16104763? ago

17142367? ago

Super Douche is one of Dial's many alts that was banned

16102040? ago

It has come to my attention, as member of SBBH, that you are talking shit. I am issuing you a letter of counsel and am reprimanding you, effective immediately. Henceforth, you are prohibited from discussing such topics and exiled to the Outer Limits. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

16101987? ago

You rookie faggots. I trolled you with this post.

16093501? ago

SBBH is the synagogue of voat.

16093844? ago

@xenoPsychologist @JJNova @totes_magotes They have been trying to transform voat into another reddit clone reddit.com/r/SoapboxBanhammer/ nasty fags @AndrewBlazeIt @d0c5

16094055? ago

check mah dubs!

16099438? ago

@dudelol ...
https://voat.co/v/news/2970251/16090327 Imagine having to try so hard that you call basic and obvious truths “unsubstantiated and reckless”.

Why is it reckless? If I said a purple dinosaur lives in the sky, would that be reckless? Hmmmm.....

16099492? ago

i had just wandered into that post to have a look at it, but you totally didnt acknowledge the dubs.

16101952? ago

Dubs decides my fate.

16102496? ago

penis smashed with a hammer!

looks like your penis lives another day.

16091909? ago

American Women Have Already Taken 10.42 Miles of Cock https://www.voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/2686848 ?

16092255? ago

....Heeeeaaay ..... @heygeorge ...Haaaay....Heeey /u/heygeorge ... Hey George, don't make it bad Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart Then you can start to make it better HeyGeorge, don't be afraid You were made to go out and get her The minute you let her under your skin Then you begin to make it better And anytime you feel the pain, hey George, refrain Don't carry the world upon your shoulders For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder Naaaaaa naaa nah nah nah nah nah nah nah

16091941? ago

arab faggots and jews attack voat ? @RedditSureDoesSuck @BlackGrapeDrank @Sound_Flames what is this soap box bullshit @YoHomie @SquarebobSpongebutt

16093083? ago

Which side of this are you saying I'm on?

16091859? ago

SBBH stole my colostomy bag REEEeeeeeeeeeeee

16094348? ago

Do it Feggits. Bring that bitch ass shit.

16092098? ago

@ItsBad is a tranny

16092010? ago

dont tell me what to do you filthy goy

16091695? ago

half of them are faggots niggers or israeli or arab, the rest of soap box are just stoned drug addicted losers @WhiteRonin @TheBuddha @heygeorge they also illegally brigade, spam other boards and manipulate votes ... the report spammers sub does nothing

17142360? ago

Indeed, Dial_Indicator is an alcoholic. They are a bunch of losers.

16111946? ago

What’s illegal again?

16091756? ago

That post above mine was made by SBBH.

Our detractors are even less literate and make much stronger accusations.

We are just that awesome, really.

16092053? ago

SBBH makes all other subs jelly. And I'm not @Hangry.

16092218? ago

Damned right.

16094952? ago

? @Korky

16091671? ago

SBBH is your warm and welcoming home away from home on the wide wide interwebs world

16091713? ago

they are creeps doing weird shit

16091934? ago

We are the lovable fuzzballs of voat. Honestly, just a few people with a weird sense of humor.

16092076? ago

They are just not funny @lets_get_hyyerr @Caesarkid1 @Mumbleberry @L3D or criminal smut merchants from reddit ?

16092111? ago

I am SBBH and never have had a reddit account. Diddle your wee wee elsewhere.

16099459? ago

go back to reddit faggot @Dial_Indicator

16103152? ago

@Dial_Indicator...I've been accused of being you. You owe me a backrub.

16103952? ago


@Dial_Indicator...I've been accused of being you

just go with it next time, but make damn sure you pm me about it. I seriously would die laughing

16104113? ago

ha I be hangry, you got jelly?

16104180? ago


16104192? ago

Would you like some chips n salsa?

16104247? ago

you realize i could crush anon subs? @gabara @zkyklon_b @puttitiout

but i dont cause im not a fucking faggot, i crush faggots

i had more to say but fuck you!

16103923? ago

lucky for you.....i just happen to like to give back rubs.....


16103018? ago

i will hurl lava at your faggot acne face you prissy little bitch


16100852? ago

Never been there.

16092088? ago

Don't ping me along with that redditard hyerr

16092188? ago

WTF happened here? @tendiesonfloor @salvia_d @Conspirologist @hafen ?? https://voat.co/v/aww/2927128/15695244 The world is a better place with goats. SBBH, not so much.

16091658? ago

Is that a question?

16091734? ago

didnt they get banned recently, something about Q boomers and heygeorge?

16091914? ago

No. SBBH lives!

16091649? ago

The fags allied with kikes and kebabs? @kevdude Go home to reddit you dumb worthless faggots !! @Dfens @plankO disgusting queers @SarMegahhikkitha @Talc they have tried many times to spam gay shit and weird gore on voat, soap box are worthless filth

16092304? ago

bunch of stoned old faggots https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/2970330/16090675 LOL I can relate. Kind of like going from a sailboat to a trawler...sigh.