Ellen Degenerate is a notorious sexual harasser on the set? (catbox.moe)
submitted 4.6 years ago by 3911051?
24711815? 4.5 years ago
So Wayfair is doing guns or drugs? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3921127/24705175
24612087? 4.6 years ago
You can still see the usernames they blacked out lol.
24612010? 4.6 years ago
It doesn't matter your "orientation"(false binary to legitimize dead end degenerates)...if you define yourself by who you fuck (or even who you are attracted to) you are a vapid loser.
24711815? ago
So Wayfair is doing guns or drugs? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3921127/24705175
24612087? ago
You can still see the usernames they blacked out lol.
24612010? ago
It doesn't matter your "orientation"(false binary to legitimize dead end degenerates)...if you define yourself by who you fuck (or even who you are attracted to) you are a vapid loser.