17591338? ago

where should we post the video, manifesto, ect. we should flood everything NZ

17589488? ago

At lease we are still allowed to watch midget anal porn. Thank you government for not censoring everything yet, here's my taxes.

17588605? ago

Does anyone have the manifesto available for download?

17586917? ago

It should be easy to find every NZ reporter and politicians email. We need an operation voat to get this done.

17587046? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3113271/17579017 'I don’t rule out glow in the dark type shit. But it’s up to the public to stand up to the bullshit the government tries to pull.'

17586732? ago


Annoys are on it already

17587569? ago

Weaponized autism at it's finest

17586436? ago

Do you honestly think THEY will get in trouble for having it?

17586263? ago

This is a great idea

17586073? ago

What do children do when you repeatedly tell them there are new cookies but they're not allowed to have any?


The way NZ attempts to crack down on this will only cause further dissemination of the manifesto.

They can't all be that stupid though. They must understand the effect their actions have. Are they doing this on purpose? If so, why?

17587027? ago


'I live in Aus. I dont have any issue getting onto voat. I dont really go to the chans much but was able to get onto the 8chan site with no issue either.

Update: Ok Ive realised that I cant access voat/8chan via 4g network. I can only access through my home internet. Weird thing is my 4g & home network are by the same provider. Theyre not Telstra but I believe they run on the Telstra network. At least I still have access.'

17585960? ago

at this point if you're white and you live in the CUCKED anglospheres

you go to the gulag

17587065? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098487/17411846 'The Shooter is MkUltra Glow in the Dark Fucker - for sure. Probably had C_A and Mos$ad Toilet paper in his bathroom, too.'

17585421? ago

Current Chan gag is to attach it to the contents page of the Mueller Report and pepper links everywhere you can.

17587521? ago

@WorldView https://voat.co/v/news/3114490/17586034 'Possible 14 years for possessing "objectionable" material? What a joke!'

17585295? ago

New Zealand has no jurisdiction over me. They can stick their threats up their sanctimonious asses.

17585585? ago

New Zealand needs to be reminded that they've never ruled the world, and the shooting didn't give their white people a license to play the victim card.


First the victims were the Muslims that got shot in the mosque. Then it was New Zealand as a whole. Now the victims are the poor white people running the government that have people openly disagreeing with their reactionary knee-jerk rhetoric.

The SJW snowflakes running NZ have managed to masterfully twist the narrative to usurp the position of the actual victims. You know? Those people that got shot?

17586452? ago

No ... The actual victims are the white people that had to put up with those ass-lifting shitskin goat fuckers in the first place.

17586828? ago

You may have a bit of a point...

17585391? ago

And some people actually want a globalized society like the utopia shown in Star Trek. The idea of creating a planet wide jurisdiction is actually pretty scary. Combine that with facial recognition and earth becomes nothing more than a giant prison.

17586631? ago

At least, in Star Trek, you can go off-planet. :-P

17586244? ago

Prison planet, goy.

17586416? ago

@NosebergShekelman ... I'd like you to read "Dune" and see exactly what happens to a people kept on a prison planet.

17586473? ago

I've read it. Its one of my fav books. I implore all goys to read it.

17586187? ago

Its a fantasy that has plenty of holes

17585979? ago

Absofreaking lutely the Australian msm points at China's firm control of their internet (censorship) an cries about how bad it is an then pats our ISP's on the back when they do the same thing . the screws are tightening on everyone's freedoms and its only in the last 2-3 years that i can actually understand why the USA's 2nd amendment is so important .

17586449? ago

And the 1st. They go together, the second protects the first and the first makes it so you don't have to use the second because things can be debated in a civilized way.

17586124? ago

When your government becomes your enemy, your firearm is a good friend.

17596427? ago

Here in Australia we have no guns ( well you can have a rifle if youre in a club or have a farm ) no freedom of speech and have laws that can prevent freedom of association as well as laws designed to stop you protesting . we pat ourselves on the back and tell the world how few people get shot here but then import niggers from sudan who then run amok and stab whoever they can . our cops are all pussies who if god forbid have to shoot someone end up having 6 months off on stress leave followed by a payout for ptsd.each time there is a shooting the cops get better guns (the ones they want removed from us) and more laws equating to more power (unjustified searches etc|). ive readd our Australian constitution and it is pretty much entirely about the powers of the government with nothing about the rights of the people. australia initially was set up as a settlement of rich with convicts to do the hard work for free and the rich families who came here first are still the powerful and influential ones . we didnt have slaves here ...we are the slaves

17585944? ago

I've seen enough gundam to know how shit it is

17586308? ago

I've never watched it and now I'm interested. Any good point to start?

17586703? ago

Iron blood orphans, most recent, the mc doesn't fuck around.

Mobile suit gundam, the first serries of the main timeline.

Gundam wing, the series that made gundam famous in the west. Starts out weird with the mc trying to kill himself a bit too much, but gets better.

17584946? ago

The government are above the law.

17585037? ago

Yeah you would need to target low level government employees or on the edge normies, then report them after you send it to their email.

With a little luck a lot of people get pissed as fuck.

17587084? ago

Yea, normies think they can just cuck their way through life.