17439445? ago

strange goings on or just conspiracy talk?

17520596? ago

he was over seas a long time

17491612? ago

Posbiec was always exposed - he's a Moss shill. Controlled opposition PoS. Any day now Jack will turn on our POTUS like Coulter did. The cabal is running out of ammo. https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3105471/17486786

17438192? ago

This one is very odd @Atomized_Individual @kaste whats with all those strange countries? @Atarian @Conspirologist @Camulos

17481178? ago

That article is very poorly written. It's either by a non-English speaker or it's by someone with schizophrenia.

I'm gonna wait until we get corroborating reports before I believe anything here.

17618664? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3117634 New Zealand's Jewish Freemason Shooter Tarrant Brenton Admired Norwegian Freemason Shooter Anders Breivik Who Was Linked To Mossad By dacason

17438230? ago

I think they put a mandate on the ISPs or something. https://www.voat.co/v/Conspiracy/3100460/17433603 You can get around it but it is still concerning.

17438121? ago

visited these places in the past few years. North Korea, Pakistan, Montenegro, Serbia, Dubai, Ukraine, Bulgaria, France, Poland.Turkey, Bosnia,.. first 2 would put him on a watch list ? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3101133

17438109? ago

Seems to get more weird @madmalloy @Civil_Warrior ? just a conspiracy @olieman @senpaithatignoresyou @Tripsick who are the Masonic Shriners ??