Shooter had 'For Rotherham' written on his magazines? Is the raw news vid anywhere? (
submitted 5.8 years ago by 3096782?
17488716? 5.7 years ago
PM of NZ ?
17386614? 5.8 years ago
His facebook Thanks Mark Zucker! Ban Fuckerberg top shit posts, i blame soap box btw @feelme @clamhurt_legbeard @ToFat2Fish and this interweb thing?? Shut It Down!! and PewDiePie is finished??
17430793? 5.8 years ago
Do you have Tourette’s?
17386649? 5.8 years ago
Oy vey will some one think of the poor refugees.
17382604? 5.8 years ago
Here's the pics of his gear that I pulled from 8ch last night
17471509? 5.7 years ago 'En passant would be two moves if you count taking the captured pawn off the board.'
17441582? 5.8 years ago
There was talk of Shriners and Jesters but who are 'THE CLOWNS' ?
17441755? 5.8 years ago
Oh shit. . .It's been the Queers, Shriners and Clowns all along! They're building landing strips for gay aliens.
17380936? 5.8 years ago
17380798? 5.8 years ago :
2019-03-15 | Mister AntiBully (@MisterAntiBully) | Twitter
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17488716? ago
PM of NZ ?
17386614? ago
His facebook Thanks Mark Zucker! Ban Fuckerberg top shit posts, i blame soap box btw @feelme @clamhurt_legbeard @ToFat2Fish and this interweb thing?? Shut It Down!! and PewDiePie is finished??
17430793? ago
Do you have Tourette’s?
17386649? ago
Oy vey will some one think of the poor refugees.
17382604? ago
Here's the pics of his gear that I pulled from 8ch last night
17471509? ago 'En passant would be two moves if you count taking the captured pawn off the board.'
17441582? ago
There was talk of Shriners and Jesters but who are 'THE CLOWNS' ?
17441755? ago
Oh shit. . .It's been the Queers, Shriners and Clowns all along! They're building landing strips for gay aliens.
17380936? ago
17380798? ago :
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