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16514502? ago

Secret investments, what the ... @Laurentius_the_pyro @Empress @keksupreme time to move on

16514556? ago

Remember when voat just got 'An Anal'.... I already said this place was done, lots of other similar sites out there 'I don't know if i like it. What does Voat stand to gain from these changes?

Seems to me it will breed a lot of fuckery and infighting.

Though, my mind isnt made up yet, im going wait and to check out the comments and see if anyone comes up with some positives that i haven't thought of...'

16514633? ago

@0fsgivin @truthwoke33 @totes_magotes ? predictions? secret cabal clubs, isn't this what killed reddit?

16517281? ago

No, what killed Reddit was the admins and mods were paid to push the PC agenda in full and to kill conservative normal posts and suspend or ban conservative voices on those subs. This is nothing like that at all. Maybe some shills on the site but the investor silencing conservative voices is a big NO.

16631153? ago

what? @oftotc

16638913? ago

You so know Spec the head of the Reddit board was given 2 million by some liberal and he in turn paid the mods to clamp down on stuff that is against the narative. I thought everyone knew that. It's the reason Reddit went from free speech to ban anyone that puts something up that is Trump related or anti liberal in any way. It just didn't spontaneously happen it was a paid plan to turn Reddit into a liberal echo chamber. Hell seeing how they've dropped in their ratings in popularity it seems like the plan didn't think that this could backfire. Hell the front page of the internet is becoming the obituary soon enough because without back and forth intelligent conversation things become boring really quickly.

16531459? ago

@SJWs_R_FAAAGS soap box dindy ya'll sheeeit

16514836? ago

What killed reddit was Major Woody and Private Parts, SJW warriors in the PCA (Pinko Commie Army)

16531475? ago

why u say bad thing about India @Mumbleberry

16531843? ago

Why you no poo in loo, pajeet?

16514927? ago

well we got the pinko commies like henry corp, if you beat them they make new names run Chicago, AnonAll, US Constitution etc The Jews and Turks always wear masks, there are shit tons hiding in the shadows ... the Alt-Right some of them are just a fascist version of the Leftwing commies. Is voat free ... hell no ! Lots of big subs on voat are already hijacked, a shit ton are disabled from the last big attack because of the spammers, in a desperate attempt to lock them out, and in a way they are winning