u92 @EngelbertHumperdinck @jollux is this Q anon sheeeeit !!!

16788457? ago

calm b4 the soap box? @srayzie some one watch kike n kebab tv? @Vampyregod @AlabamaPatriot !? @GodsAngell @thewebofslime

16788351? ago

wut ? @KatHarzso

16969609? ago

user /u/mralexson @mralexson is a jihad kebab?

16789665? ago

don't ping me to anon subs ass face

16993893? ago

So @AntiLiberalBias is a raghead ?

16825166? ago

@plankO u guys are shit

16828907? ago

Planko is just one guy. Promise

16968277? ago

16971757? ago

Wait, have I (inquisitioner) even posted on any of the soapbox subverses?

16968528? ago

I'm not even part of this thread and I'm getting pinged!

16783009? ago

The fuck is this nonsense? I vote on what I want to

16825139? ago

does @myshpqmc have Low IQ ?

16781416? ago

Oi! Vey jihadist-o-phobia

16781653? ago

Why u spam soap box, why u say bad things about India ? @Talc @Mumbleberry @NeedleStack

16781697? ago

ask @truthwoke33 the reality of voat, arriving soon?

16781691? ago

Eat some street turds, pajeet.

16909949? ago

So they say user @WhereTheAngelsPlay is Iranian or Turkish?

16781560? ago

Dystopia is now and @nifecat @ScottRockview what is soap box? @Ifckstacy @Snarkfest @Biggerpotato

16781983? ago

Wtf are you talking about?

16786536? ago

Generation Z = a mulatto Generation Chimp out, addicted to weed, beer and porn .... @lollo9990 @indr4 @MrMan591 borrow some money goy, we can exchange yen, shekels and euro for a nasty shitty Dollar loan? @apricotlemons @talmoridor-x

16797235? ago

What are you implying that i'm a fucking nigger?

16781886? ago

the US media these days?

16788311? ago

what is soap box doing? @heygeorge @Dial_Indicator @Mumbleberry spam ??

16780863? ago

The only thing I agreen with jews or muslims on is how detestable the other group is. I hope they destroy each other.

16783551? ago

Cryptomuslims on Voat are advocating for Sharia-lite by Anon, Don't be fooled https://www.voat.co/v/anon/2895503 I've been here for 3+ years, and have watched a community go against @Puttitout for censoring users to openly discussing censoring other users for legal speech. https://voat.co/v/anon/2743957

16798149? ago

16799320? ago

That's random. Clearly you dont follow my posts. If you did you would know I disagree with everything in question in this post.

I dont even use anon subs unless I get rgeae random pings. You can openly talk to me; it's ok to message me or ping me in a thread where I can see your username. I currently have pings from anon subs allowed, but i dont have to keep it that way. Thanks.

16781875? ago

There are crypto muzzies on voat? @Empress ? ? why does inaminit write arabi iranian jihad anti american chicken scratch language? @Phantom42 @Reverse-Flash is he a raghead pretending to be a White American

16782413? ago

Are you asking phantom42 and reverse flash a question? Your lack of punctuation and syntax is somewhat confusing.

16786249? ago

People logged on voat, they were always worried about the secret investor, many said the shill type, hackers spammers and voting brigades of shills would come and they did come....users on voat posting here . .. even saying soap box was part of the problem? The users on voat posting here . .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net ... https://8ch.net/pol , https://gab.ai/topics ... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , .. ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , maybe move on and try video sites like vimeo, sendvid, bit.tube, liveleak, dailymotion, similar sites like https://phuks.co/ , or steemit.com , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ .. , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ?? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/ its time to say goodbye to voat just as you said goodbye to 9gag or tumblr or reddit or whatever cabal run website that came before

16787147? ago

What does that have to do with phantom42 and reverse?

16781008? ago

And they openly admit it every day https://www.voat.co/v/whatever/3007688/16493554 Oy vey, we make such beautiful music together!

16780727? ago

@mxcviel @sand_mann @friendshipistragic @1Sorry_SOB Q anon became Jew-Anon ? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3016505/16583381 Q followers are usefull idiots. But they're unaware of this fact because... They're idiots.

16781900? ago

hollyweird warmonger bankers vs jihadi moslem pallywood

16780405? ago

you niggers ! @OhRutherfordBehave @Crensch down vote

16780172? ago

.... some day soon voat will be ban hammered

16780284? ago

@bdmthrfkr @ex-redd @gabara secret investors and voat recently got an anal? @kevdude @bourbonexpert

16796416? ago


16796499? ago

@admin2 @ShinyVoater @modsrcuntz more skool diversity @Derpfroot @uvulectomy ok goyims

16797840? ago

You basically want children to die if you don't want diversity. . .obviously.

16796406? ago

why anon?

16796512? ago

Why do gays fall for the raghead bullshit and get played by islamics @Scrooblemeyer ?

16781384? ago

I'm Voat-Famous!

I've actually had the same idea with the infiltration of shills on behalf of the new investors...sadly, I am not (but, if any jew investors are listening: I am willing to sell my services)



16780159? ago

Soap box dindu nuffins @Butterbread @EmmetMcTaggart ya'll no wut im sayin' n sheeeeit? @freshmeat @Gorillion @8_billion_eaters

16789856? ago

Ahhh... Soap Box is good. ...mostly shit, but every once in a while, y'all post some good stuff.

16780167? ago

don't blame soap box!

16780452? ago

16781972? ago

Why, are you some kind of faggot, didn't like what I have to say so try to collude for downvotes? I don't spam anyone, if you have a problem say it in a reply. Anonymous too, what a pussy.