13981135? ago

Faggots gonna fagg.

13981921? ago

Cryptomuslims on Voat are advocating for Sharia-lite 'Don't be fooled.' .. https://voat.co/v/anon/2658299

13978587? ago

saidit is ok but gab could be better https://saidit.net/s/conspiracy/ sbbh have lost their power

13971554? ago

user SyriansAreTerrorists is a depraved jewish pornographer who fucks negroids

13981231? ago

Seems like his deal where he sticks his penis. Does he prefer attractive European looking blacks?


13971669? ago

Yeah? I have not been following this... what's up?

  • GBTR

13953458? ago

' It's getting so crazy.' https://phuks.co/s/Whatever/47134

13952681? ago

13953211? ago

You rang?

13953433? ago

What's the spam war about?? and btw this one was funny, a major Q anon decoder with an influential blog and Jewtube channel. Said to be part of the reddit power mods within theawakening sub on reddit itself, then was silenced, censored, was a banned from reddit, came here tried to turn voat into a reddit clone and is butt hurt that voat users were rude to him calling him jew nigger fag etc...

13954355? ago

Nice summation!

13991958? ago

your tavern is a stupid shithole @ExpertShitposter

13992359? ago

Nigga, i'm just here drinking my cheap red wine and cola. I eint got nothing to do with anything in this thread.

14018766? ago

13952588? ago

@PieceSeeker wants to add Mumbleberry as spam police.... what would be done about soap box and the smutty porn spammers ?

13952670? ago

? ask /u/ Mumbleberry

13948541? ago

Sir, this rant makes you sound high.

13950079? ago

@SHIVASHIVASHIVA is a paki turk ?

13950318? ago

Pakis and Turks are totally different groups of people.

13980422? ago

But confusing them with each other will infuriate both. It is actually a fun game to play.

13950469? ago

they both pray to the jihadi pedo mohammed